Google Play

Google Play Terms of Service

1. Introduction

Applicable Terms. By using digital content on Google Play, you agree to the following terms, in addition to the Google Terms of Service ("Google ToS") and the Google Play Business and Program Policies (found at, all of which together are the “Terms”. If there is any conflict between the following terms and the Google ToS, the following terms shall prevail. Google's provision of Google Play and the services described in these Terms is a “Service” as defined in the Google ToS. These Terms apply to the provision of digital content from Google Play. Separate terms here apply to sales of devices from the Google Play store.

Access to Products. You may use Google Play to browse, locate, and/or download "Products" (defined as data files, applications, written text, mobile device software, music, audio files or other sounds, photographs, videos or other images) for your mobile, computer or other supported device (“Device”). Some of these Products may be offered by Google while others may be made available by third-parties not affiliated with Google. You agree that Google is not responsible for any Product on Google Play that originates from a source other than Google.

Age Restrictions. In order to use Google Play you must be 13 years of age or older. If you are between 13 and 18 years of age, you must have your parent or legal guardian’s permission to use Google Play. You must not access Google Play or accept these Terms if you are a person who is either barred or otherwise legally prohibited from receiving or using the Service or any Products under the laws of the country in which you are resident or from which you access or use Google Play.

2. Google’s provision of Google Play

Payment Processing. Google may make available to you various payment processing methods to facilitate the purchase of Products from Google Play. You must abide by any relevant terms and conditions or other legal agreement, whether with Google or a third party, that governs your use of a given payment processing method. Google may add or remove payment processing methods at its sole discretion and without notice to you. You agree to pay for any Products that you order and that Google may charge your credit card or other form of payment that you indicate for any Products ordered, along with any additional amounts (including any taxes). You agree that you are solely responsible for all fees associated with purchases you make on Google Play.

Google Wallet. You will need a Google Wallet account to purchase Products. If you do not have a Google Wallet Account, you can set one up by going to this link, where you can also find more information about Google Wallet. The Wallet Terms of Service located here also apply whenever you want to purchase a Product using Google Wallet. Please ensure that you read those terms carefully before making any purchase.

Pricing. For sales as both principal or agent, Google displays the pricing for Products on Google Play. Pricing and availability of all Products are subject to change at any time.

Taxes. You are responsible for any Taxes, and must pay Google for Products without any reduction for Taxes. If Google is obligated to collect or pay Taxes, the Taxes will be invoiced to you, unless you provide Google with a valid tax exemption certificate authorized by the appropriate taxing authority. If you are required by law to withhold any Taxes from your payments to Google, you must provide Google with an official tax receipt or other appropriate documentation to support such payments. "Taxes" means any duties, customs fees, or taxes (other than Google's income tax) associated with the sale of Products, including any related penalties or interest.

3. Your Use of Google Play

Basic Use Requirements. To use the Service, you will need a Device that meets the system and compatibility requirements for the relevant Product, which may change from time to time, working Internet access, and compatible software. Your ability to use the Service and the performance of the Service may be affected by these factors. Such system requirements are your responsibility.

Third-Party Fees. You may incur access or data fees from third parties (such as your Internet provider or mobile carrier) in connection with your use of Products and Google Play. For instance, you may incur such fees if you use services provided through Google Play on or through third-party services or devices. You are responsible for all such fees.

Updates. You may need to install updates to Google Play or related Google software that we introduce from time to time to use Google Play and to access or download Products. Products originating from Google may communicate with Google servers from time to time to check for available updates to the Products and to the functionality of Google Play, such as bug fixes, patches, enhanced functions, missing plug-ins and new versions (collectively, "Updates"). By using the Google Play store and installing these Products, you agree to such automatically requested and received Updates.

Information about You. In order to access certain services in Google Play, you may be required to provide information about yourself such as your name, address, and billing details. Google’s privacy policies explain how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when using Google Play. You agree that any such information you provide to Google will always be accurate, correct and up to date.

