OH: “needless to say, android passed its fips certification with flying colors.”
@conor64 It is a disgrace that the people who authorized torture haven’t been convicted and sentenced, I agree. -
@justintroutman I’m at: AEAD if there’s an@agl__ - class implementation, GC if you have to code it yourself. -
@marshray@matthew_d_green It’s pretty obviously the comms for the Mars rover. -
I cued the dream sequence wavy blur effect and fixed my twitter config. Thanks everyone for putting up with me for these two trying days.
@marshray@dakami@rantyben I am probably getting this one confused (the 2 primes 1 run thing was clever so it sticks out in my mind) -
@marshray@dakami@rantyben IIRC (but maybe not) this was the one where they did a single primegen run and picked out two primes from it. -
@marshray@rantyben@dakami Wasn’t that a p & q generated from one single run of Miller-Rabin? -
@dakami@rantyben Debian didn’t break devrandom; they broke the userland OpenSSL CSPRNG. -
@bramcohen@matthew_d_green Not just in the encoding step of the encryption layer! Obvious, but not to me, and neat to think about. -
@bramcohen@matthew_d_green The most interesting/compelling/profound bit to me is how that oracle might be at any layer of the stack. -
@rantyben Seriously read Tom Pornin’s bit about this on Stack Exchange. Pornin 10x smarter than I am about this stuff. -
@dakami@mwgamera@areuugee Handling multiple processes is another nice feature of /dev/random.
@tqbf ने अभी ट्वीट नहीं किया है.
लोड होने में कुछ समय लग रहा है.
ट्विटर की कैपेसिटी चुक गई है या कोई क्षणिक समस्या है. फिर से कोशिश करें या अधिक जानकारी के लिए ट्विटर स्टेटस पर जाएँ.
इस मीडिया को फ़्लेग करें
इस सामग्री को पहले से ही संवेदनशील के रूप में चिन्हित किया जा चूका हैं.