تغريدات الكلّ / بلا ردود

  1. Good for my résumé: US Patent 8,401,009 a "Device independent message distribution platform" (aka Twitter!)

  2. Any of these true things surprise you? Librarians are fun lunch companions, don't whisper, & love books! & love them

  3. "If you only do things where you know the answer in advance, your company goes away."—Jeff Bezos

  4. : Crews battling fire in hills above Larkspur. It's burning near homes close to the intersection of Marina Vista Ave. & Sunrise Ln.

  5. My tee shirt idea for Boston University. My sister graduated from B.U.—she'd wear it proudly.

يبدو أن التحميل يستغرق بعض الوقت.

ربّما يعاني تويتر من الحمل الزائد أو يواجه عطلًا مؤقّتًا. حاول مجدّدًا أو تفقّد حالة تويتر لمزيد من المعلومات.