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By the end of July NOAA changed the output of their NWW3 models, since then many people complained about exaggerated wave forecasts of the coarse (1.25 x 1.0 degree resolution) data which we had inside GFS forecast. To eliminate this problem NWW3 50 km is now the default that displays inside GFS forecasts, this dataset seems to be more accurate. (Registered users can configure their preferences in settings.)


Quick spot select. Now we have a more comfortable spot selection tool. This little input field in the main spot menu and other places throughout the website is made to pick a spot as fast as possible. Bye bye long and complicated menus...

quickspot favourites
quick spot search box, it will immediately suggest 3 groups of spots that you would select most probably (if you have some of them):

1. Last 5 used spots (sorted by last use, yellow)

2. Your favourite spots (icon with a star)

3. Your custom spots (green)

You can use [up] and [down] arrow keys to select spot and confirm with [enter] key, or pick s spot by mouse. First item is always pre-selected - just hit [enter] to confirm.

As you start typing the spots get filtered to shorten the list.

quickspot suggest

Once you enter 3 or more characters it will search all the spots available on windguru and update the list accordingly.

Different kind of spots are marked by different colors and little windguru icons for easier navigation. If found, spots are sorted by importance and then alphabetically. Your favourite and custom spots come first, followed by "official" windguru spots (blue icons) and then custom spots entered by other users (grey icons).

We keep the older spot menu and favorite menus of course, but this new quick spot tool is now the default.

Hope you like it! :)


NWW3 50 km resolution wave model forecasts Especially surfers might be interested in this new addon... As you might already know the wave forecasts on windguru are powered by NWW3 model from NOAA and we only used their data with 1 latitude x 1.25 longitude degree resolution. Maybe you still remember... long time ago we tried to switch to the higher (0.5 x 0.5 degree) resolution model from NOAA, but after several complaints about aaccuracy of the new forecasts we reverted back. But... advantage of the higher resolution NWW3 model is that it not only offers the basic parameters (wave height, direction and period) but also distinguish different components: primary swell, secondary swell and wind waves. The coarse resolution NWW3 data do not have this.

Now we have both. By default we show the new 50 km NWW3 model as a separate table under the GFS forecast and the GFS forecast still includes the older NWW3 100 km resolution data, same as before. If you have other preference simply go to settings -> preferences where you can configure how to display waves (registered users only). You can choose which data to include inside GFS forecasts and which wave models to display as separate tables.

If you have some custom spots and want to have wave forecasts for them, you should now visit the settings section to check their wave forecast configuration.

NWW3 50 km


Custom colors in forecasts. The default colors in the forecasts were selected very carefully and we believe this is the best for average windsurfer or kiter. In case you have other preference, you now have an option, feel free to edit colors anyhow according to your personal taste. See settings -> colors. (seulement pour les utilisateurs inscrits)

custom colors


WRF 3 km resolution! forecasts for Gibraltar/Tarifa. Forecasts are for next 48 hours and update 4 times per day. (seulement pour les utilisateurs PRO)

Carte de la nouvelle zone couverte


WRF 9 km forecasts for Canaries and Egypt now include wind and temperature profile plots too (see 2D tab on forecasts).


WRF 12 km for Argentina now updates 4 times per day and include wind and temperature profile plots (see 2D tab on forecasts).

Android app on Google Play
WG android QR code


Official Windguru app for Android. It's quite simple and very simliar to our mobile site at touch.windguru.cz. The main purpose of this app is to get easily to your windguru forecast on your phone or tablet. It does not have many features (at least yet) but should do what we need the most: to view the forecast in the format we are all used to :-)

Main features:

WG android 1 WG android 2 WG android 3

The plan is to release official apps for all major platforms and all these apps should look and work same or at least very similiar.

Please note that some Windguru apps already exist for several platforms (Android, iPhone, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone) - see the Help section. These apps are made by external partners and still are and will be supported by Windguru as alternatives.


Some minor updates:


WRF 9 km resolution! forecasts for South Africa. (seulement pour les utilisateurs PRO)

Carte de la nouvelle zone couverte


A little update of the Notifications par email. Alerts now support conditions for wind gusts, and waves (NWW3 model).


Wind and temperature profile plots. Now you can see what wind and temperature is forecasted in different altitudes. Mouse over the "2D" tab on the forecast to select the profile. Same as the graphs introduced recently, the plots are drawn by the browser, SVG graphics support is required (all browsers except Internet Explorer 8 or below).

