formerly “greenhopper”

Go Agile With Ease

JIRA Agile unlocks the power of Agile, whether you're a seasoned Agile expert or just getting started. Creating and estimating stories, building a sprint backlog, identifying team commitment and velocity, visualizing team activity and reporting team progress has never been so easy.

Pricing Overview

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The JIRA Agile Feature Tour

Project Planning Your Way

Scrum? Check. Kanban? Check. JIRA Agile leverages JIRA's customizable issues and flexible workflow to provide an Agile project management tool that adapts as a team evolves.

For instance, start with a Scrum board then incorporate the Kanban practice of work in progress limits by adding column constraints.

Quickly Build a Backlog

Quickly build a product backlog by creating user stories. Specify components, success criteria, business value or any other field the team uses to plan and execute work.

If your backlog is in another tool use an importer to migrate to JIRA Agile.

Create user stories one after the other to build a product backlog in JIRA Agile

Order the Backlog

Order the user stories and bugs in the product backlog by dragging and dropping the issues. Put those stories that deliver the most customer value at the top of the backlog.

If you have a large backlog, instantly filter to find a particular user story or bug.


Estimate with Ease

Add estimates to user stories (and bugs too if you wish) while in a planning meeting. Capture the estimates as you play planning poker.

Use story points, ideal hours, t-shirt sizes, or your own estimation technique - JIRA Agile supports them all.

Add story point estimates from your planning poker session or estimate in ideal hours, JIRA Agile supports your Agile teams estimation technique

Visually Update Progress

Team members can update the status of stories by dragging and dropping them or edit their details in the integrated popup detail view. You can see the status of everything at a glance and you can do away with physical cardwalls.

Individuals quickly drag and drop tasks on a JIRA Agile board to show what step of the process they are in.

Plus the Power of JIRA

Customize issue types, fields, and workflows to match your existing workflows and quickly adapt to changes as your processes evolve.

Visualize processes across multiple JIRA projects on a JIRA Agile board.

Continuous Improvement

Visualize team process and identify bottlenecks as they emerge to respond quickly and address the problem.

Look to our Do Agile Right pages for practices and tips to improving your team performance and quality.

Iterate as you iterate - don't have a static Agile approach, be dynamic and respond to the changing environment

JIRA Agile Customers

Over 10,000 companies in 95 countries use JIRA Agile for JIRA. View all customers + testimonials.

Latest JIRA blog

Dan Radigan

Introducing JIRA Agile 6.3

JIRA Agile 6.3 is here! Formerly GreenHopper, JIRA Agile has undergone more than just a name change ...

Read more on the JIRA Agile Blog»