
  1. Seriously, what's the opposite of Augmented Reality? “Diminished Reality”? Overlay all ads with blue sky!

  2. Advice? How to convey to OS collaborators that unpolished code is still better public, overcome desire to hide it until it's "good enough"?

  3. Analogously, maybe they promote standards that are complicated enough that lesser implementors will screw it up.

  4. Sure, it can be useful to consult with a saboteur or two when doing your engineering work. But for god's sake, don't put them in *charge*.

  5. I'm not saying the espionage agencies are bad. I'm saying they're the wrong organizations to control national infrastructure.

  6. Well, that doesn't really follow. It was that the short keys were for everyone *else* to use, not for USG.

  7. Remember NSA pushed small keys for a long time; presumably they thought they could brute force better than their enemies.

  8. I need to find an alternative to Google Hangouts, because a surprisingly large fraction of people I need to work with refuse to use Google.

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