Sportivate Stand up Paddleboard fitness for women - Age 17 - 25

Standup Paddleboard Fitness (SUP Fitness) is a combination of Standup Paddleboarding and water based fitness classes. It is a great fun way to get fit , learn a new sport, get outside and meet other people.  Only £15 - thats less than £2 a session !

This 6 week Sportivate funded course is aimed at non sporty young women age 17-25
  • No previous SUP experience required 
  • Suitable for all level of fitness 
  • Ideal for those new to fitness and new to Standup paddle boarding
  • All equipment and tuition provided (Including wetsuits)

The course features
  • Learn to SUP Course
  • 5 x SUP fitness classes
  • Improvers paddling technique
  • 2 x FREE sessions at SUP club

The sessions will be 1.5 hours in duration and will look at different elements of the sport of paddleboard fitness. 

This course is part funded by Sportivate and Lagoon watersports. The usual price of this course would be over £150 each. We are able to offer the course to suitable applicants for just £15 ! YES £15 for all the sessions !

Applicants must be male or female, age 17 - 25 and non sporty (defined as taking part in sporting activities twice or less a week) By signing up you are committing to attend at least 5 of the sessions. If you cannot make the dates below please contact us as we may be able to offer you alternative dates.

Once you have booked, either by phone or online, we will contact you to confirm you meet the requirements, if you do not you will be refunded immediately.

Success is guaranteed !!

All specialised equipment is provided, including wetsuits.

Course objective: The aim is that at the end of the course candidates will have enough experience in  to join Lagoon Watersports club and fitness sessions. Participants will be offered a 25% discount on our standard membership rates through out 2013.

Prerequisite: Female, age 17 - 25 and non sporty (defined as taking part in sporting activities twice or less a week)

Availability: Please check course dates at the bottom of this page.

Suitable for: Complete beginners, female, age 17 - 25 and non sporty (defined as taking part in sporting activities twice or less a week)

Please make sure you read our booking terms and conditions and understand our cancellation policy.

Course Dates

For details click on the date.
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