Unauthorized Access to Accounts. You must keep your user details secure and must not share them with anyone else. You must not collect or harvest any personal data of any user of Google Play, including account names.

Disabled Accounts. If Google disables access to your account, you may be prevented from accessing Google Play, your account details or any files or other Products that are stored with your account.

Eligibility for Carrier Billing. In order to determine your eligibility to have purchases of Products that you make through your mobile Devices billed to your mobile network provider’s account, when you create a Google Play account on a Device we will send identifiers of your Device, subscriber ID and SIM card serial number to your network provider. To permit this you will need to accept the network provider’s terms of service. The network provider may send us your billing address information to help us create your Google Play account. We will hold and use this information in accordance with Google’s privacy policies.

Malware protection. To protect you against the effects of malicious third party software, if you download and attempt to install an Android app onto a Device, the Device may send information about the app and its source to Google. Google will use the information to compare against a database of known malware to determine if the app is harmful or likely to be unsafe. Google may warn you if it considers the app to be unsafe, or block its installation on your device if it is known to Google to be harmful to devices, data or users. As part of this service, and to make it more effective, Google may also receive information, such as your Device ID, IP address, URL visited and one or more cookies. You can always choose to disable this malware protection by going to Settings > Security on your device.

4. Purchases and Payments.

Free Products. Google may allow you to download or use Products free of charge. Any terms and conditions that apply to purchased Products will apply to free Products, except with respect to payment-related matters (for example, the refund-related provisions of these Terms do not apply to such free Products). Google may impose limitations on your access and use of certain free Products.

Pre-orders of Products. When you place a pre-order for a Product, your contract for the purchase and use of that item is completed when the Product becomes available in your account, and you are not able to withdraw from the contract after that point.

Purchase of Products. When you buy a Product, your contract for the purchase and use of that item is completed once you click the button indicating that your purchase is complete and you are not able to withdraw from the contract after that point.

Product Purchases are Services. When you purchase a Product, you are buying a service. Performance of this service begins as soon as the purchase is complete, as the Product will then be available to you through your account.

Direct, Agency and App Sales. When you buy Products from Google Play you will buy them either:

(a)    directly from Google (which is referred to as “Google”, “we”, “our”, or “us” in these Terms) (a “Direct Sale”);

(b)    from the provider of the Product (the “Provider”), where Google is acting as agent for the Provider (an “Agency Sale”); or

(c)    in the case of Android apps, from the Provider of the app (an “App Sale”).

Each time that you purchase a Product, you enter into a contract based on these Terms with: Google in relation to the use of Google Play and (in the case of a Direct Sale) the purchase of that Product; and also (in the case of Agency Sales and App Sales) with the Provider of the Product you have purchased.

All Sales Final. Except as expressly set forth in these Terms or other Google Play policies, all sales are final, and no returns, replacements or refunds are permitted. If a replacement, return or refund is granted for any transaction, the transaction may be reversed, and you may no longer be able to access the Product that you acquired through that transaction. Your rights to cancel or return purchases and get a refund are set out in the additional terms for the relevant Product type below and related policies.

5. Subscriptions.

Free Trials of Magazines and Music. If you receive a free trial subscription for a magazine or music (including as part of your purchase of a subscription for a magazine or music), you will receive free access to content for the duration of the free trial period. If you cancel the subscription during the free trial period you will not be billed. You will retain access to the magazine issues that you access during a free trial period, but you will not retain access to Music Subscription Content (as defined below) that you access during a free trial period unless you become a paid subscriber. If you do not cancel during the free trial period you will be billed at the end of the free trial period for the first period of the subscription that you purchased, which will commence at the end of the free trial period. Access to free trials may be limited to a certain number of free trials for each user during any a given period. To avoid any charges, you must cancel before the end of the trial period; for more information on cancelling subscriptions, see the section titled “Cancellations” below in this Section 5.

Free Trials of Apps. Subscribing to a free trial for an Android app gives you access to the subscription benefits for that app for a duration specified by the application developer. At the end of the trial period, you will be charged the price of the subscription and will continue to be charged until you cancel your subscription. To avoid any charges, you must cancel before the end of the trial period. Once you cancel your trial, you will immediately lose access to any subscription privileges.

