SUP Yoga - Brighton

Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) Yoga is a great new way of working out and is already a craze in the states. Essentially SUP Yoga comprises of yoga postures with Stand Up Paddle Boarding, the board playing the part of the yoga mat.

SUP YOGA provides great benefits to the mind and body, this is easy to see when each of the aspects alone gives amazing benefits to health, and together they provide the perfect combination. The board is used as an alternative yoga mat; the intensity of each pose is increased by providing clients with a greater challenge and added benefits. Your balance will improve as will your yoga performance – as the board is constantly moving, you body is working hard to stay stable, if done regularly it will lead to improved proprioception. It’s also a great way to tell if you are performing your yoga poses correctly – if you put to much weight through one side of your body, the board will react.

You don’t need to be a Yoga pro to get involved, starting with the basic poses on land, they can soon be transferred onto a Stand Up Paddle Board.
It’s a great advantage to learn the basic paddle board skills first as you’ll get a feel for the board and gain stability. Once you feel comfortable on the board and start to move about, you can then progress to some basic poses.

SUP YOGA strengthens the core, improves your balance, tones muscles, reduces stress and increases body awareness. As well as this being on the water can be both tranquil and rejuvenating, helping you to achieve a relaxed and clear mind, whilst enjoying the surroundings of nature.

Summer SUP Fitness timetable
Monday - SUP Circuits 18:30 - 19:30
Tuesdays - SUP Yoga 18:30 - 19:30
Wednesday - SUP and Run 18:30 - 19:30
Thursday - Brighton and Hove SUP Club
Friday - Static SUP 18.30 - 19.30
Saturday - Beginner SUP Fit

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