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This special type of family needs support and encouragement from friends, family and the Church in many areas: Childcare, home repairs, car repairs, financial management, time alone, parental skills, adult friends and conversation and more. This section of the site offers help and ideas in many of these areas. If you run across a resource (article, book, video, website etc) you think is helpful to some type/group of ministry to single adults, email it to us through this site.

  • 15 million U.S. single parents
  • 21 million S P children - 28.3 % children (18 M mom/3 M dad)
  • 2.6 million - No parent - 3.6 % (1.6 million with Grandparent)
  • 4 of 10 children were born to unmarried women in 2011

--U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, - 2012 Annual Social and Economic Supplement - 2012

55% of children are in a non-traditional family (Without birth mom & dad)

  • Single parent homes - 35% - 21 million kids under 18 yrs.
  • Kinship care - 4%
  • Cohabitation - 7% - 5.5 million kids
  • Grandparents - 4%
  • Foster care - 5%