Nate Ritter


Technical Entrepreneur / founder / Web Chef / Travel Hacker

Port Townsend, WA
2007(e)ko urtarrilak(e)tik Twitterren

@nateritter blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @nateritter desblokeatuko.

  1. OMG OMG my driver in Ohio was the You've Got Mail voice Elwood Edwards!!! I made him say it in this video

  2. +++ to all the vets out there who fought/died for my right to vote for neither major party (+ the past 10 yrs of not voting), and to say so.

  3. Vote for someone, not just against.

  4. Good to see a 3rd party candidate >= 5% in half of the polls this week. I really hope it breaks the 2 party system! Go !

  5. Don't follow mean people, no matter who they are, or what they do.

  6. All the leaves have fallen. << C'est l'hiver. >>

  7. OH: Everybody wants a gold medal. Few people want to train like an Olympian.

  8. Recommended read on : “Retiring vue-resource”

  9. 20VC: More $ Raised This Year Than The Past 15, War Chests Being Built & Decline In First Time Funds

  10. Design for less.

  11. Nate Ritter(e)k jarraitu du: , eta
  12. Does anyone else actually really hate emojis? Jeeze. No wonder the journalism industry is in trouble.

  13. Well, I have work to get done on my older, fatter, less touchy, more awesome MBP.

  14. Surprised it's not just called "Touch" or "Bar"... I could use a "Bar".

  15. I'd like to [esc] this

  16. Can Siri check all those illegal streaming sites for me? "Siri, turn on that game that's blacked out in my region." No? Hrm.

  17. Apple just gave you TV on the TV. You're welcome.

  18. I think I just heard the whispers of a few thousand employees updating their resumes.

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
