East Anglia ONE Offshore Windfarm

About this project

Development of an offshore wind farm consisting of up to 325 wind turbine generators and associated infrastructure, with an installed capacity of 1200MW, located 43km from the Suffolk Coast. Part of a develop of approximately 7200MW of wind capacity off the coast of East Anglia, known as Zone 5 under the Crown Estate Round 3 Offshore Wind Farm Licensing Arrangements.

A joint venture between Scottish Power Renewables and Vattenfall Wind Power.

Visit developer’s website

Recent activity

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Following the close of Issue Specific and Compulsory Acquisition hearings, the Examining authority have published a document listing the proposed changes and amendments to the draft Development Consent Order discussed at these hearings.

A decision has also been taken that dates reserved in October for a further Open Floor Hearing and Issue Specific Hearing will not be required.

10 October 2013
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The Examining authority have published a list of amendments and revisions to the Draft Development Consent Order proposed at the Issue Specific Hearings

4 October 2013
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EAOL have, as requested by the Examining authority, submitted an Addendum to the Ornithology chapter of the Environmental Statement and a new Habitat Regulation Assessment Report. Interested parties are requested to comment on these by 21 October (IP deadline III).

Any comments by members of the public who have not previously registered as interested parties as part of this examination should send comments to the Applicant, details of which can be found in this notification by 21 October 2013.

3 October 2013
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The agenda for Compulsory Acquisition hearings has now been published

30 September 2013
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Agendas for hearings taking place on 24, 25 and 26 September have been updated to address issues raised in previous hearing sessions. Audio recordings for 18 September hearing have been published.

23 September 2013

What happens next

Notice of the procedural decision has been issued by the Examining authority to interested parties in the Rule 8 letter; this includes information about how the examination will be conducted and the timetable as currently set out.

Dates of the examination can also be viewed on the Examination Timetable page.

If you have a legal interest in land affected by a nationally significant infrastructure project and have not already registered to become an interested party, then you can make a request to the Examining Authority to become an interested party under s102A of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended).