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Choose the Airport Security Line Based on the Number of TSA Agents

Pop quiz, hotshot: You just want to get through security so you can relax at the gate or airport lounge. Which security line do you choose? "Travel Detective" Peter Greenberg says picking the shortest line isn't always the best tactic. Read… 10/22/13 7:30am 20 minutes ago

Read… 10/22/13 7:30am 20 minutes ago

Avoid Using Your Phone to Improve Posture and Confidence

It's not news that a lot of us spend too much time on our smartphones. However, some research has shown that prolonged usage of phones instead of larger, more open devices like a desktop, can have a negative impact in our posture, mood, and confidence. Read… 10/22/13 7:00am 50 minutes ago

Read… 10/22/13 7:00am 50 minutes ago
moneyBy Aaron Shepherd

Five Financial Beliefs I Was Wrong About

Five Financial Beliefs I Was Wrong About

Last week my wife was surfing the internet to find out the ideal temperature and cooking time to bake a potato. As she was digging for the information, she discovered an interesting fact: to properly bake a potato, you should place it bare on a cooking sheet (though, coated with oil and your choice of seasoning, of course). Mind blown. Read… 10/22/13 6:00am Today 6:00am

Read… 10/22/13 6:00am Today 6:00am

This Database of Android ROMs Helps You Choose the Best One For You

If you're interested in giving your phone a new operating system, or you want to breathe new life into an old device, installing a new ROM is a great way to go. However, there are dozens of ROMs available, and picking the best one can be tricky. This massive database will help you find the right one for you. Read… 10/22/13 5:30am Today 5:30am

Read… 10/22/13 5:30am Today 5:30am

Ultimate Sound Control Can Tweak Every Noise Your Android Phone Makes

Android (Rooted): The default sound control options in Android leave a bit to be desired, and don't let you discretely adjust notifications, calls, media, or even choose which notification sounds play when. Ultimate Sound Control changes all of that, and does what its name implies. Read… 10/22/13 4:30am Today 4:30am

Read… 10/22/13 4:30am Today 4:30am

How to Declutter Your Facebook News Feed Once and For All

How to Declutter Your Facebook News Feed Once and For All

When was the last time you looked at your Facebook feed and actually liked everything you saw? For all of Facebook's fancy algorithms, it can never create the perfect feed for you. Here's how to declutter that feed once and for all and only see the stuff you care about. Read… 10/22/13 4:00am Today 4:00am

Read… 10/22/13 4:00am Today 4:00am

How do I budget when my income and spending are volatile?

Great discussions are par for the course here on Lifehacker. Each day, we highlight a discussion that is particularly helpful or insightful, along with other great discussions and reader questions you may have missed. Check out these discussions and add your own thoughts to make them even more wonderful! Read… 10/21/13 3:00pm Yesterday 3:00pm

Read… 10/21/13 3:00pm Yesterday 3:00pm

Show Us Your Favorite Bathroom Hack

Show Us Your Favorite Bathroom Hack

Getting ready for bed. Getting ready for work. Answering nature's call. Caring for your teeth, your skin, your kids, your pets. We spend a lot of our time in bathrooms. What clever tricks have you come up with to make that time a little easier? Read… 10/21/13 2:30pm Yesterday 2:30pm

Read… 10/21/13 2:30pm Yesterday 2:30pm
communicationBy James Clear

How to Deal with Judgment and Criticism in a Healthy Way

How to Deal with Judgment and Criticism in a Healthy Way

It doesn’t matter how you choose to live your life—whether you build a business or work a corporate job; have children or choose not to have children; travel the world or live in the same town all of your life; go to the gym five times a week or sit on the couch every night—whatever you do, someone will judge you for it. Read… 10/21/13 1:00pm Yesterday 1:00pm

Read… 10/21/13 1:00pm Yesterday 1:00pm

Ask an Expert: All About Smarter Grocery Shopping

Ask an Expert: All About Smarter Grocery Shopping

Say hi to Erin Gifford of Ziplist, a service that simplifies meal planning and grocery shopping. Ziplist integrates with some of the web's best food sites, allows you to search more than 1 million recipes, and supplies users with relevant coupons. It also exports lists and meal plans to mobile devices, making grocery shopping that much easier. Erin is here for the next hour lending her expertise on smarter, faster food shopping—ask away! Read… 10/21/13 12:00pm Yesterday 12:00pm

Read… 10/21/13 12:00pm Yesterday 12:00pm

How Can I DIY in a Small Living Space?

How Can I DIY in a Small Living Space?

Dear Lifehacker,
I love DIY projects—both household and electronic—but I live in an apartment in the city, and I don't have much space to work. How can I get my DIY fix without worrying about fumes, storage, sawdust, or bothering my neighbors with the noise of power tools? Read… 10/21/13 10:00am Yesterday 10:00am

Read… 10/21/13 10:00am Yesterday 10:00am

How to Use Your Smartphone to Get Better Pictures with a Real Camera

How to Use Your Smartphone to Get Better Pictures with a Real Camera

Most people just use the camera in their smartphone out of sheer convenience, but some of us prefer the superior image quality of a standalone camera. Can’t decide between the two? There is a middle ground: with a few apps, tips, and techniques, your smartphone can connect to your camera to shoot and share a whole lot better. Read… 10/21/13 8:00am Yesterday 8:00am

Read… 10/21/13 8:00am Yesterday 8:00am
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dealsBy Alex BellerSponsoredBPromoted by Lifehacker Deals

How To Get Free WiFi Anywhere - 40% off FreedomPop

Free Internet, could it be true? Simply put, yes. And now, we've partnered with FreedomPop to make free WiFi even cheaper. With this exclusive package from FreedomPop, Lifehacker readers can get 4G LTE WiFi at the push of a button... For FREE. The offer is 40% off the latest Wireless Hotspot plus free monthly Internet. … Read… 10/21/13 7:36pm Yesterday 7:36pm

Read… 10/21/13 7:36pm Yesterday 7:36pm