The Twitter Blog Network

News, notes and stories on our products, initiatives and company doings.

Posts from all blogs on topicdevelopers

Brewing our first IPA patent, and new adopters

Last year, we introduced a new way of handling patents called the Innovator’s Patent Agreement. The IPA is a new way to do patent assignment that keeps control in the hands of engineers and designers. We put the draft agreement up on Github and over the past year, we’ve received a lot of great comments and feedback.Read more…

More interactive Tweets, in more than 2000 ways

Earlier this summer, we introduced the ability to expand Tweets to see content previews, photos and videos right within a Tweet. At that time, we were working with a small group of partners. Today there are more than 2,000 ways to bring more interactive and engaging Tweets to your stream — on, as well as Twitter for iPhone, Android and BlackBerry.Read more…

Twitter Certified Products: Tools for Businesses

As the number of businesses that turn to Twitter to keep in touch with their customers grows, so does the variety of their needs. We hear continually from companies looking for tools to help them engage with customers, understand what people are saying about them on Twitter, and learn more about their followers so they can share more valuable, timely content.Read more…

Bootstrap 2.1 and counting

Semana Hack no Twitter

Semana Hack, ou Hack Week, é uma das formas de promovermos inovações através de experimentação dentro da empresa. Nesta semana, boa parte da equipe do Twitter estará tirando uma folga do seu trabalho diário para colaborar e desenvolver suas idéias e paixões.Read more…

Let's Fly: Embeddable Tweets

Tweets have become one of the most important — and simplest — ways for people to share news, humor, inspiration, and knowledge online. And they are even richer when they include pictures, videos, locations, or links to other sites on the web. With the new version of Twitter, anyone can embed Tweets simply by copying and pasting one line of code into their website. Embedded Tweets automatically open to show images, conversations and videos.Read more…

1 Milhão de Aplicativos Registrados para o Twitter

Eine Millionen Twitter Apps

Applikations Entwickler spielen eine fundamentale Rolle bei Twitter. Twitter bildet gemeinsam mit den existierenden Applikationen ein Ökosystem. Inzwischen existieren mehr als eine Millionen Applikationen für Twitter, die von mehr als 750 00 Entwicklern aus aller Welt erstellt wurden. Noch vor einem Jahr gab es lediglich 150 000 Twitter Applikationen. Alle 1.5 Sekunden wird eine neue Applikation erstellt. In letzter Zeit befassen diese sich zu einem großen Teil mit verbesserten Analyse Tools, Verlags-Tools und Kurations-Tools.Read more…

Apresentando o Botão de Seguir

Quando você segue contas interessantes no Twitter, é fácil ficar conectado com o que é mais importante para você. Hoje estamos muito animados com o lançamento do Botão de Seguir, uma nova maneira para descobrir e seguir contas do Twitter direto dos sites que você visita todos os dias.

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Klarheit und Kontrolle

Das Twitter Ökosystem enthält tausende interessante Drittanbieter Applikationen, die dafür erstellt wurden, dein Twitter Erlebnis zu verbessern. Mit Drittanbieter Applikationen kannst du automatisch Tweets auf anderen Netzwerken teilen, dich mit Spielern auf Spiele-Plattformen verbinden oder automatisch einen Tweet senden, wenn du deinen Blog aktualisierst.Read more…
