Streaming message types

Updated on Fri, 2013-09-27 00:16

Public stream messages

In addition to standard Tweet payloads, the following kinds of messages may be delivered on a stream. Note that this list may not be comprehensive—additional objects may be introduced into streams in the future. Ensure that your parser is tolerant of unexpected message formats.

When parsing Tweets, keep in mind that Retweets are streamed as a status with another status nested inside it. If you are matching Tweet fields using regular expressions, it is possible that you will match fields in the nested Tweet instead of the wrapper. As a rule of thumb it is better to use a JSON parser to extract information from message payloads.

Blank lines

On slow streams, some messages may be blank lines which serve as "keep-alive" signals to prevent clients and other network infrastructure from assuming the stream has stalled and closing the connection.

Status deletion notices (delete)

These messages indicate that a given Tweet has been deleted. Client code must honor these messages by clearing the referenced Tweet from memory and any storage or archive, even in the rare case where a deletion message arrives earlier in the stream that the Tweet it references.


Location deletion notices (scrub_geo)

These messages indicate that geolocated data must be stripped from a range of Tweets. Clients must honor these messages by deleting geocoded data from Tweets which fall before the given status ID and belong to the specified user. These messages may also arrive before a Tweet which falls into the specified range, although this is rare.


Limit notices (limit)

These messages indicate that a filtered stream has matched more Tweets than its current rate limit allows to be delivered. Limit notices contain a total count of the number of undelivered Tweets since the connection was opened, making them useful for tracking counts of track terms, for example. Note that the counts do not specify which filter predicates undelivered messages matched.


Withheld content notices (status_withheld, user_withheld)

These messages indicate that either the indicated tweet or indicated user has had their content withheld (see New Withheld Content Fields in API Responses for more information).


These events contain an id field indicating the status ID, a user_id indicating the user, and a collection of withheld_in_countries uppercase two-letter country codes. This example illustrates a hypothetical tweet that has been withheld in Germany and Argentina.

      "withheld_in_countries":["DE", "AR"]


These events contain an id field indicating the user ID and a collection of withheld_in_countries uppercase two-letter country codes. This example illustrates a hypothetical user who has been withheld in Germany and Argentina.


Disconnect messages (disconnect)

Streams may be shut down for a variety of reasons. The streaming API will attempt to deliver a message indicating why a stream was closed. Note that if the disconnect was due to network issues or a client reading too slowly, it is possible that this message will not be received.

    "code": 4,
    "stream_name":"< A stream identifier >",
    "reason":"< Human readable status message >"

The following table lists possible status codes and their meanings. Additional codes may be used without warning.

Code Name Description
1ShutdownThe feed was shutdown (possibly a machine restart)
2Duplicate streamThe same endpoint was connected too many times.
3Control requestControl streams was used to close a stream (applies to sitestreams).
4StallThe client was reading too slowly and was disconnected by the server.
5NormalThe client appeared to have initiated a disconnect.
6Token revokedAn oauth token was revoked for a user (applies to site and userstreams).
7Admin logoutThe same credentials were used to connect a new stream and the oldest was disconnected.
8Reserved for internal use. Will not be delivered to external clients.
9Max message limitThe stream connected with a negative count parameter and was disconnected after all backfill was delivered.
10Stream exceptionAn internal issue disconnected the stream.
11Broker stallAn internal issue disconnected the stream.
12Shed loadThe host the stream was connected to became overloaded and streams were disconnected to balance load. Reconnect as usual.

Stall warnings (warning)

When connected to a stream using the stall_warnings parameter, you may receive status notices indicating the current health of the connection. See the stall_warnings documentation for more information.

    "message":"Your connection is falling behind and messages are being queued for delivery to you. Your queue is now over 60% full. You will be disconnected when the queue is full.",
    "percent_full": 60

Note that in the case of Site Streams warning messages apply to the entire stream and will not be wrapped with a for_user envelope.

User stream messages

Friends lists (friends)

Upon establishing a User Stream connection, Twitter will send a preamble before starting regular message delivery. This preamble contains a list of the user’s friends. This is represented as an array of user ids, for example:


This message will only be sent once per connection.

