1. What's Hollywood's greenest night? The 2013 Environmental Media Awards & we're a sponsor!

  2. Our 100% natural Lip Glosses are packed with color & ready to make your lips come to life! Get a $2 off

  3. We're excited to help celebrate sustainability at the Environmental Media Awards on 10/19! !

  4. Changing seasons wreaking havoc on your skin? Our Ultimate Care hand & body lotions are a rich, non-greasy solution:

  5. See how Burt spends his days in Maine by checking us out on Instagram! Here's the latest:

  6. We launched our Instagram page today! See Burt & his dog, Pasha, reflect on the simple joys of a rustic life.

  7. Our all new Blueberry and Chocolate Lip Balm: from our Durham, North Carolina lab to a retailer near you!

  8. Our Multipurpose Ointment is so versatile, it soothes every part of your little one's delicate skin.

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