D-Lib Magazine
The Magazine of Digital Library Research
Photograph of  Norfolk Southern Passenger Train

D - L I B   M A G A Z I N E
doi:10.1045/dlib.magazine | ISSN:1082-9873


J U L Y / A U G U S T   2 0 1 3

Table of Contents

F E A T U R E D   D I G I T A L   C O L L E C T I O N

Featured Collection: The Full English, an archive of traditional English folk music and dance tunes launched by the English Folk Dance and Song Society.

Scan of Sheet Music

[Courtesy of the English Folk Dance and Song Society. Used with permission.]



[ Editorial ] Summer Issue
By Laurence Lannom, Corporation for National Research Initiatives



[ Abstract ] [ Article ] Rethinking the Digital Media Library for RIT's The Wallace Center
By April Younglove, Rochester Institute of Technology


[ Abstract ] [ Article ] Using Data Curation Profiles to Design the Datastar Dataset Registry
By Sarah J. Wright, Wendy A. Kozlowski, Dianne Dietrich, Huda J. Khan, and Gail S. Steinhart, Cornell University; Leslie McIntosh, Washington University School of Medicine


[ Abstract ] [ Article ] Drawing the Blueprint As We Build: Setting Up a Library-based Copyright and Permissions Service for MOOCs
By Lauren Fowler and Kevin Smith, Duke University Libraries


[ Abstract ] [ Article ] Model-Oriented Information Organization: Part 1, The Entity-Event Fabric
By Robert B. Allen, University of Tsukuba, Japan


[ Abstract ] [ Article ] Model-Oriented Information Organization: Part 2, Discourse Relationships
By Robert B. Allen, University of Tsukuba, Japan


N E W S   &   E V E N T S

In Brief: Short Items of Current Awareness

In the News: Recent Press Releases and Announcements

Clips & Pointers: Documents, Deadlines, Calls for Participation

Meetings, Conferences, Workshops: Calendar of activities associated with digital libraries research and technologies.

D - L I B   A L L I A N C E

D-Lib greatly appreciates the continuing support of the following D-Lib Alliance organizations that have contributed $5,000 or more each year in support of the open access publication of D-Lib Magazine.


Columbia University Libraries

 • • •

D-Lib also thanks Alliance members
University of Notre Dame University Libraries
and University of Maryland Libraries for their contributions.


D-Lib also thanks the following organizations for their generous ongoing support.

Perth Mortgage Brokers     Mobile Self Storage
GIO Insurance     APIA Insurance
Pyjamas     TotallyMoney
New Cars Australia     Aussie Low Rate Loans
Online Tafe Courses by SEEK Learning Australia
Play Online Pokies     Poker Online
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E D I T O R I A L   S T A F F

Laurence Lannom, Editor-in-Chief
Allison Powell, Associate Editor
Catherine Rey, Managing Editor
Bonita Wilson, Contributing Editor

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