Resultats per a #sharkweek

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  1. Fotos · Mostra-ho tot
  2. If your fave team is named after a bird, yer Prolly a happy camper right now. And if you're a fan of , yer ecstatic

  3. There are some seriously overdressed people at B+Q in whetstone N20,,ately 25 million sharks killed by humans

  4. Humanos muertos al día por ataques de tiburón: 0.05479. Tiburones muertos al día por ataques de humanos: 270000

  5. So apparently during , people put dead sharks on the subway. This city just gets better & better 😂😂😂

  6. should totally cover how sharks poop and how big their poops are.... I feel like thats pertinent information.

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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