Archive for December, 2006

PHILIPPINES: Volunteer Housing Update

Wednesday, December 27th, 2006

We have a house! On Dec, 31, we’ll move into our new house, located in the heart of barangay San Isidro in Santo Domingo. We’ve updated our FAQs with housing details, and have also posted some photos of the house in our project gallery.

PHILIPPINES: Holiday Gift Idea

Thursday, December 21st, 2006

Looking for that perfect holiday gift? Looking for a gift that will keep on giving?


We are happy to announce that for a project-directed donation of $180.00 USD you can own* a genuine Filipino fishing banca. But, wait……that’s not all. If you act now we will throw in an authentic fishing net AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. That’s right for a mere $180USD you will create a livelihood for an entire family in the village of Buhatan, in Santo Domingo

Ok! That is the hype. The actuality of it is this: the fisherman in Buhatan lost 26 of their 30 bancas. This small (about 4m) family-owned boat can be rebuilt locally, providing income for the boat makers and also the fisherman. There are other larger boats in the area that are owned by businesses who hire the fisherman to work on them, but our target is to help the family-owned bancas.

We would like to be able to help rebuild the fishing fleet quickly. The peak fishing season starts in February, when the families can harvest the most profitable fish.

So, act now don’t delay! Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to own an authentic fishing banca and receive our free gift fishing net!!

Please visit our online donation site or email us. You can contact fisherman Tom Taylor at for more details.

* Fine print: your ownership, of course, DOES NOT INCLUDE possession of the boat or the net!

PHILIPPINES: Project Santo Domingo!

Thursday, December 21st, 2006

It is a go! Hands On would like volunteers to join us in the Bicol region of the Philippines for “Project Santo Domingo”.

We plan to be based in the municipality of Santo Domingo, Albay Province, in southern Luzon. The area, known for receiving numerous typhoons each season, was hard hit by supertyphoon Reming during the daylight hours of 30 November, 2006.

Reming was exceptional though and triggered other cataclysmic events. The winds blew apart homes and tore off roofs. The heavy rainfall caused flooding and triggered lahar flows that obliterated entire communities and buried others. This combination of events created damage that is beyond the scope of the country to deal with without international help. The need is great and the response has been small.

With homes, schools, infrastructure, and livelihoods affected we feel that our organization, with your willingness to volunteer or donate, can help.

We are still in the process of lining up projects and securing a facility for volunteer housing, but would like you to initiate your plans to come and join us.

Please visit our website ( and read the most recent reports. You will also find a work-in-progress list of FAQs. If you still have questions please email Mr. Tom at

Thank you! And see you here!

Marc Young
Operations Director
Hands On Disaster Response
Project Santo Domingo

PHILIPPINES: First photos

Tuesday, December 19th, 2006

Our first photos from the Philippines are up! You can view them online here.

Also, please take a moment to read Marc’s full first report here.

PHILIPPINES: First Report Dec. 17

Monday, December 18th, 2006

“Thank you, come again. This is a beautiful place.”


Quote attributed to the man above who was in a hole over his head that he had shoveled out. The sides of the hole were actually the walls of his wood frame house supported on the outside by 2+ meters of volcanic ash (lahar). He had removed the roof and was probing for his buried possessions (imagine an archaeological excavation site). We were surrounded by a desert of black and gray lahar and scattered boulders, accented by wind ravaged coconut trees, crystal clear blue skies, and the looming volcano Mayon. Considering what he said, we laughed…….and cried.


PHILIPPINES Update: Dec 09, 2006

Saturday, December 9th, 2006

Marc has had some productive meetings with our sister organization Hands On Manila. He is now planning on scouting locations to find the best place for HODR to begin working as effectively as possible. We expect to have an update online from Manila in the next few days.



Saturday, December 9th, 2006

Marc has just arrived in Manila and is beginning to make connections and find a good place for HODR to set-up up a volunteer center. Communication systems in the area are still having some major problems, but we’ll keep the site updated as we learn more.

HODR Update & Announcements

Thursday, December 7th, 2006

HandsOn Disaster Response family:

Hi Guys. Sorry we have been sparse in communication, here’s an attempt to update you on a broad range of happenings.
