Kids Dinghy Sailing Stage 4

RYA Youth Sailing Stage 4

The RYA Youth Sailing Stage 4 course will improve your sailing skills further so that you will not only be able to crew or helm a single or double handed boat.

Course Content Includes:

  • Rigging, launching and recovery
  • Sailing techniques and manoeuvres in crewed boats
  • Recovering a man overboard

RYA Youth Sailing Stage 4 at Lagoon Watersports:

  • Run by highly experienced and friendly RYA instructors
  • All specialised equipment is provided, including wetsuits
  • Suitable for those with RYA Youth Sailing Stage 3 or similar experience
  • Group sizes are kept to a maximum of 8
  • Perfect learning location of Hove Lagoon combining shallow and flat water right next to the sea and also at Brighton Marina (if conditions allow)

Course Objectives: At the end of the course you will be able to competently launch and sail a dinghy round a triangle in suitable conditions to the level where we would allow children members to hire on the sea.

PLEASE NOTE: If the instructor decides that the client has not met the standards of RYA Dinghy Stage 4 they will not be signed off. We can then arrange for some extra tuition after the course.

Prerequisites: RYA Youth Sailing Level 3 and some sailing in between courses

Suitability: Age 8+

What to bring: All you need to bring is swimwear, towel and shoes suitable to wear in the water. We sell neoprene shoes in the office. Wetsuit, buoyancy aid and equipment hire is included.

Please make sure you read our booking terms and conditions and understand our cancellation policy. Rebooking fees will be charged for cancellations and changes made with less than 4 weeks notice


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