1. Want to learn Ruby? Hackety Hack teaches the program from the basics to writing programs like a pro. Check it out!

  2. Project Blueprint is officially live! Find out how you could win $3,000 for your software project idea:

  3. Should ethics play a role in your game development? Find out and get your app to the top of the download charts:

  4. Getting ready for a big job interview? Get tips from someone who’s had an interview or two in the industry:

  5. If you're using and thrilled about the access you have to pro dev software & tools - tell us about it!

  6. Want to know more ways to get involved with on campus? Find out how MSP James Croft is making an impact:

  7. Uploaded the video for Microsoft pitch video challenge.. Now fingers crossed for the result.. It's been an amazing experience (:

  8. While you’re creating apps for , think about submitting them to the new Windows 8.1 store. It’s now open!

  9. What's your secret to an effective work session? Hemmingway wore oversized loafers as he typed. (via: )

  10. Theory is when you know something but it doesn’t work. Practice is when something works but you don’t know why. Programmers combine the two.

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