Cancellations. If you purchase an auto-recurring periodic subscription (whether monthly, annual or another period) to a Product, you may cancel that subscription at any time before the end of the applicable billing cycle, and the cancellation will apply to the next period. For example, if you purchase a monthly subscription, you may cancel that subscription at any time during any month of the subscription, and the subscription will be cancelled as of the following month. You will not receive a refund for the current billing period, except in the event of a defective product (as set forth in section 6 below), or as otherwise set forth in these Terms. With respect to magazine subscriptions, you will continue to receive issues and updates, if applicable, of the relevant subscription during the remainder of the current billing period, and your access to these will not be affected by the cancellation. With respect to music subscriptions, you will continue to have access to Music Subscription Content (as defined in Section 5 below) during the remainder of the current billing period; however, your access to Music Subscription Content will terminate at the end of the billing period during which your subscription is cancelled. Additional refund policies for music and magazines are set out in sections 7 and 10 below, respectively.

Price Changes. When you purchase a subscription, you will initially be charged at the rate applicable at the time of your agreement to subscribe. If the Provider later increases the price of the subscription, Google will notify you. The increase will apply to the next payment due from you after the notice, provided that you have been given at least 10 days' prior notice before the charge is made. If you are given less than 10 days' prior notice, the price increase will not apply until the payment after the next payment due.

Declining Price Changes. If you do not wish to pay the increased price for a subscription, you may cancel the subscription in the manner described in the Google Play help center and you will not be charged further amounts for the subscription, provided you have notified us before the end of the current billing period. In some cases where the Provider increases the price of a subscription Google may cancel your subscription unless you agree to re-subscribe at the new price. If your subscription is cancelled and you later decide to re-subscribe, you will initially be charged at the then current subscription rate.

6. Rights and Restrictions

License to Use Products. Following payment of the applicable fees for a Product, you will have the non-exclusive right, for the period selected by you in the case of a purchase for a rental period, and in other cases for as long as Google and the applicable copyright holder have rights to provide you that Product, to download or stream, in each case, solely as expressly permitted by Google via the Play user interface and subject to the restrictions set forth in these Terms and associated policies, copies of the applicable Product to your Devices, and to view, use, and display the Product on your Devices or as otherwise authorized by Google as part of the Service for your personal, non-commercial use only. All rights, title and interest in Google Play and Products not expressly granted to you in these Terms are reserved by Google and its licensors.

Violation of License Terms. If you violate any of the terms and conditions of the Terms, your rights under this license will immediately terminate and Google may terminate your access to Google Play, the Products and/or your Google account without notice and without refund to you.

No Public Performance. You agree not to display content contained in Products in whole or in part as part of any public performance or display even if no fee is charged (except where such use would not constitute a copyright infringement). Use of a tool or feature provided as an authorized part of Google Play (for example, “Social Recommendations”, as defined in the Music terms below) is permitted, provided that as you use the tool or feature as specifically permitted and only in the exact manner specified and enabled by Google.

Sale, Distribution or Assignment to Third Parties. You may not sell, rent, lease, redistribute, broadcast, transmit, communicate, modify, sublicense or transfer or assign your rights to Products to any third party without authorization, including with regard to any downloads of Products that you may obtain through Google Play. Use of any tool or feature provided as an authorized part of Google Play (for example, “Social Recommendations”) shall not violate this provision so long as you use the tool as specifically permitted and only in the exact manner specified and enabled by Google.

Capturing of Streams. You may not use Google Play or any Product in conjunction with any stream-ripping, stream capture or similar software to record or create a copy of any Product that is presented to you in streaming format.

Sharing. You may not use Products as part of any service for sharing, lending or multi-person use, or for the purpose of any other institution, except as specifically permitted and only in the exact manner specified and enabled by Google (for example, through “Social Recommendations”).

