Posts from Advertising on topicbrands

Deep Focus Executive Creative Director Ken Kraemer: Lessons learned in the creative newsroom

One advantage of producing a high volume of creative work at our agency Deep Focus is that you quickly learn how to make every piece of work published better and creatively richer than the last. And armed with the knowledge of what works and doesn’t work for some of the world’s top brands, best practices soon surface with exceptional clarity.

Here are three of my favorite lessons:

1. Microcontent is a new kind of creative.Read more…

How brands won the moment at #NYFW


Vogue Magazine editor Anna Wintour once famously observed about fashion, “It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten.” The world of fashion is driven by the moment. It’s about what’s current, fresh and hot right this second.

As the Spring 2014 collections hit runways around the globe this month, designers and brands are using Twitter to offer fashion followers world-wide a front row seat in real time.Read more…

London Fashion Week drives more buzz than ever on Twitter


Fashionistas across the UK got front row seats on Twitter during London Fashion Week on the back of an unprecedented level of creativity from brands as they found new ways to share the glamour and excitement.

This helped take conversation about #LFW on Twitter to new levels with a rise in tweets of almost 20% this year compared with 2012.Read more…

Donna Karan International's SVP of Global Communications Aliza Licht: "Twitter is my first love"

In 2009, Twitter was my first entrée into social media. Since then, I’ve joined many social platforms, but Twitter is still my favorite. You never forget your first love, right? What other platform in the world offers instant global engagement and up-to-the second news quite like Twitter? Yeah, that’s what I thought. It’s 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s made the world a smaller place.Read more…

NatWest gets creative with customer service on Vine


Twitter fulfills many roles for marketers, and one of the first that brands start with is customer service. We have seen brands open a direct conversation with customers on a scale that previously wasn’t possible.

In some cases, this can represent something of a logistical challenge, as brands look to find ways to quickly and succinctly deal with issues such as frequently-asked questions.Read more…

Twitter #CreativeFavorites: @CokeZero gives moms a Mother’s Day gift they’ll never forget

We regularly feature innovative campaigns and the creative agency teams behind them here on the Twitter Advertising blog. We encourage you to help us identify the best candidates and submit Twitter campaigns that deserve to be honored.

The Summary (in 140 characters or fewer)@CokeZero came to the rescue of distracted guys in need of Mother’s Day gifts using a real time Twitter contest.Read more…