Preesall Saltfield Underground Gas Storage

About this project

Underground gas storage facility to store gas in, extract gas from and inject gas into, with a total storage capacity up to 900 million standard cubic metres and working capacity of up to 600 million cubic metres, both specified at standard temperatures and pressures, comprising:
(i) up to 19 operational caverns formed by solution mining of the Preesall halite deposit all to be constructed to any extent downwards below 220 metres below ground surface and to be confined in the Preesall halite deposit.
(ii) 7 multiple wellhead compounds to create the underground salt caverns and, once operational, to connect the gas manifolds.
(iii) Gas Compressor Compound comprising pig launchers and receivers; slug catchers; above ground high.

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The report by the Panel of Examining Inspectors was republished on 15 April 2013, because the copy published on 9 April 2013 omitted Appendix D. We apologise for this error.

15 April 2013
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The Secretary of State has refused development consent for this application. For further information, please refer to the Secretary of State’s Decision Letter and report by the Panel of Examining Inspectors (Republished 15 April 2013, to include Appendix D).

Correspondence received after the close of the examination:
Report by Dieter Helm
Report by Chris Le Fevre
Post examination correspondence

Other documentation:
Letter sent to interested parties by the Planning Inspectorate

9 April 2013
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Decision made by the Secretary of State
9 April 2013
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Recommendations given by the Planning Inspectorate
22 January 2013
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The examination closed on 24 October, see the section 99 letter for further information.

29 October 2012

What happens next

A decision on the application for a development consent order for Preesall Saltfield Underground Gas Storage was taken on 9 April 2013 and has now been issued. The statement of reasons can be viewed here.

The period for legal challenge is defined in s118 of the Planning Act 2008. Further information about legal challenge can be found in the letter sent to all interested parties accompanying the statement of reasons.

If you have any queries about the process please email the Planning Inspectorate at or telephone the helpdesk on 0303 444 5000.