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Aged Ministers Assistance

Assemblies of God ministers have served faithfully and sacrificially to build our Fellowship. Yet many made so little during their ministries that today, in retirement, they need our help to meet their daily needs.

Your gifts to AMA make possible monthly checks, medical assistance, and other funds necessary to live.

The growth of the Assemblies of God today can be attributed directly to the commitment, dedication, and determination of these Spirit-filled pioneer preachers. They gave so much for so long for so little. Giving to these worthy pioneers through AMA is a privilege and an opportunity to "do good" to this segment of our family.

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers" (Galatians 6:10).

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Click here to download an AMA flyer (pdf) with more information and an opportunity to give.

Contribute to Aged Ministers Assistance using our secure connection.

Contribute by check:  Mail your check made out to Aged Ministers Assistance to - AMA, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, MO  65802.

Click here if you would like information on how to apply for Aged Ministers Assistance.

Your Contributions demonstrate:

Gratitude for the labor and sacrifice of our retired ministers

Recognition of their important role in building our Fellowship

Compassion for their present need


Why do people give to AMA?

“I just wanted to let you know giving to the Aged Minister Assistance fund is one of the most enjoyable things I am able to do each month.  I actually smile each time I write out that check.  It has almost been a year since my pastor husband passed away.  I loved him so much and still miss him every day.  I am thankful and grateful that God has given me good health and a good job.  The fact I can help other ministers and spouses of ministers gives me great joy.  Praise God for His blessing.”


Aged Ministers Assistance Fund


Last year AMA supporters helped almost 300 retired or disabled ministers and their spouses or widows. Through the AMA fund over $800,000 was given to meet their needs through monthly support and emergency responses. Aged Ministers Assistance helps provide the daily needs of food, housing, and medicine for aged or disabled ministers and their spouses who were living on a monthly income lower than the national poverty level. AMA is not a pension, but an emergency fund. It is underwritten solely by contributions from concerned churches and individuals.

Contribute to Aged Ministers Assistance using our secure connection.


 “I am 81 years old and don’t know what I would have done without AMA. I only receive a small check from Social Security. I have been a part of this beautiful family for over fifty years. I appreciate all the help that I receive.”

 “It is a real blessing and I don’t know how I managed before the checks from AMA started coming. The checks make the difference between meeting my needs or having to go on welfare. Thank you so much!”

Decades ago they labored as church planters, pioneer pastors, and travelling evangelists. They gave their time, energy, and resources — sacrificing freely for the work of God. Often they had no funds to lay aside for their retirement years. And because they had so little income during their ministry, their Social Security check is very limited.

Now retired, many of these ministers are forced to live without adequate means to provide even the barest necessities. Only with financial help from Aged Ministers Assistance (AMA) can they partake of life’s necessities in their sunset years. AMA also helps with insurmountable medical bills or other unusual expenses not covered by Medicare and/or supplemental medical insurance. The Aged Ministers Assistance Fund is administered by the General Treasurer.

“Were it not for AMA, elderly ministers like myself would be in a terrible dilemma. You will never know this side of Eternity what AMA means to me. Your concern for me is overwhelming as my income is so limited. God bless you!”

“My wife and I praise God for your monthly support to us; we would not have food on our table, no way to get our medications, no way to pay our insurance without your check. Thank God for you and the churches for this support.”

“My sick wife needed some medications and warmer clothing. Because of your generosity, we were able to purchase exactly what she needed. We also took care of some increased utility bills that we had.”

“This year I am grateful for the special offering I was able to receive. I really needed it since my income is very low. I thank God that we are not forgotten in the last days of our life. Some of us are lacking in many essential things in our life. AMA is always a help to us.”

“To receive a letter or card and recognize that somebody remembered me is a perfect moment to feel happy.”

“Thank God for AMA and the monthly checks; they have been a real life saver.”

“This was heaven for me! I am 86 years old and on low income so this was a blessing for a real need. AMA makes life a little more enjoyable.”

 “I am always amazed at your generosity. My taxes and insurance were due and I did not have the funds to pay them. Then the Lord provided.”

Each year at Christmas the individuals and churches that support the AMA ministry send a special Christmas Blessing offering for our aged ministers. Here are a few expressions of appreciation from grateful recipients.

 “I could never thank all of you enough for the lovely Christmas check. I was out of food and other items and thank God He made a way for me. I truly appreciate you all.”

 “The generous Christmas check was such a surprise and great blessing. We wept and praised God for the gift. Without it, we had no extra money to have gifts for our children or grandchildren.”

 “My dad received the check from AMA and he voiced how blessed he was to have someone that loved and cared for him for his life’s work in God’s ministry. He was so thankful that his church cared about him now that he is retired.”

 “Oh what a joy it was to receive the check and card from AMA for Christmas. I was concerned about being able to pay my gas bill and praise God He provided. I can never thank you enough.”


Aged Ministers Appreciation Sundays

       2013     May 26 and November 17

       2014     May 25 and November 16

       2015     May 24 and November 15

There are two "official" AMA Sundays each year, in May and November. But you can celebrate the Aged Ministers in your church any day of the year.  The following are suggested ways to celebrate the senior ministers and evangelists in your church:

·     Recognize all ministers and evangelists over the age of 65 in your service.

·     Give the senior minister flowers or a gift and recognize them by name with years served and places served.

·     For evangelists, note the possible number of states and or countries they have traveled throughout their ministries in your recognition of "years served and places served."

·     Give them a card from the church, signed by the church leadership.

·     Include a "thank you" in the church program, listing their names.

·     Invite a senior minister to speak in the service.

·     Invite a senior minister to give his/her testimony.

·     Ask someone to testify who was influenced by a senior minister from the church.

·     Make a PowerPoint presentation of pictures of churches or countries where the senior minister served.

·     Sing their favorite hymns in the worship service.

·     Invite them to a special luncheon on Aged Ministers Appreciation Sunday.

·     Ensure that their spouses are also recognized for their years of support and ministry.

·     Invite the children, grandchildren, and/or great grandchildren of the senior minister to help you celebrate Aged Ministers Appreciation Day.

·     Make a contribution to AMA in honor or memory of your favorite Senior Minister or Evangelist, or all Senior Ministers and Evangelists.

·     Encourage any senior minister in your congregation who needs help with emergency or monthly expenses (food or housing) to contact AMA if he/she is not already receiving assistance from AMA.

For information, call the AMA office -- 417-862-2781, ext. 2184 or email us at


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Aged Ministers Assistance | 1445 North Boonville Avenue | Springfield, MO 65802-1894
Email: | Phone: 417-862-2781 | Fax: 417-831-0207

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