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  1. Alinghi 5 pootling arnd under main alone. May not be playing due to deluge of bmw ribs arnd them
  2. Flooring it in the Protector to go and see alinghi 5 now
  3. The alinghi weather microlight is pacing the big black tri, still trundling along at 25 knots
  4. Bmw heading out of commercial port. Feels like a historic moment. First time the two boats are out on the water together
  5. Valencia wind supposed to be 8-12 knots. Less at present. A5 at sea. Bmw on mooring but with wing up. Apparently rig frm shed to ready t ...
  6. Major foncia-backed program for michel desjoyeaux including new verdier vplp open 60 for route du rhum plus mod 70 trimaran. Mon dieu!
  7. izon job on us
  8. Lighter sunny day in valencia. Alinghi 5 rig back in. Both teams will be out today. Thedailysail will be resident on the bmw rib until t ...
  9. Coutts has just had a major rant on bertarelli attacking ellison and country of construction. The staggering
  10. Rumour has it that the solid wing rig on the BMW tri has been extended upwards by 6-7m. We shall see when we visit later...
  11. Alinghi 5 is out of the water at the team base. We have just been allowed to get up close and take snaps. Brace yourselves...
  12. alinghi 5 has grown wings! not vertical mast ones, but fairings behind pretty much every part of the platform and structure
  13. Ah - back in Valencia. No sailing this afternoon as 35 knots is forecast. BMW rig down. Alinghi 5 out of the water.
  14. Shortly off to Valencia to the warring factions in the 33rd America's Cup
  15. Sam davies has just won the pantanieus yja yachtsman of the year award. Nice job sam
  16. Rather quiet at London Boat Show - thanks to impressive snow/freezing with DLR and Jubilee line closures adding to the fun over the weekend
  17. Our congratulations to Neville Crichton and the Alfa crew on their Hobart race win over Wild Oats, turning the tables on the 2005 result
  18. Alfa Romeo leads Wild Oats and ICAP Leopard out through Sydney Heads with Ran already up to fourth!
  19. Obscure comment from Coutts; "thank you Brad for being Brad..."
  20. Coutts; "The wing has turned an amazing boats into an astonishing one."