
  1. I've quoted that so many times. One of the truest things I've found in my career.

  2. been using Sketch more, but Keynote still great for presenting interaction etc.

  3. “It’s so frustrating to want something for someone more than they want it for themselves.”—,

  4. Retweet to tell Tea Party Republicans in the House of Representatives: Do your job. End the government shutdown now.

  5. OH "When you become too focused on finding the solution, you overlook the opportunity to reconsider the problem."

  6. not the usual deal though. We’ll be doing a panel together. Should be fun.

  7. Join me and this Thursday at Use this code for a discount on admission: JOSHUNCUBED

  8. it looks like is thinking, “How do I tell him we can't use Comic Sans on that spread?” ;)

  9. “Find out what people will quietly submit to & that’s the exact measure of the injustice which will be imposed on them.”—Frederick Douglass

  10. was wondering about that as well. The fact that it happened less than 2 hrs before the shutdown makes me wonder how the snuck it in.

  11. I feel 100% the same about you my friend! It was really great to get some time to talk.

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