New research for a

  • cool
  • social
  • digital
  • new
  • big
  • tech
  • data
  • fast
  • cool
  • social
  • digital
  • new
  • big
  • tech
  • data


Thank you for
your interest

We are excited about what we do and we hope that you share in our excitement as you explore this brief introduction to our company. We are keen to leverage our collective knowhow to bring you the best possible research solutions. We hope that this first blush is the beginning of a meaningful relationship between us. We do not cold call, we choose our clients carefully based on shared values, a shared belief in what they do and a shared ambition to do something worth talking about in business as in life. Thank you again for your interest.

What we do in brief

  • We help brands and their creative partners succeed in a new world.

  • We invent new ways to understand people by integrating new technologies into traditional research practice.

  • We bring together the best minds in research, brands and technology.

  • We deliver more profound insight into people’s relationships with brands, each other and the world.

Combining bleeding
edge technology
with traditional
research practice.

We enjoy
building bespoke
solutions to answer
big marketing

If a better way
we find it.
If it doesn’t,
we build it.

our business is founded on our
unique take of 6 research solutions
– updated for the modern world.

Dangerous minds with a safe pair of hands.

Our team consists of the brightest brains and the most experienced practitioners across technology, marketing and research.

from Silicon Valley to Wall Street.

We attract clients who don't simply want to be remembered they want to be talked about, not just satisfy a need but fulfill people's dreams, they're not solely interested in selling products and services but also in creating meaningful brand experiences. Our clients embrace the 21st Century rules of marketing and we build research solutions to help them succeed.

research and destroy

“Powered By” is our laboratory. Here we incubate, hatch and launch industry-upsetting solutions. We believe it is only by destroying the practice of the past that we can create the new practices for a better tomorrow. If you want to know more sign up here for updates.

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Thank you

if it ain’t sushi
it’s cold dead fish.

you can find our growing points of view here and sign up for new ideas as we spawn them. sometimes inspiring, sometimes cryptic but always provocative, cold dead fish is where we share ideas, where they swim upstream and every so often scale : )

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202 N Ave 64
Los Angeles, CA 90042
P: 646 884 3940
or 626 660 5484


36 Cooper Square 2nd floor
New York, NY 10003
P: 646 522 5509