Security Features. You may not attempt to, nor assist, authorise or encourage others to circumvent, disable or defeat any of the security features or components, such as digital rights management software or encryption, that protect, obfuscate or otherwise restrict access to any Product or Google Play. If you violate any security feature, you may incur civil or criminal liability.

Proprietary Notices. You may not remove any watermarks, labels or other legal or proprietary notices included in any Product, and you may not attempt to modify any Products obtained through Google Play, including any modification for the purpose of disguising or changing any indications of the ownership or source of a Product.

Defective Products. Once a Product is available to you through your account, you should check the Product as soon as reasonably possible to ensure that it downloads or streams correctly (as applicable) and performs as stated, and notify us as soon as reasonably possible if you find any errors or defect. In the case of Android apps, you should contact the developer concerning any defects or performance issues in the apps, as described in the Google Play help center. In the case of Products other than apps, subject to any limitations in the additional terms for the specific Product below, You may return Products that you purchased from Google Play to Google if Google Play does not perform as stated with respect to that purchased Product, and Google will provide at its option either a replacement Product or a refund of the purchase price. If Google elects to issue you a refund, the refund of your purchase price shall be your sole remedy. Google reserves the right to issue refunds or credits at its sole discretion. If Google issues a refund or credit, it is under no obligation to issue the same or similar refund in the future.

Removal or Unavailability of Products. Subject to these Terms, Products that you purchase will be available to you through Google Play for the period selected by you in the case of a purchase for a rental period, and in other cases as long as Google has the right to make such content available to you. In certain cases (for example, if Google loses the relevant rights, discontinues a service or a Product is discontinued, breaches applicable terms or the law), Google may remove from your Device or cease providing you with access to certain Products that you have purchased. If reasonably practicable, Google will provide you with reasonable prior notice of any such removal or cessation. If you are not able to download a copy of the Product before such removal or cessation, then Google will, at its option and solely as an accommodation to you, offer you either (a) a replacement of the Product if possible or (b) a refund of the price of the Product. If Google chooses to issue you a refund, the refund of your purchase price shall be your sole remedy.

Effect of Refunds. If Google chooses to issue you a refund of the purchase price of a Product for any reason, you will no longer have the right to access the relevant Product.

Select, Copy and Paste. Select, copy and paste functions may be available for some text-based Products, and you must use these features within the prescribed limits and only for personal non-commercial purposes.

Multiple Accounts. If you have multiple Google accounts with different user names, in some cases you may transfer Products out of an account and into another account, provided you are the owner of each such account and provided Google has enabled a feature of the relevant service allowing such transfers.

Limits on access on Devices. Google may at any time place limits on the number of Devices and/or software applications you may use to access Products, at Google’s discretion. Google may record and store the unique device identifier numbers of your Devices in order to enforce such limits.

Compliance with Tax Laws. You must comply with any and all applicable tax laws, including the reporting and payment of any taxes arising in connection with your use of Google Play or the purchase of Products through Google Play. The reporting and payment of any such applicable taxes are your responsibility.


Changes to these Terms.

If these Terms change, you will be asked to accept new terms before you next purchase Products. Once you have accepted the new terms, they will apply to your use of all Products (including Products you have purchased in the past) and all subsequent purchases, until we notify you of further changes.

If you refuse to accept the updated terms then you will not be able to buy any further Products through Google Play, and the latest version of these Terms that you accepted will continue to apply to your use of Products. In this case we will, if we are able to do so, give you a reasonable period of time in which to download a copy of any Product you have previously bought from Google Play to your Device, and you may continue to view that copy of the Product on your Devices in accordance with the last version of these Terms that you accepted.

After that time has expired, you will not be given a further opportunity to download the Products you have previously bought and it is possible that you will no longer be able to use Google Play to access or use the Products you have already bought or related support services. To do so you may also need to create a new account.

7. Music on Google Play

Introduction. Google Play includes certain music-related products and services, which are described in greater detail below and defined as “Music Products,” "Music Subscription Content" and "Music Locker Services."

