Resolved: It’s time for resolutions

The New Year is upon us, and soon many of you will share your wishes and resolutions on Twitter for the year ahead. We’ll all be watching as the world rings in 2013 with Tweets from Sydney to London to LA, and everywhere in between.

Whether you aspire to something silly or serious next year, Tweeting your #resolutions can be an effective way to account for your actions. If you want to lose weight, search on #weightloss to find inspiring accounts to follow. If you’re determined to read more books, you can find #bookclub tips. If you need other sources of inspiration, here are a few ideas to spark your resolve.

Folk hero Woody Guthrie’s resolutions for 1942 are still worthy of consideration:

A time-honored resolution is (always) to eat more healthy foods:

Apparently, many of us tend to give up on our resolutions within the first month. Scientific research offers some achievable alternatives, e.g. “If an Olympic medal doesn’t seem to be in the cards, another good route might be sleep more.” So reports @sarahkliff on The Washington Post’s Wonkblog:

Naturally, there are hardy perennials among resolutions, with something for everyone:

And what would the eve of 2013 be without an infographic full of data about the success (or failure) of the most popular #resolutions?

Whatever you resolve, we here at Twitter HQ wish you a safe and happy passage to the New Year ahead.

Posted by Karen Wickre (@kvox)
Editorial Director
