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To mark the release of his upcoming album, former Beatle and legendary musician Paul McCartney (@paulmccartney) took part in his first-ever live Twitter Q&A, responding to questions from fans around the world.Read more…

Agency Influencer Q&A with Stacy Minero: The best content focuses on consumer needs


Stacy Minero is part anthropologist, part magician and all trailblazer. As Mindshare’s head of content marketing, she uncovers what consumers need and transforms those insights into campaigns that go beyond traditional advertising. We asked Stacy to share her perspective on the ever-evolving ecosystem of content: the top challenges, the winners and the future.Read more…

Q&A with Volkswagen: #SharkWeek, TV x Twitter and how to plan for the moment


What do a Beetle and a shark have in common? This summer, both sparked quite a frenzy on Twitter.

In August, Discovery’s Shark Week snapped up record ratings, triggering a tidal wave of Tweets. As a sponsor of #SharkWeek, Volkswagen USA dove into those live in-the-moment conversations with bite-sized Vine videos and even a charitable tie-in.Read more…

Powered by Tweets: Honda puts customers in the driver's seat with #WantNewCar


Want to engage new customers and reward the loyalty of existing ones? Take a page from Honda: Listen to what they want.Read more…

Influencer Q&A with Heather Balsley: Twitter builds deeper affinity for Holiday Inn Express


With over 4,600 hotels and resorts around the globe, InterContinental Hotels Group markets many of the world’s most popular hotel brands including Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Crowne Plaza and InterContinental.Read more…

Agency influencer Q&A with John Bell: The secrets to principled social design


John Bell (@jbell99), the founder and Global Managing Director of Social@Ogilvy, is one of those rare thinkers who not only understands social marketing but can actually break it down into actionable principles.Read more…

Agency influencer Q&A with Brandon Berger: Whenever something happens in the world, people talk about it on Twitter


Brandon Berger (@BrandonBerger) has his finger on the pulse of global digital advertising. As the Worldwide Chief Digital Officer of Ogilvy & Mather (@Ogilvy), @BrandonBerger makes sure that digital is at the core of Ogilvy’s business across 120+ countries and 22,000 employees.Read more…

Agency influencer Q&A with Ian Schafer: Twitter captures the moment like no other platform

Deep Focus agency CEO Ian Schafer (@ischafer) understands how quickly the worlds of mobile, advertising, content and social are evolving and – in many ways – converging.  Read more…

Agency influencer Q&A with Ian Schafer: The best mobile strategy is a real-time content strategy

Interested in social and sports with a side of snark? Then you should follow Ian Schafer (@ischafer) on Twitter.Read more…