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Semen-Like Food Replacement Lands $1.5 Million Investment

Soylent is a tough sell, as it's impossible to try it and not think about eating sperm. But it's a cult hit among a certain Silicon Valley subset, which swears it's actually a viable alternative to the venerable human pastime of chewing. It sounds (is?) crazy, but not too crazy to get a big new funding round. Read… 10/21/13 2:58pm Yesterday 2:58pm

Read… 10/21/13 2:58pm Yesterday 2:58pm

Silicon Valley's Ultimate Exit Is a Fantasy of Seceding from the U.S.

Silicon Valley's Ultimate Exit Is a Fantasy of Seceding from the U.S.

What if the perfect liquidity event for Silicon Valley was not a blockbuster IPO, or an acquisition that paid out at some insane multiple, but a literal exit from the United States of America? No more lumbering bureaucracies, no lobbying incumbents, no "petty" laws, no obstructionist unions. That's what a Stanford lecturer and genetics startup cofounder Balaji Srinivasan proposed at Y Combinator's annual startup school this weekend. Read… 10/21/13 2:29pm Yesterday 2:29pm

Read… 10/21/13 2:29pm Yesterday 2:29pm

Today's Startup Cult Meeting Is Completely Incoherent

Most crazed collections of likeminded nuts have something you could call an agenda. Maybe it's "startup assholes drinking wine on a mountain," or "lizard people are real," or something. But I have absolutely no fucking clue what "Camp Mighty" is about. Read… 10/18/13 5:41pm Friday 5:41pm

Read… 10/18/13 5:41pm Friday 5:41pm

This Asshole Misses the Shutdown

Someday, we'll be able to replace the public good with some sort of app or Twitter-connected mug—but for now, tech's strategy seems to be just ignoring notions of "society" and "cooperation." For many powerful figures in Silicon Valley, the federal shutdown was proof they don't need to care about you. Read… 10/17/13 5:44pm Thursday 5:44pm

Read… 10/17/13 5:44pm Thursday 5:44pm

Leaked Emails Show How Palantir Founder Recruits for Global Domination

Leaked Emails Show How Palantir Founder Recruits for Global Domination

The world-changing aspirations of Twitter and Facebook are a drop in the bucket, a single bloom in an Arab Spring, compared to what former Palantir cofounder Joe Lonsdale wants to do with Formation 8, a venture capital firm that raised $448 million to modernize and disrupt all of Asia's power centers, basically. The leaked emails (below) show how Lonsdale intends to recruit engineers to his cause: by making them “feel special because they think they've been identified by technology [i.e. Palantir] that helped locate bin Laden.” Read… 10/17/13 12:15pm Thursday 12:15pm

Read… 10/17/13 12:15pm Thursday 12:15pm

New Condos in SF Startup Turf Selling for $1,400 Per Square Foot

If you're looking for housing in San Francisco and aren't literally Ev Williams, you might want to consider just killing yourself or trying to find a place in prison: Curbed reports "more than 100 people" just tried to buy condos in the Mission that are setting records for insane overpricing. Read… 10/16/13 2:58pm Wednesday 2:58pm

Read… 10/16/13 2:58pm Wednesday 2:58pm

Steve Jobs' Ex: "Our lovemaking had been sublime"

Chrisann Brennan became involved with Apple's founding tyrant when the company and he were both very young—they went on to have a daughter, who he abandoned for a large part of her childhood. But at least, according to a new tell-all, "Steve and I still shared nights of lovemaking so profound that...fifteen years later, … Read… 10/15/13 11:04am 10/15/13 11:04am

Read… 10/15/13 11:04am 10/15/13 11:04am

The NSA Is Scanning Your Facebook Friends and Email Contacts

Cool, more things to be terrified of: the Washington Post has more Ed Snowden slides detailing our federal government's data mining operations, and they are bad. Hundreds of millions of address books across Facebook, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, and other various inboxes are subject to secret NSA collection. Read… 10/14/13 7:46pm 10/14/13 7:46pm

Read… 10/14/13 7:46pm 10/14/13 7:46pm

The Deleted Web Poetry of Jack Dorsey

The Deleted Web Poetry of Jack Dorsey

Soon, 36-year-old Jack Dorsey will be the chairman of a publicly traded Twitter, and worth hundreds of millions of dollars. A decade prior, before screwing his friends and changing the internet, he was JakDaemon: a moody young man in St. Louis, desperate to share his beauty with the world. Here's his archive. Read… 10/14/13 3:38pm 10/14/13 3:38pm

Read… 10/14/13 3:38pm 10/14/13 3:38pm

Cory Booker's Failing Video Startup Sold for Peanuts

Waywire—which served briefly as an unpopular connection between Senate hopeful Cory Booker and his influential friends in tech—has a new owner. AllThingsD says it's "unlikely that the deal placed a high value on Waywire." Read… 10/14/13 12:39pm 10/14/13 12:39pm

Read… 10/14/13 12:39pm 10/14/13 12:39pm