Posts from The Twitter Blog on topicvisualizations

Twitter and synchrony

Events cause people to synchronize and act together. Here we look at three different causes of synchrony around the world: natural, routine and cultural.Read more…

The topography of Tweets

Sometimes a map is not enough. What if instead of just showing roads and boundaries, it was a 3D model you could manipulate and explore?

That is exactly what our data visualization scientist Nicolas Belmonte (@philogb) did with every geotagged tweet ever recorded, producing this incredible visualization of billions of Tweets.Read more…

The geography of Tweets

Give every Twitter user a brush and they will paint you the world — if they geotag their Tweets.

Those of us on the Visual Insights team are obsessed with the patterns that emerge from aggregated Tweets over time. A continuing curiosity is about the geographical shapes that surface in geotagged Tweets. The images we’re sharing here use all of the geo-tagged Tweets since 2009 — billions of them. (Every dot is a Tweet, and the color is the Tweet count.)Read more…