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  1. got to hang out with Hoss...the cutest bulldog puppy ever!
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  5. - Yummy Tree mmm....
  6. Amazed by the goose yoga at Lake Balboa...
  7. excited to work for Madonna all week!!! If you haven't already, get out and VOTE tomorrow people!
  8. I can finally breathe since the winds changed and blew all the smoke the other way!
  9. Jury Duty today! My goal is to get out of it and be home by noon...besides, they won't let me wear flip-flops...this is CA folks!
  10. why did I wake up at 4:30am?! today of all days...when I have to go work on the Janet Jackson camp at Staples Center!
  11. MASSAGE FOR MUSICIANS secured the Janet Jackson gig at Staples Center 4 next 2 days and USA Gymnastics Event at Honda Center this weekend!
  12. @dirtyjenny the Sarah Palin wolf hunting video made me cry. She has no heart! Besides, only a cowardly hunter would do so from the air!
  13. got woken up way too damn early...still full from last night's apple pie...excited to hang in Hermosa Beach today!
  14. walked Melrose and gave myself a treat!
  15. darker mornings make it harder to wake up, but not with a cat on your belly meowing for breakfast...
  16. It's hot tub time!!!!
  17. helping Dirty Jenny get her new studio together...well, just a bunch of de-noodling of cords and such...
  18. On my way to Dirty Jenny's...
  19. @dirtyjenny - as a matter of fact, I HAVE!!! Big Cat Habitat rocks! This rescue facility desperately needs donat ...
  20. @thesap You're on a roll!!! Fingers and toes crossed for ya!