gapingvoid inspires leaders to lead and businesses to succeed.

We help clients affect real change, both inside and outside the organization.

We create work that amplifies your ideas in ways that deeply impact your teams, cus­to­mers and stakeholders.

We provide tools and strategies that establish emotional connections with business outcomes and enable businesses to express what actually matters to people.

We help you spark mea­ning­ful con­ver­sa­tions and get peo­ple to work smar­ter, more crea­ti­vely, and stay focu­sed on the things that really matter.

We do all this with quirky art and pithy copy, using scientifically sound methods to ignite crea­ti­vity and arti­cu­late sha­red pur­pose.

We are unique. Nobody does what we do. Nobody.


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Some are large, some are small, ALL of them are successful.

Click on the logos to see more.


Change Management

Move Your
Corporate Culture Forward

Your peo­ple, your cus­to­mers, and your pros­pec­tive hires all need to know what your busi­ness stands for, what actually matters.

Not only can we help you discover and articulate your company’s core purpose, our cul­ture prac­tice does what no other change mana­ge­ment advisors do: Give you tools to orga­ni­cally inform, spread, and grow your cul­ture, every hour of every day.

We have deve­lo­ped spe­ci­fic tools to do this.

We colla­bo­rate with other con­sul­tants and work directly with clients.  If you are a con­sul­tancy wishing to part­ner with us, please click here.


More about Change Management

More about Corporate Culture



There are only two daily newsletters that I look forward to opening and
reading every time they show up to my inbox: Seth Godin’s and gapingvoid.

- Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO



Supercharge your corporate event with unique cartoons and visual communications, that help make an event more fun, memorable and downright  awesome.

More about Corporate Events


Leadership Tools

Leadership Tools

“Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is often the har­dest part of leadership.”

gaping­void crea­tes ideas and ima­ges SPECIFICALLY for lea­ders: uni­que and crea­tive pre­sen­ta­tion decks, ani­ma­tions and other visual props that help deli­ver mes­sa­ges in unex­pec­ted, memo­ra­ble and more mea­ning­ful ways.

These visuals are not only desig­ned to delight and disarm your audience, they’re desig­ned make you and your mes­sage sing, win­ning your audience over, making them want to talk about you and your vision for months to come.

More about Leadership Tools


Office Art

Inspiring Surroundings make for Inspired Work.”

Done right, an ima­ge on a wall can teach, ins­pire, moti­vate and broad­cast your most impor­tant ideas and beliefs.

Done wrong, it’ll just dis­play pretty pic­tu­res that nobody cares about.

The deci­sion to clearly state what mat­ters for all to see, is not just a busi­ness deci­sion, it’s a moral deci­sion.

You can be like nearly every other business, or you can step up, take a stand, and let everyone know what it is that your com­pany actually stands for.

It’s not about deco­ra­ting, it’s about beliefs.  It’s not about aesthe­tics, it’s about lea­dership.

And once you’ve taken that stand, the word spreads.

Once you’ve taken that stand, it will serve as a mag­net to attract like-minded cus­to­mers and emplo­yees, it will sort out the peo­ple who get it and the one’s who don’t.

At best, it will inspire your peo­ple to great­ness. At least, it will start A LOT of the right conversations.

More about Office Art

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More about Animation More about Explainer Videos


 Click on the thumbnails below to see some of our client animations…


animation-hp animation-rackspace animation-techcrunch animation-cartoon animation-red-cross

Social Objects

Social Objects

our secret weapon


Want to get customers talking about your product? You need to give them things to start conversations. We make those ‘things’ and we call them Social Objects.

They are what people share online. They are what generate word of mouth. They are the fuel of today’s social web. We create images that compel your audience to share and grow your awareness.

These images don’t just sit on walls or screens, they come alive evoking emotion, rea­li­za­tion and con­nec­tion. They are shared, often fanatically so and are desig­ned to spread through social chan­nels. They let your fans tell your story, getting you noti­ced in a way that no other medium can.

[Click Here for more about Social Objects.]


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His work acknowledges the absurdity of workaday life, while also encouraging employees to respond with passion, creativity, and non-conformity...   MacLeod’s work is undeniably an improvement over the office schlock of yore. At its best, it’s more honest, and more cognizant of the entrepreneurial psyche, while still retaining some idealism.

The New Republic
Lydia Depillis

Last year my State of the College address was 76 slides loaded with data. This year it was 14 cartoons that were substantially more memorable.

Len Schlesinger
Former President, Babson College

"There are only two daily newsletters that I look forward to opening and reading every time they show up to my inbox: Seth Godin's and gapingvoid."

Tony Hsieh
CEO, Zappos

Hugh MacLeod is a genius.  Genius.

Seth Godin
Best Selling Author

In moments of indecision I glance at the wall [to Hugh's work] for guidance.

Brian Clark
  • The New Republic
  • Len Schlesinger
  • Tony Hsieh
  • Seth Godin
  • Brian Clark