The Twitter Blog Network

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Talking About Twitter en España


En la localidad de Jun, cerca de Granada, España, el alcalde José Antonio Rodríguez (@JoseantonioJun) ha logrado que el gobierno local sea más accesible y responsable con sus ciudadanos a través del uso de Twitter.Read more…

Talking about Twitter in Spain

In the Spanish town of Jun, near Granada, Mayor José Antonio Rodríguez (@JoseantonioJun) makes local government more accessible and more accountable to its citizens through the use of Twitter.Read more…



Cast your mind back to 2006 - the year that Daniel Craig made his debut as the first blonde Bond, Coldplay won Album of the Year at the BRIT Awards, Sven-Göran Eriksson’s England team were knocked out of the World Cup quarter-finals, and Queen Elizabeth celebrated her 80th birthday.Read more…

Este Ano No Twitter


Todos os dias, nós ficamos maravilhados e gratos pelas diferentes maneiras com que as pessoas usam o Twitter. 2012 foi vivido intensamente no Twitter, no mundo e no Brasil. A cada grande e importante momento, pessoas retweetavam em tempo real, compartilhando visões, opiniões, argumentos, sentimentos e informações.Read more…

2012: The Year on Twitter

Boris Johnson dancing at the Olympic closing ceremony created the largest spike in UK Twitter conversation this year, closely followed by England losing on penalties in Euro 2012.

The results have been revealed as part of our annual ‘Year on Twitter’ review, a roundup of what’s been happening throughout the year.Read more…

Interaktive Zeitreise: Der Mauerfall live auf Twitter

Der 9. November 1989 ist nach wie vor historisch ein besonderer Tag. 23 Jahre nach dem Tag des Mauerfalls macht der MDR mit @9Nov89Live diesen Tag auf Twitter heute erneut erlebbar.Read more…

Twitter Fiction Festival

Twitter ist ein Ort, an dem Geschichten erzählt werden. Oft geht es in diesen Geschichten um Nachrichten, Politik, Sport oder Musik, aber Twitter eignet sich auch bestens, um fiktionale Geschichten zu erzählen. Und genau das möchten wir jetzt feiern.Read more…

Auf den Dächern spielte die Musik


Im Rahmen der Berlin Music Week 2012 (@berlinmusicweek) versammelten sich am vergangenen Sonntag Künstler und Musikbegeisterte auf 3 Dächern rund um die Spree, um bei einem atemberaubenden Blick über Berlin und bei Sonnenschein, das “Auf den Dächern Festival” von @tape_tv und @SpiegelOnline zu zelebrieren. Read more…

Today on Twitter


Last night Twitter was abuzz with excitement as Usain Bolt (@usainbolt) and the rest of the Jamaican team stormed to victory in the 4x100m.

And to top it off, Mo Farah (@Mo_Farah) won his second gold in the 5,000m in the Olympic stadium. This picture of the pair is one of our favourites of the games:Read more…

Twitter for small business: Win advertising credit


Tell us how you’ve used Twitter for your UK business for the chance to win up to £1,000 in Twitter advertising credit. 

We hear lots of stories about how people and organisations all over the world are using the Twitter platform in interesting ways. Some of our favourites involve local businesses communicating with their current customers, and reaching out to new ones.

It’s no surprise really, since Twitter brings people closer to the things you care about, and that often is the coffee shop, boutique, pub or restaurant in their neighbourhood.Read more…
