Sportivate Girls sailing club session

Our special promotion with Sportivate, targeting Women from the age of 16 to 25 to learn how to sail from our centre in Brighton Marina. Run over 6 evenings plus an extra two club session to practice those new skills you will gain an RYA Level 1 Sailing qualification and with the help a Sportivate funding we can offer you this for only £50 a head. 

Course Content Includes: 

  • How To Sail In All Directions, understanding the wind and using this to power you along
  • Tacking and Gybing
  • Helming and Crewing, Rigging and Reefing
  • Safety, Knots and Mooring under power

Course Objective: You will be able to sail in all directions in light winds and to set your boat up ready for next time.

Course Dates

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