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  • Rethinking The Seductiveness Of Mobile-First

    Rethinking The Seductiveness Of Mobile-First

    Editor’s Note: Semil Shah works on product for Swell, is a TechCrunch columnist, and an investor. He blogs at Haywire, and you can follow him on Twitter at @semil. For the past few months, my weekly column here has been focused on some aspect of “mobile.” There’s no denying the scope of the platform shift, user volume, and consumer attention. Yet, for startups, being… Read More

  • Skim Is Snapchat For Text

    Skim Is Snapchat For Text

    Serious question: Which would you prefer? To have all of your chat conversations instantly deleted upon receipt (Snapchat-style), or to keep a record of each and every word forever on the internet? A new app, Skim, is looking to answer that question. Not unlike Ansa, a Disrupt alumni, the app automatically deletes the message as soon as it's opened. When a user sends a message, it's gone… Read More

  • How Doomed Itself By Screwing Startups

    How Doomed Itself By Screwing Startups, a government-run e-commerce website for the Affordable Care Act, does not actually need to exist. The still-dysfunctional federal site could have offloaded all of the work to startups, which were already building more sophisticated price-comparison alternatives to the official site, just like Orbitz does for airline companies. was supposed to be an information hub… Read More

  • Apple Product Placement Architect Suzanne Lindbergh Confirms Departure To Jawbone

    Apple Product Placement Architect Suzanne Lindbergh Confirms Departure To Jawbone

    Apple executive Suzanne Lindbergh, who has been with the company for 25 years, confirmed via email today that she has accepted a new position with speaker and Bluetooth accessory maker Jawbone. The marketing specialist had the official title of "Worldwide Director of Buzz Marketing" at Apple, which put her in charge of making sure Apple products showed up front-and-center in both big and small… Read More

  • Twitter’s #Music App Could Be On The Way Out, Says New Report

    Twitter’s #Music App Could Be On The Way Out, Says New Report

    Twitter's #Music app, which offered social music discovery culled from activity on the 140-character sharing service, is reportedly nearing the end of its brief life, according to a new report from AllThingsD. Twitter is "strongly considering" shuttering the mobile app, after its download and usage numbers have dropped precipitously following a respectable launch. Read More