Archive for the ‘Arkansas’ Category

ARKANSAS: Project Mena Final Report

Sunday, May 17th, 2009

On Thursday April 9, 2009 an EF-3 Tornado devastated downtown Mena, AR damaging over 600 homes, killing 3 people. Mena, a small town nestled in the Ouachita National Forest, suffered significant structure, tree, and roofing damage caused by the high winds and pounding rains. Two days after the event HODR’s Assessment Team was on the ground working to setup a project and we opened our doors to volunteers on April 15th.

Lean and Mean
Throughout the project we coordinated 31 volunteers who aided homeowners with tree and brush removal of 180 trees. This work provided a much-needed service to the community while we also expanded volunteers’ skill sets by training them in safe chainsaw, and in addition to our tree work we taught some of the longer-term volunteers how to tarp roofs. Combined with home demolition work and debris cleanup we were busy, and when Mother Nature didn’t cooperate with outdoor work we worked with Adventists’ Disaster Response in their warehouse sorting and organizing donations. In total, we worked on 24 homes affected by the tornado for a total of 1184 volunteer hours; that translates into $30,680 in the estimated value of donated volunteer labor.

Music for Mena
During Project Mena we received a $5,000 donation from Music for Relief, a project by the band Linkin Park. This donation helped bolster our ability to impact the lives of those affected by the tornado. HODR Development Coordinator Andrew Kerr had been corresponding with MFR over the past several months and exploring ways that our two organizations could partner. We want to thank Music for Relief for their generous donation and we look forward to partnerships on future projects.

Home Sweet Home
We based our operations out of the Mena Church of God; Pastor Mark Lyle, a veteran Hurricane Katrina relief volunteer himself, built his new worship space with the intent of housing volunteers if something should ever happen is his own “backyard.” The church allowed us to access and utilize multiple buildings on their property and we temporarily transformed several rooms to suit our needs. We want to thank Mark and his congregation for opening their doors to HODR and letting us setup shop while we worked in Mena.

We would also like to extend a big thank you to the Calvary Baptist Church in Mena who provided our volunteers with dinner for the last half of the project. Keeping our volunteers fed is no small feat—so we appreciate the home cooked meals that were prepared. It went a long way to making us feel at home.

During Project Mena we had a couple of newspaper articles appear about our work and “Paying it Forward”:
The Mena Star: Hands On Touches Mena
Cedar Rapids Gazette: Helping Hands Know the Ropes

HODR’s one-month long Project Mena was our first US project of 2009. Our volunteers in Mena averaged an on-project stay of 12 days each, which enabled us to accomplish a vast amount of work in such a short time. We want to thank everyone who volunteered and donated funds that helped make Project Mena the success it was. We look forward to seeing you again in the future!

Click here to view photos of Project Mena and read past updates with details of our work here.

-Bill Driscoll, Jr.
US Operations Director
-Jeremey Horan
Volunteer Coordinator

Linkin Park’s Music for Relief Partners with HODR

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

music-for-relief-mfr_logoMusic for Relief (MFR) partnered with HODR to support tornado-hit Mena, Arkansas in May, 2009. MFR contributed $5,000 to HODR’s Project Mena, helping us bring bring direct assistance to those in need as volunteers removed debris and down trees and helped the community recover.

Founded by members of the band Linkin Park, Music for Relief is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing aid to victims of natural disasters and the prevention of such disasters. MFR has organized a benefit concert featuring multi-platinum artists, sent musicians and volunteers to Southeast Asia and the U.S. Gulf Coast to help rebuild and donate supplies to people in need, and planted over 809,000 trees to help reduce global warming.

For more information visit
For more information about Project Mena click here.

ARKANSAS: Project Mena Update

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009


HODR’s Project Mena is lean and mean with an appetite for clearing tree and debris in the wake of April 9th’s EF-3 Tornado in Mena, Arkansas.

Project Mena is a one-moth project ending on May 15, 2009 that has seen 19 volunteers lend a hand thus far. The project size and length maybe be small compared to some of our larger past projects but the results have been anything but for the 17 households we have assisted during their recovery.

The HODR chainsaws have been busy felling and/or “bucking up” over 132 tornado-damaged trees. Debris-strewn yards and farms have been no match for the power of our motivated volunteers, who often times end up battling the elements and the occasional patch of poison oak vines. Our team even dismantled and sorted, by hand, a nearly 200 foot long barn that had been pushed over by the storm. The farm’s owner, an older man, would not have been able to tackle the demolition on his own. Like a battalion of “army ants” HODR volunteers methodically demo’d the barn in a matter of days.

Volunteers have also secured blue tarps to several leaking rooftops until a permanent roof repair can be made and provided people power to the Adventist Community Services Disaster Relief distribution warehouse.

Many thanks to the Calvary Baptist Church that has recently begun feeding our team every other night with delicious meals. The Mena Church of God continues to graciously host our team, providing a base of operations and home away from home for HODR in Mena. Thanks!

We plan on continuing to help Mena recover until May 15th. If you’re interested in volunteering with us (and don’t mind working in the rain – the weather doesn’t always cooperate!) we would love to see you in Mena. Email to volunteer, or support Project Mena with a tax-deductible donation.

Thanks to all the volunteers, donors and community members who have helped HODR help the people of Mena!

Click here to visit the Project Mena photo gallery

Bill Driscoll Jr.
US Operations Director
Hands On Disaster Response

Follow my micro-blog from Project Mena here for the most up-to-date info of what we are up to on the ground in Mena.

ARKANSAS: Announcing Project Mena

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

On Thursday April 9th an EF3 tornado tore through Mena, Arkansas leaving in its wake a 14.5 mile path of destruction damaging over 600 homes and affecting thousands of lives. In response, HODR sent an assessment team to survey the damage and has been in the area since early Sunday morning. After speaking with local officials, other response organizations and touring the affected community, we would like to announce the start of Project Mena. Due to the localized nature of the damage and the overall response from the community and other organizations, we anticipate the duration of this project will be 30 days (ending on approx. May 15, 2009).

We would like to thank the Mena Church of God for opening their doors to HODR, donating space for us to run our operations. At this time the workload consists of tree clearing and general debris removal with occasional work on affected roofs. As the recovery develops we anticipate expanding our programs to match the needs of the community; to keep up to date on project progress please follow our twitter micro-blog for the latest news, and click here to view photos.

We’d love to see you in Mena! For those interested in volunteering please email Tom at with your planned arrival and departure dates and read the Volunteer Info to know what to expect.

If you can’t make it please consider donating to HODR to support our work – become a Monthly Donor and your monthly gift of any amount will be matched through August by an anonymous donor – or you can donate directly to support our Mena Response Fund!

Bill Driscoll Jr.
US Operations Director

ARKANSAS: Mena Tornado Assessment

Friday, April 10th, 2009

Mena, Arkansas was struck by an EF3 tornado at 8:10 PM on 4/9/09. Area reports at this time estimate that there are about 100 homes destroyed and 600 damaged.

HODR is sending an Assessment Team to the area to evaluate the needs and potential for a HODR recovery project.

If you’re interested in volunteering with us in Arkansas, if a response project develops from the assessment, please email Tom at so we can gauge potential volunteer interest.

Follow the US Team at and check for updates as information becomes available.