The Twitter Blog Network

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Testing live-tweeting with @MLB

Which type of live-tweeting gets you the most followers and engagement? Here’s how we answered this question for MLB.Read more…

Sports Illustrated’s Twitter 100

See how SI created an interactive data guide out of Twitter’s biggest sporting moments.Read more…

Euro 2013 : 4 millions de Tweets pour l’équipe de France de Basket-Ball


Ce week-end, l’équipe de France masculine de basket a été sacrée championne d’Europe, en remportant contre la Lituanie le premier grand titre de son histoire.

Il n’en fallait pas plus pour agiter la Twittosphère ! Voici quelques chiffres révélateurs de l’engouement engendré par la compétition (statistiques mondiales Topsy Pro - mots clés liés à l’équipe de France et à son parcours lors de la compétition):Read more…

Teddy Riner, ceinture noire de Twitter


Jeudi 12 Septembre, Teddy Riner, sextuple champion du monde de Judo,

a organisé une session de questions-réponses sur son compte Twitter @TeddyRiner

avec ses 56 500 followers.

Read more…

A hashtag home run for @SportsCenter

ESPN’s @SportsCenter asks fans to determine which plays make the nightly highlight reel, using the hashtag #SCTop10.Read more…


People from around the world joined Japan on Twitter to celebrate Tokyo’s winning bid for the 2020 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games.Read more…

Time for football!

Twitter brought football fans closer to the NFL kickoff game between the Denver Broncos and the Baltimore Ravens.Read more…



Fans, players, clubs and commentators from across the globe come to Twitter to follow the news of who will end up where, following the latest news 140 characters at a time.Read more…

The @49ers get twice the takeover

What happened when a supermodel and pro basketball player took over the @49ers Twitter account.Read more…

How the #Ashes played out on Twitter


The last time England hosted the Ashes was more than half of Twitter’s lifetime ago, so for many UK cricket fans, the summer of 2013 was their first opportunity to taste this oldest of sporting traditions while following along on their favourite platform.

But the conversation on Twitter was not limited to the UK. Whilst the action may have been in the middle of the night at times Down Under, one part of the 2013 #Ashes that Australia did win at was the number of official Tweets.Read more…
