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The Cold Reaction to Sexual Harassment in Journalism

On Friday, Scientific American announced that the editor of their blogs Bora Zivkovic had resigned. This wasn't related to that snafu they'd encountered a week prior, when they'd chosen to delete a post written by Danielle N. Lee, a black female contributor, after she'd called out an editor at a separate publication… Read… 10/21/13 3:05pm 22 minutes ago

Read… 10/21/13 3:05pm 22 minutes ago

Classifying Severe PMS as a Mental Disorder Screws Women Over

Classifying Severe PMS as a Mental Disorder Screws Women Over

If tired CBS sitcoms and hacky comedians are to be believed, ladies on they periods be crazy (chocolate & cats & wine & crying & Lifetime Original Movies & blanket clutching!). Now, thanks to the publication of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistics Manuel (the DSM V, for those of us who hate typing/pronouncing syllables), that trope is backed by mainstream psychology; premenstrual dysphoric disorder — or PMDD, again, for the syllabically averse — is now officially classified as a mental disorder. And while that might seem like a positive development for women who suffer emotionally debilitating hormonal states in the lead up to their monthly bloodletting, something about this change in PMDD's status seems... off. Read… 10/21/13 12:55pm Today 12:55pm

Read… 10/21/13 12:55pm Today 12:55pm

Toy Company Profits Are on the Rise Thanks to Girls Toys

Both Hasbro and Mattel have reported a growth in sales this month due to profits from products that skew pink. For Hasbro, that means Furby and My Little Pony. For Mattel, that means American Girl dolls and the ever-present Barbie doll. Read… 10/21/13 12:30pm Today 12:30pm

Read… 10/21/13 12:30pm Today 12:30pm

How to Find and Keep an Unemployed Boyfriend

How to Find and Keep an Unemployed Boyfriend

Not to brag, but I've spent years of my life with various Unemployed Boyfriends. None of them were lazy (well one of them was lazy); they'd just been dealt a shitty hand or were trying to make it in an industry that just wasn't that into them. The good news is that, as far as I'm (intermittent Facebook stalk) aware, they're okay now, working jobs that don't make them feel bad about themselves and making comfortable amounts of money, which they probably spend taking nice ladies out to dinner and various date-type jaunts. Read… 10/21/13 11:30am Today 11:30am

Read… 10/21/13 11:30am Today 11:30am

Nude Selfie-Taking Lawyer Advocates for Nude Selfie Takers Everywhere

If you're part of the small subset of people who pay attention to both Delaware and the law community in Delaware, I won't need to remind you who Brian Zulberti is. For the rest of you, Brian Zulberti is a man who likes to put the lawyers of Delaware on blast with emails about how he should be hired that included a… Read… 10/21/13 11:10am Today 11:10am

Read… 10/21/13 11:10am Today 11:10am

Evangelical Hell Houses Got Nothing on Lesbian Feminist Haunted House

Hell Houses — wack-ass haunted houses where instead of awesome ghouls and goblins attacking you with chainsaws, you are subjected to scenes depicting abortion and teen suicide intended to "lure people to Jesus" — are extremely dumb. In response, Toronto artist Allyson Mitchell created Kill Joy’s Castle, a lesbian… Read… 10/21/13 10:25am Today 10:25am

Read… 10/21/13 10:25am Today 10:25am
goofballery Laura BeckShared a Post byLauren Davis

Tom Hiddleston does Samuel L. Jackson as Motherf*cking Loki

Tom Hiddleston's impression of Owen Wilson playing Loki is remarkably spot-on, and it turns out that he has a bunch of these actors-as-Loki bits up his sleeve. His Samuel L. Jackson impression involves a bit more swearing. Read on io9 10/20/13 10:02pm Yesterday 10:02pm

Read on io9 10/20/13 10:02pm Yesterday 10:02pm

Sunday Sign-Off: If Only Bela Lugosi Really Had Been a Vampire

He'd still be alive today. With an anxious eye to the impending Halloween festivities, let's celebrate Bela Lugosi's almost perfectly-timed birthday. Lugosi would have been 130 today, and is best remembered for his role as Dracula in 1931. The cult status of Tim Burton's Ed Wood has probably made it cool for… Discuss… 10/20/13 6:30pm Yesterday 6:30pm

Discuss… 10/20/13 6:30pm Yesterday 6:30pm

When Everything's Shareable, You're Never Not Performing

When Everything's Shareable, You're Never Not Performing

A recent survey of 12,000 people aged 18+ in eight countries sings a very familiar refrain: 70 percent of people say that technology enhances their personal relationships, but 60 percent believe that it can be dehumanizing. This is a theme that's been revisited and rehashed and commented upon until it's been flattened into a pulp of a concept; upon that pulp, someone rested an iPad and posted a plaintive and soul-searching Facebook status. Read… 10/20/13 4:30pm Yesterday 4:30pm

Read… 10/20/13 4:30pm Yesterday 4:30pm