Sportivate Learn to Wakeboard for women age 17 - 25

The Sportivate Learn to Wakeboard for women age 17 - 25 course is the perfect way for young women to learn to wakeboard. Using our System 2.0 cable wakeboarding system and professional instruction we can guarantee you success. All specialised equipment is provided, including wetsuits.

The course  will be 7 x 1.5 hours sessions, with groups of 6 working with a coach at a time, looking at different elements of the sport. The last 2 sessions will be labelled as womens club sessions, and existing female members will be encouraged to come along to integrate with the new participants and create a social, club session feel.

It is hoped that this will bridge the gap between trying the sport and moving into the club setting. The sessions will be in depth training course including the BWSW Cutting Edge Bronze Award and working towards the BWSW Cutting edge Silver Award. The training will take participants from no previous experience to a level where participants  can wakeboard confidently, have an understanding of the sport, its background and be able to confidently attend club and practice sessions. 

This course is part funded by  Sportivate and Lagoon watersports. The usual price of this course would be almost  £300 each. We are able to offer the course to suitable applicants for just £40.

Applicants must be female, age 17 - 25 and non sporty (defined as taking part in sporting activities twice or less a week)

Once you have booked, either by phone or online, we will contact you to confirm you meet the requirements, if you do not you will be refunded immediately.

Success is guaranteed !!

All specialised equipment is provided, including wetsuits.

Course objective: The aim is that at the end of the course candidates will have enough experience in wakeboarding to join Lagoon Watersports club sessions. Participants will be offered a 25% discount on our standard membership rates through out 2013.

Prerequisite: Female, age 17 - 25 and non sporty (defined as taking part in sporting activities twice or less a week)

Availability: Please check at the bottom of the page for course dates

Suitable for: Complete beginners, Female, age 17 - 25 and non sporty (defined as taking part in sporting activities twice or less a week)

Please make sure you read our booking terms and conditions and understand our cancellation policy.

Course Dates

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