For about 5 minutes, from 13:36-13:41, users experienced issues viewing timelines on The issue also affected the ability to get new Tweets on mobile clients. This was due to a code-related error, which was quickly rolled back. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Some users may experience issues trying to access Access to Twitter on mobile apps is not affected.
Update: As of 14:19 PDT, this issue has been resolved. Due to a code-related error, a series of web servers went down from 13:48-14:19 PDT, making the website inaccessible for some users. We apologize for any inconvenience.
At 20:49 UTC, our DNS registrar experienced an issue in which it appears DNS records for various organizations were modified, including one of Twitter’s domains used for image serving, Viewing of images and photos was sporadically impacted. By 22:29 UTC, the original domain record for was restored. No Twitter user information was affected by this incident.
[UPDATE, 8/28/13: Post updated to reflect that the issue was with our DNS registrar, not our DNS provider.]