The Official Twitter Blog

Keeping you connected to everything happening in the global town square.

Results from The Twitter Blog forNovember 2008

Giving Thanks via Twitter

Instead of simply being a date which will live in gluttony, this Thanksgiving was made special thanks to Tweetsgiving, a project designed to raise $10,000 in 48 hours in order to build a classroom in Tanzania. Guess what, it worked!Read more…

Live From India

We’re hearing lots of reports about on-the-scene reporting using Twitter from India as horrific terrorist attacks continue to unfold. Om Malik has suggested this Twitter Search query to follow the bad news as it continues to break.Read more…

Oh, Canada

We were surprised today by out of control Canadian SMS costs and had to put 21212 into the same one sided SMS mode that folks in the UK, Australia and elsewhere currently use (they can send updates but can’t receive). We posted first on our status blog.Read more…

Meet Rael Dornfest

Rael Dornfest is a famously talented engineer, author, and entrepreneur. Before founding Values of n, Rael served as Chief Technology Officer at O’Reilly Media and is known for his pioneering work on RSS as well being the series editor of O’Reilly’s celebrated Hacks books. I met him personally a number of years ago and have always thought he was one of the smartest guys I know.Read more…

His Tweets Are Shaqalicious

Let It Out

Like most people, you probably have nothing at all to complain about. However, if you feel the need to kvetch, why not follow @kvetch and direct message your complaints? Theoretically, you’ll fee better. If you don’t, then just complain about it. More info at more…

Colbert and Stewart Talkin' Twitter

About 30 seconds in they start bantering about Twitter. Had to put it on the blog for posterity.Read more…

OMG, That Was A Big Day

Congratulations @barackobama, it looks like you’ll be the first President of the United States to have an official Twitter account. Also, thanks for taking part in an event that had a dramatic effect on Twitter activity and exposure worldwide. Here are some quick stats from yesterday.Read more…

Images of The Day

We had these little metal pins made up and we’re giving them out tonight!

Looks like @nextinstinct spotted a Twittering voter in the wild!Read more…

Twitter Vote Report

Dave Troy has done it again. The guy behind Twittervision has built another compelling tool using Twitter. Twitter Vote Report urges folks to document any problems at the polls tomorrow on Twitter. Here’s a news article about it.Read more…