Music Products; Music Subscription Content. The Google Play store allows you to browse, preview, stream, purchase, download, recommend and use a variety of digital music and music-related content such as music files, music video files, previews, clips, artist information, user reviews, professional third-party music reviews and other digital content (“Music Products”). Certain Music Products may be accessible to you by purchasing (or receiving a free trial of) a subscription to a music subscription service made available via Google Play (“Music Subscription Content”). Music Products may be owned by Google or its third-party partners and licensors and may contain watermarks or other embedded data. For clarity, all Music Products constitute “Products” as defined in Section 1 above.

Stored Content. You can use Google Play to store digital content (such as music files, related metadata and album art) in Music Storage through the Music Software, as each is defined below (“Stored Content”). For the avoidance of doubt, “Music Products” do not include Stored Content. Stored Content may include both files that you upload directly to Music Storage and/or files that Google “scans and matches” to files stored locally on your Device.

Music Locker Services. Google Play may provide you with access to (a) server space that you can use to store music and associated data files, including Music Products and Stored Content (“Music Storage”) and/or (b) software applications (including web, desktop and mobile applications) and related services that allow you to upload, manage, access and play music through Music Storage ("Music Software"). Music Storage and Music Software are collectively referred to in these Terms as the “Music Locker Service”. For clarity, you may be given access to Stored Content and Music Subscription Content through the same user interface.

Use of Music Locker Services. By storing Music Products and Stored Content in Music Storage, you are storing a unique copy of such content and requesting Google to retain it on your behalf and to make it accessible to you through your Google account. By using the Music Locker Services, you are requesting that Google make all of the necessary functions and features of the Music Locker Services available to you in order to facilitate your use of Music Products and Stored Content. Additionally, by accessing or using Music Products and Stored Content through the Music Software, you are initiating and performing the corresponding functions on Google's servers, together with any related steps necessary to achieve them, through the Music Locker Services. You understand that Google, in performing the required technical steps at your direction to provide you with the Music Locker Services, may (a) transmit Music Products and Stored Content over various networks and in various media and (b) make such changes to Music Products and Stored Content as are necessary to conform and adapt it to the technical requirements of connecting networks, devices, services or media. You confirm and warrant to Google that you have the necessary rights to store in Music Storage any Stored Content that you direct Google to upload or store in Music Storage, and to instruct Google to perform the actions described in this section.

Cancelling a Music Purchase; Refunds. You have the right to cancel each purchase of a Music Product from Google (including a music subscription) for a refund within 7 working days of the day after that Music Product becomes available for you to download or stream; provided that, with respect to music subscription free trials: (i) you may cancel your subscription at any time during a free trial period (as set forth in Section 5 above) and (ii) you will not have the foregoing 7-day cancellation right once the paid portion of your subscription has commenced. Once you download or stream any Music Product that you purchase, you no longer have the right to cancel your purchase of that Music Product (unless the Music Product is defective). Where you are granted a refund for a music subscription, Google may issue a refund for the entire term of the subscription or grant a partial refund (if available) for the remaining term of the subscription. Following Google’s provision of a refund to you, you will no longer have the right to access the applicable Music Product.

Other Google Subscription Services. You may receive access to a Google Play music subscription as part of a subscription to another Google product; additionally, you may receive access to other Google subscription products as part of a Google Play music subscription. The details of your access to such other Google subscription products will be presented to you before you complete your music subscription purchase. Your use of Google Play and any Google Play music subscription product is governed solely by these Terms, and not the terms of any other Google product, including any other Google product through which you receive access to a Google Play music subscription.

Social Recommendations. When you purchase Music Products, you may be given the opportunity to share all or a portion of the Music Products to your profile on Google+ or other Google-approved social networks or online destinations, as determined by Google in its sole discretion ("Social Recommendation"). Your use of Social Recommendations shall be subject to the Terms and any other terms and conditions applicable to the social networks or online destinations to which you share such Social Recommendations. Google may impose limitations on your Social Recommendations. For example, Google may render the Music Product associated with any Social Recommendation as a limited-length preview rather than a full-length play.

