
  1. Trying to explain to my mother why not paying to read an article online is not "stealing from the people who run the paper" -_- smh

  2. heh. finally managed to get my flatmate to do smth about it when we lost wifi completely for a wk. Been a problem for 6 mths

  3. Thing we learnt this week: wiring round a doorway does not make for good wifi. Every time the door closed it smashed the wire to smithereens

  4. Why not try it? Together we can make 'Gove' an insult that makes people complain to the BBC if its used before 9.

  5. also I'm flattered u find my presence reassuring, or is it simply that it's reassuring to have it in ur feed, not missing? ;D

  6. also taxi driver associating 3 streams with a holy legend is intriguing, as the concept itself is so religiously significant

  7. weirdest thing isn't the monster, but that he's fishing in a full suit, & don't tell me it's a boating blazer because: no.

  8. sitting here lookin at a scrapbook of exquisite, handmade, decoupage & scrap-fabric flowers made by a woman who is completely blind

  9. she thought it was an amazing idea :D As do I - that's the moment I realised you were something out of the ordinary/awesome.

  10. she loved hearing about the photos you took during the typhoon a few years ago showing donors exactly who they were helping

  11. hmm, well I was going to show her around your site/youtube tomorrow as I didn't have internets available as we chatted :) --

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