Languages on the Go

Exciting news! We are opening the Twitter Translation Center for sixteen new languages! They are:

  • Irish
  • Tamil
  • Galician
  • Welsh
  • Serbian
  • Bulgarian
  • Kurdish
  • Vietnamese
  • Croatian
  • Romanian
  • Latvian
  • Kannada
  • Belarusian
  • Bengali
  • Albanian
  • Slovak

These languages are part of our new system, where the community controls the translations 100%. Translations are automatically approved using an algorithm that takes into account the community votes. Please refer to this blog post for more information on how this system works.

If you speak one of these languages, sign up to the Translation Center and help us translate Twitter!

In May, we opened the Translation Center in this new system for six languages. We’ve already launched five of them: Catalan, Ukrainian, Greek, Czech and Basque. Now anyone can use in these languages and soon everyone will be able to use in these languages too. We are opening strings for translation into Catalan, Ukrainian, Greek, Czech and Basque so that speakers of these languages can access Twitter through their mobile web browsers on any device.

Thank you for your enthusiasm. In our goal to reach every person on the planet, you play an important part. Have feedback about your experience? Mention @translator in a Tweet!