The Twitter Blog Network

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Results from all blogs forApril 2010

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Twitter for Android: Robots like to share too

When we tweet what’s happening around us, we share not only our thoughts, but also web pages, photos, videos, location…anything. Mobile phones are increasingly part of our lives, and we seem to be doing everything but making phone calls. Reading the news, watching a YouTube video, and taking photos at events like the World Cup are things we expect to do on mobile phones – sharing our experiences on these little screens should be just as easy and fast as on big ones.Read more…

Take Me Out To The Tweetup

Tweets vs Mosquitos: Let's #endmalaria

Malaria threatens one half of the world’s population, resulting in 350 million cases each year and nearly one million deaths on an annual basis—many of them children. World Malaria day is this Sunday, and the impact of organizations devoted to the cause has already begun. In partnership with Malaria No More and The Case Foundation, Twitter is offering a way to help put an end to this disease. You can help starting today with just one tweet.Read more…


Twitter was inspired by SMS and we continue to embrace this simple but ubiquitous technology. In fact, Twitter’s 140 character limit was designed specifically to allow for any tweet to be read in its entirety whether you’re using a rudimentary mobile phone, or a more sophisticated Internet enabled device.Read more…

Memcached SPOF Mystery

At Twitter, we use memcached to speed up page loads and alleviate database load. We have many memcached hosts. To make our system robust, our memcached clients use consistent hashing and enable the auto_eject_hosts option. With this many hosts and this kind of configuration, one would assume that it won’t be noticeable if one memcached host goes down, right?Read more…

It's Alive!

Last month we previewed an incredibly simple set of web tools which enable partner websites to easily integrate Twitter functionality into their site experience called @anywhere. The idea is that web users will be able to engage with existing Twitter features from all of their favorite sites. Today, we’re happy to announce this service is live and ready for anyone who wants to build a little Twitter into their online experience.Read more…

Tweet Preservation

The Library of Congress is the oldest federal cultural institution in the United States and it is the largest library in the world. The Library’s primary mission is research and it receives copies of every book, pamphlet, map, print, and piece of music registered in the United States. Recently, the Library of Congress signaled to us that the public tweets we have all been creating over the years are important and worthy of preservation.Read more…

Hello World

Although our services extend beyond the Web, Twitter ranks as one of the most popular sites on the Internet. Over the years, we’ve resisted introducing a traditional Web advertising model because we wanted to optimize for value before profit. The open exchange of information creates opportunities for individuals, organizations, and businesses alike. We recognized value in this exchange and planned to amplify it in a meaningful and relevant manner.Read more…

Twitter for iPhone

Hadoop at Twitter

My name is Kevin Weil and I’m a member of the analytics team at Twitter. We’re collectively responsible for Twitter’s data warehousing, for building out an analysis platform that lets us easily and efficiently run large calculations over the Twitter dataset, and ultimately for turning that data into something actionable that helps the business. We’re fortunate to work with great people from teams across the organization for the latter.Read more…
