The Twitter Blog Network

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Results from all blogs forDecember 2010

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What's Your #TwitterTip?

Last week we asked our savvy @twitter followers what tips they most often share with folks who could stand to learn a thing or two about using Twitter. It’s no secret that while much of the world has heard of Twitter, there are still a lot of questions from those who haven’t had a chance to learn how to get the most value out of it. For instance, what if we told you that you don’t have to tweet to use Twitter?Read more…

Who’s New on Twitter #Hindsight2010

To Trend or Not to Trend...

Since Twitter first introduced the Trends feature in the summer of 2008, one frequently asked question has been “Why isn’t X trending?” This question has come up around a variety of subjects, from #justinbieber and #adamlambert to Read more…

Now Playing on #newTwitter: Embedded Music, TV Shows, Slides and More

Introducing ChromeDeck - Your Shiny New Friend

For a long time we have had an ambition to create a web-based version of TweetDeck, but only if we could make it totally awesome. We wanted a full-blown TweetDeck experience that brings the power and feature set of the desktop client but in a real…Read more…

Chrome Deck, Apps and Tweeting Birds - Our First On:Deck Event Was A Hit

On Tuesday night, the Batcave was transformed from a workplace to a meeting place, as we invited everyone along to our very first event. On:Deck was a chance for people to come along, meet the team, and get a sneak peek at our upcoming Chrome and …Read more…

A Twitter Holiday Auction - Bid For Literacy!

Did you know Twitter made a special wine to support global literacy?

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What Will You Be Tweeting On World Aids Day in 2015?

This year, nearly half a million children will be born with HIV.

By 2015, that number could be zero. Imagine it — the first generation of children in 30 years to be born without HIV.

When this disease first began ravaging societies around the world, the Internet as we know it was a mere infant, cellphones cost $4,000 and the idea of an open, global exchange of information with the tap of a few keys was just a dream.

Now, a Tweet can reach millions of people in seconds.Read more…

Translating TweetDeck - The Next Five Languages

Around a month ago, we released the first ever international TweetDeck, with five languages. Today, we are bringing you even more, and the TweetDeck Localisation Preview now supports a stonking ten languages! On top of the previous languages, we h…Read more…