Rights to Stored Content. You retain any rights that you already hold in Stored Content. For the avoidance of doubt, Stored Content is not subject to the license grant to Google in the section of the Google Terms of Service titled “Your Content in our Services.”

Geographic Restrictions. The Music Locker Services and Music Products are currently available only in some countries. You agree that you will not present any false, inaccurate or misleading information in an effort to misrepresent yourself as a resident of a supported country, and you will not attempt to circumvent any restrictions on access to or availability of the Music Locker Services or Music Products.

Compliance With Settings. You must observe and comply with any settings or parameters set by Google or a copyright holder in connection with Music Products. For example, Google or the copyright holders may correct errors in Music Products, add additional features or change the security features or regional availability of the Music Products. Where these changes are made, the Music Products may automatically update.

Third-Party Provisions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Terms, the third parties who license their musical or other content to Google as Music Products or for other use in connection with the Google Play store (including Providers in the case of Agency Sales) are intended third party beneficiaries under these Terms solely with respect to the specific provisions of these Terms that directly concern their content (“Third-Party Provisions”), and solely for the purpose of enabling such third parties to enforce their rights in such content. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in these Terms confers a third-party beneficiary right upon any party, with respect to any provision that falls outside the Third Party Provisions, which includes but is not limited to any provisions or agreements incorporated by reference, or that may be referenced without incorporation, in these Terms.

Third-Party Software and Data. Information regarding third-party software (including open source) and data in the Music Locker Services can be obtained at the following location:

Licensing Partners. If you are interested in learning more about some of the partners we work with to bring you music on Google Play, please visit this page.

8. Books on Google Play

Privacy Policy for Books. The Google Play Privacy Policy for Books describes how we treat personal and certain other information generated by your use of Products that are books (“Books Products”).

Device Requirements. For information on the system requirements including what Devices are compatible with the Service and the purchase of and access to Books Products, please look at

Updates to Books Content. Google or the copyright holders of Books Products may update such Books Products and change digital rights settings for such Books Products from time to time. For example Google or the copyright holders may correct errors in the Books Products or may add additional features, or may change the security features for the Books Products. Where these changes are made the Books Products that you see will automatically update, except where you have downloaded a copy of the Books Products to a Device.

Pricing. Prices and availability of any Books Products are subject to change at any time. We try very hard to make sure there are no pricing mistakes. However, we (and, in the case of Agency and App Sales, the Provider) will not be bound by mistakes in the price of the Books Products (unless you have already purchased Books Products at the incorrect price).

Cancellation. You have the right to cancel the contract for each purchase or rental of a Book Product from Google for a refund within a period of 7 days beginning with the day after that Book Products becomes available for you to read, except for rentals of Book Products for a 24-hour period, to which the cancellation right does not apply. Following Google’s provision of a refund to you, the transaction will be reversed, and you will no longer have the right to access the applicable Book Product.


(a)     When you pre-order Books Products, the Books Content will automatically be available in your account once it becomes available to read, and you will be charged for the purchase at that time.

(b)     You can cancel your pre-order at any time up to the point at which the Books Product becomes available to read (if you want to cancel the pre-order you will be able to do so by visiting the “My Orders” page and following the instructions there). Once the Books Product is available for you to read, your cancellation and return rights are the same as for other Books Products that you purchase through Google Play. Please see the terms above for more information.

(c)     In some cases, we will need to cancel a pre-order you have placed (for example, we will cancel the pre-order if: the price of the Books Product changes between the time of your pre-order and the time at which the Books Product becomes available in your account; the Publisher of the Books Product requires us to withdraw the Books Content from sale; we have not been able to process your payment for the Books Product; or where we are required to do so by law). In this situation, your pre-order will be cancelled.

9. Movies and TV Shows on Google Play

Introduction. Google Play includes certain video services, which are defined as the “Video Services”. In these Terms Products made available for purchase through the Video Services are “Video Products”.