If the stringify_friend_ids=true parameter is sent, the friends list preamble will be returned as string objects (instead of integer objects). This is particularly valuable if your language or library has difficulty with 64-bit integers, because as the number of Twitter users grows, user ids will eventually exceed the 32-bit integer threshold. If the parameter is used, the friends array specified above will not be sent, and the friends_str array will be sent in its place. For example:

  "friends_str": [

Direct Messages

DM representations are streamed to both sender and recipient, but perspectival attributes (following, follow_request_sent, and notifications) always return false as of September 27, 2013. In late Fall 2013, we will phase out perspectival attributes from DMs altogether. See our forum post on this topic for more information.

Events (event)

Notifications about non-Tweet events are also sent over a user stream. These generally have the form of:

  "target": TARGET_USER,
  "source": SOURCE_USER, 
  "target_object": TARGET_OBJECT,
  "created_at": "Sat Sep 4 16:10:54 +0000 2010"

The values present will be different based on the type of event. The following types of events are streamed:

DescriptionEvent NameSourceTargetTarget Object
User deauthorizes stream access_revoked * Deauthorizing user App owner client_application
User blocks someone block Current user Blocked user Null
User removes a block unblock Current user Unblocked user Null
User favorites a Tweet favorite Current user Tweet author Tweet
User's Tweet is favorited favorite Favoriting user Current user Tweet
User unfavorites a Tweet unfavorite Current user Tweet author Tweet
User's Tweet is unfavorited unfavorite Unfavoriting user Current user Tweet
User follows someone follow Current user Followed user Null
User is followed follow Following user Current user Null
User unfollows someone unfollow Current user Followed user Null
User creates a list list_created Current user Current user List
User deletes a list list_destroyed Current user Current user List
User edits a list list_updated Current user Current user List
User adds someone to a list list_member_added Current user Added user List
User is added to a list list_member_added Adding user Current user List
User removes someone from a list list_member_removed Current user Removed user List
User is removed from a list list_member_removed Removing user Current user List
User subscribes to a list list_user_subscribed Current user List owner List
User's list is subscribed to list_user_subscribed Subscribing user Current user List
User unsubscribes from a list list_user_unsubscribed Current user List owner List
User's list is unsubscribed from list_user_unsubscribed Unsubscribing user Current user List
User updates their profile user_update Current user Current user Null
User updates their protected status user_update Current user Current user Null

* For a user stream, if the user on behalf of whom the app is running deauthorizes the app, the stream will simply disconnect. For a site stream, if the deauthorizing user is the last remaining user on behalf of whom the app is running, the stream will send a disconnect message with code 6 and then close the connection.

When a change triggering a user_update event in the stream is made by a user, the stream returns complete profile information for the user, not just the changed values. At present, no data is returned indicating what values have changed; therefore, if your application requires such updates, you are advised to cache previous user profile information and compare user_update data against it.

Too many follows (warning)

User and Site Streams following graph size will be capped at 10,000 accounts for each connected user. If your application connects on behalf of a user who follows more than 10,000 accounts, the followings list for the connected user will be truncated and this message will be sent over the stream:

  "warning": {
    "code": "FOLLOWS_OVER_LIMIT",
    "message": "The requested user follows more accounts than the maximum supported by this streaming endpoint. Only a subset of 10000 followed accounts are included in this stream.",
    "user_id": <user_id>

The connected user’s Tweets, @replies, and social events for favorites and retweets will always be streamed. However, the 10,000 accounts that will be included are a random subset of the accounts the connected user follows. Any with=followings connections will only stream content from users in the truncated list. The IDs delivered via the Control Streams friends/ids.json endpoint will also only include IDs from users in the truncated list. If your application requires a full list of followings, please resort to the REST API.

Note that in the case of Site Streams warning messages apply to the entire stream and will not be wrapped with a for_user envelope.

Site stream messages

Envelopes (for_user)

Site Streams are sent the same messages as User Streams (including friends lists in the preamble), but for multiple users instead of a single user. The same types of messages are streamed, but to identify the target of each message, an additional wrapper is placed around every message, except for blank keep-alive lines. The Site Streams messages for two friends lists would look like:


If a message should be routed to multiple users, multiple wrapped messages will be sent, each with a different for_user value.

Note that warning messages apply to the entire stream and will not be wrapped with a for_user envelope.

Control messages (control)

New Site Streams connections will receive a control message which may be used to modify the Site Streams connection without reconnecting. See Control Streams for Site Streams for details. Note that this message will not necessarily be the first message delivered on a Site Streams connection.

    "control_uri": "/1.1/site/c/01_225167_334389048B872A533002B34D73F8C29FD09EFC50"