How to use Foamee

Foamee is a free service that helps track who you owe beers or coffee to (and vice versa) using the popular messaging service, Twitter.

Follow these simple steps

  1. Create a Twitter account.

    You do have a Twitter account right? Twitter is a free service that enables you to update the world (or just your friends) in 140 characters or less via the web or mobile device. Yes, it’s addictive.

  2. Follow ioubeer and/or ioucoffee.

    It's important to follow those screen names before going on to the next step. This will make sense in just a minute.

    Please note: replies to @ioubeer and @ioucoffee will be publicly published on Foamee, even if you're keeping your Twitter updates private. This allows people to use Foamee even when they send updates to friends only.

  3. Send an I.O.U. to a deserving recipient.

    Just use the following format when you post a Twitter update to send either a beer or a coffee to someone:

    @ioubeer @twitterscreenname for being an amazing human being.

    That’s: @ioubeerSPACE@twitterscreennameSPACEreason for owing beer.

    You can also send a beer or coffee to anyone that’s not a Twitter member by enclosing their name in square brackets like this (using beer as an example):

    @ioubeer [Steve Jobs] for depleting my bank account.

    To send a coffee instead, just replace @ioubeer with @ioucoffee.

  4. Use Foamee.

    Watch I.O.U.s show up in the Foamee Pub. But more importantly, keep track of who you owe (and who owes you) by visiting your people page.

    Please note: Foamee is updated every 5 minutes.

  5. Redeem an I.O.U.

    The sender or receiver of a drink can stamp it as “REDEEMED” to let the world know the I.O.U. has been cashed in. Just send a direct message using the following formats:

    Redeemedd ioubeer redeem 12345678

    That’s: dSPACEioubeerSPACEredeemSPACEdrink_id_number

    To redeem a coffee instead, just replace ioubeer with ioucoffee.

    Please note: the drink ID number can be found in the URL and title of the drink's page (it’s also the same id as the Twitter status that originally created the I.O.U.).

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