Coastal Skipper

During of your RYA Coastal Skipper course we aim to put miles on the clock with the longer passages from our base in Brighton.  You will plan and execute coastal passages along the South Coast of England, often with the Solent as a destination.  Students will have the chance to navigate and skipper by both day and night thus ensuring you are a confident skipper when you leave the boat.  Weather permitting we include an offshore passage to France.  Skills and drills will also play an important part of the week, practiced until you feel confident about all maneuvers.

The course content includes:
  • Passage Planning
  • Preparation For Sea
  • Passage Making
  • Pilotage 
  • Emergency Situations
  • Yacht Handling Under Power & Sail
  • Adverse Weather

Course Objective: You will be able to skipper a yacht on coastal passages by day and night.

Prerequisite: 15 days at sea (including 2 as skipper) 800 logged miles that include at least 8 night hours

Course Dates

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