Cancellation. You can cancel your purchase of a Video Product and get a refund for an unwatched rental as long as it's within 7 working days of your order. Requests for refunds for any other reason must be directed through the form in the Google Play help center. Google reserves the right to approve or deny refund requests after 7 working days at its sole discretion.

Purchase Options. When you order a Video Product through the Service, you may either (i) rent the Video Product for viewing an unlimited number of times during the period of time specified on the transaction page displayed at the time of your payment ("Viewing Period") and noted in your confirmation email (“Rental Video Product”) or (ii) purchase the Video Product for storage in a digital locker and for viewing and unlimited number of times as long as the Video Product is available in the digital locker (“Locker Video Product”).

Viewing Periods - Rentals. Pausing, stopping, or rewinding a Rental Video Product will not extend your applicable Viewing Period for that Rental Video Product. Each item of Rental Video Product may have a different Viewing Period and you agree to review the Viewing Period before you order it.

Viewing Periods - Purchases. Each Locker Video Product will be available for unlimited viewing for as long as Google is able to maintain the rights to continue providing you that Locker Video Product (“Locker Period”). Pausing, stopping, or rewinding an item of Locker Video Product will not extend the Locker Period. Each item of Locker Pay Content may have a different Locker Period.

Viewing requirements. You agree to watch each Video Product only within territories within which Google makes the relevant Video Product available for viewing. You may view Video Products when (1) online, with an internet connection and logged onto your Google account or (2) offline and viewing from a previously authorized device. You must be online to authorize a device for viewing Video Products.

Device Limits - Rentals. For each purchased Rental Video Product, you may watch such Rental Video Product on only one Device at a time (either online or on an authorized offline Device).

Viewing Limits - Purchases. For Locker Video Products, (1) you may view only one stream of each Locker Video Product at a time, (2) you may view up to 3 streams of Locker Video Products from your locker at a time, (3) you may authorize up to 5 Devices for offline playback of Locker Video Products at a time and to authorize additional devices, you must de-authorize one of those 5 Devices, (4) you may only authorize the same Device three times in any 12 month period and de-authorize the same Device twice in any 12 month period, (5) you may only de-authorize a total of 2 Devices for offline playback every 90 days, and (6) you may authorize no more than 3 Google accounts on the same Device.

10. Magazines on Google Play

Reductions for Print Subscribers. Some Providers of magazines may allow you to purchase a subscription of magazine Products on Google Play at a reduced rate if you are already a print subscriber. If you cancel your print subscription of that magazine or your print subscription expires and you do not renew it, your reduced rate subscription of that Product on Google Play will be cancelled automatically.

Refunds. Where you are granted a refund, Google may issue a refund for the entire term or grant a partial refund (if available) for the remaining term of a subscription. Following Google’s provision of a refund to you, you will no longer have the right to access the applicable issues of the relevant magazine Product delivered during the refunded period, or if a partial refund is given, any issues of the relevant magazine Product not yet received. If a Product is no longer available on Magazines on Google Play (for example, if a title goes out of business or is sold to another publisher that does not provide Products to Magazines on Google Play), Google will give you a refund (which may be a full refund for the current period of the subscription or a partial refund for issues not yet received in the current period).

Information Google Shares with Magazine Publishers. If you purchase a subscription of any length on Magazines on Google Play, Google will share your name, email address, mailing address and a unique identifier with the magazine’s publisher. The magazine publisher will use this information in accordance with its privacy policy. You will be provided the opportunity to opt out of any communications from the publisher that do not relate to the subscription you are purchasing, and to opt out of marketing communications from third parties, at the time you purchase your subscription. If you purchase a single issue on Magazines on Google Play, Google may provide your postal code to the magazine’s publisher. We also provide magazine publishers with sales information on magazine purchases.

Verifying Print Subscriptions. If you are accessing a subscription on Magazines on Google Play through an existing print subscription from that magazine’s publisher, we may ask a third party service provider to verify your print subscription with the magazine publisher, and we may ask you for certain information relating to your print subscription in order to do so. Google will use this information in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy (located at