The Twitter Blog Network

News, notes and stories on our products, initiatives and company doings.

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#UNGA: Twitter and the global political conversation

Twitter was an integral part of the conversation around #UNGA from the beginning. Find out howRead more…

Celebrate #ArtForFreedom with Madonna

The Queen of Pop says “express yourself” — on Twitter.Read more…

Study: Twitter’s influence on holiday shopping

Throughout the year, and especially during the holidays, Twitter brings people closer to a particular passion: shopping. According to Crimson Hexagon, holiday shopping conversations increased in 2012 by 30% over the previous year. Buzz on Twitter peaked around key shopping dates, as you see here:

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Politicians, gov’t agencies turn to Twitter amidst #Shutdown

How Twitter is being used to spread information - and opinions - during the #shutdown.Read more…

Fall premieres: Live-tweeting with #CBSTweetWeek

See how CBS brought their talent together and invited fans to join them to watch and tweet the fall season premieres in the the third part of our series.Read more…

Testing live-tweeting with @MLB

Which type of live-tweeting gets you the most followers and engagement? Here’s how we answered this question for MLB.Read more…

Twitter Q&A with Paul McCartney

Tomorrow (at 9:40 am ET), music legend @PaulMcCartney will host his first-ever Twitter Q&A to celebrate the upcoming release of his solo album New.

Music fans around the world can join the conversation and tweet Sir Paul using the hashtag #AskMacca:Read more…

The German election on Twitter

Throughout the German “Bundestagswahl 2013” Twitter was the place where the live, public discussion around political topics and events took place.Read more…

#AskIraq: Diplomacy on Twitter

A Twitter Q&A with Lukman Faily, the new Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S.Read more…

Reporting the news with Vine videos

A local Fox affiliate reported on the growth of Vine by constructing its report from the 6-second videos.Read more…
