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Our Mentoring METHODS

Boys will be boys! They are God-designed to be assertive, competitive, and energetic. Our experienced mentors provide needed guidance, discipline, and structure, using the methods described below.


Our mentors are committed to insuring friendship charges our ministry atmosphere. Boys develop lifelong friends in Royal Rangers and meet wholesome men, who will affirm them and who they can look up to. 


Royal Rangers is about hands-on adventure and side-by-side relationship building. It's how boys learn and relate best. Beyond the fun, boys discover they have what it takes to be men as they spend time with mentors outdoors, in the gym, at the computer, on the service project site, or on the stage. Royal Rangers provides boys with fun activities in five areas of interest, which we refer to as our "core competencies":  Outdoor Activities, Sports, Trade Skills, Technologies, and Arts.  Many activities in Royal Rangers involve earning merits, which are awards based on the development of skills in one or more of these core areas.  A complete list of the merits used in Royal Rangers can be found on our Merit Index page.

Advancement System

In Royal Rangers, boys and young men are challenged to embark on an adventure that requires them to participate actively. It is a spiritual journey that will forge their character and maximize their leadership potential. To the uneducated eye, boys are just learning survival skills in the wilderness, playing sports, producing a music video, repairing the home of an elderly person, etc., but in the process, our mentors are intentional about laying biblical foundations of sexual expression, worldview, culture, manhood, and leadership. By awarding merit badges, boys are guided on a measurable, personal, and spiritual growth process. (They think they are just having fun, so let's keep that our secret!)  (More)

Interactive Learning

Personal development in Royal Rangers is all about hands-on fun and getting dirty! Boys learn by hearing, seeing, doing, and when appropriate, teaching others. It's learning by doing.


Boys want to belong! Royal Rangers gives young men who want to band together to serve Christ wholeheartedly that place of belonging and an image and identity of which to be proud.  (More)

Patrol System

Young men want to influence and try their wings. Guys-only small groups allow boys to have fun together, share responsibility for leadership, learn teamwork, and grow spiritually.

Service & Ministry Outreach

"It's not all about me!" This is a lesson boys learn in Royal Rangers. Meaningful opportunities are provided for young men to move beyond themselves to help others, instilling attitudes and behaviors of lifelong servants.  (More)