WG wind profile WG temp profile


Graphiques des prévisions Maintenant vous pouvez aussi visualiser les prévisions sous forme graphique, cliquez simplement sur l'icône du deuxième onglet de n'importe quel tableau.

WG forecast graph

Depuis toujours le cœur de Windguru est le tableau de prévisions coloré avec tout un tas de chiffres. Je pense qu'il le restera à l'avenir parce que, même si cela fait un peu vieille école, le tableau offre beaucoup d'information avec un grand niveau de détail dans un espace restreint tout en restant clair et sans fioriture. Mais pourquoi ne pas offrir un autre type d'affichage en plus? Le graphique de prévisions offre une perspective différente et plus jolie :-) et certaines personnes le préféreront.

Si vous préférez voir apparaître les graphiques par défaut, vous pouvez faire ce choix dans l'onglet "options" de la page principale.

Avertissement: Votre navigateur doit comprendre le langage graphique SVG pour afficher les graphiques. Tous les bons navigateurs (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE 9) le comprennent, mais si vous avez Internet Explorer version 8 ou moins cela ne fonctionnera pas, veuillez utiliser un meilleur navigateur.

Les graphiques sont plus performants en SVG, tout particulièrement sur les connexions lentes. Au lieu d'un long téléchargement d'une image basique, le navigateur télécharge les instructions pour dessiner l'image lui-même.

Exemple de graphique

Ce que vous voyez ci-dessous est le premier jet d'une prévision graphique (probablement pas définitive, nous comptons l'affiner au cours du temps)

Il y a en fait deux graphiques. Celui du haut est consacré au paramètre le plus important: le vent. Les parties colorées croissent selon les forces de vent prévues.

Le graphique du bas regroupe les paramètres "moins importants": température, nuages, pluie, pression et humidité - tous dans le même graphique pour gagner de la place.La représentation des couvertures nuageuses est un plus compliquée, elle mérite une petite explication. La quantité de nuages bas est représentée en bas en gris foncé, les nuages hauts sont en haut en gris clair, et au milieu en gris moyen se trouve la couverture à altitude moyenne. Lorsque n'importe laquelle de ces teintes gagne sur toute la hauteur du graphique, cela signifie 100% de couverture pour l'altitude correspondant à cette teinte. Comme les teintes sont toutes un peu transparentes il reste possible de les distinguer lorsqu'elles se recouvrent les unes les autres. Le graphique devient alors très foncé ce qui signifie beaucoup de nuages à toutes les altitudes.

Actuellement les unités du graphiques sont les mêmes que celles du tableau classique. Si vous voulez les changer temporairement vous devez retourner sur le tableau, changer d'unité(s) et enfin revenir à nouveau sur le graphique.

WG forecast graph example

A l'avenir les graphiques devraient comprendre les températures et vents d'altitude. Nous prévoyons aussi de laisser les utilisateurs personnaliser les graphiques car il n'y a pas que des drogués du vent qui utilisent Windguru et ces gens ont sans doute d'autres préférences!

If you have an opinion or idea about the new graphs feel free to send some feedback. Thanks!


NAM 3 km resolution model forecasts for Hawaii! Recalcul 4 fois par jour. It is free for all users.

Carte de la nouvelle zone couverte


Les prévisions pour votre site web sont disponibles dans une nouvelle version! Ceci est maintenant la méthode recommandée pour intégrer Windguru à votre site web. C'est très facile... copiez et collez tout simplement un bout de code HTML dans une page de votre site et voilà. Cliquez-ici pour obtenir le code


Windguru Mobile (beta). La version mobile de Windguru est optimisée pour les écrans tactiles - smartphones et tablettes. L'objectif de ce site est d'accéder facilement à vos prévisions Windguru en utilisant l'écran tactile. Windguru Mobile devrait fonctionner avec la plupart des navigateurs récents pour mobiles mais merci de considérer ce site comme une version expérimentale. Des bugs peuvent apparaître, veuillez excuser les problèmes possibles.

Try it at: http://touch.windguru.cz

Windguru Mobile


La direction du vent et des vagues est affichée avec une plus grande précision. This is a tiny update which you will hardly notice but can be useful... Till now windguru only displayed 16 different arrows for direction (22.5 degree precision), now it can display it exactly without this limit. Your browser must support SVG graphics to see the difference (all better browsers do support it - Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari... if you use Internet Explorer then you need the current version 9, older IE versions will not work)

wind direction arrows


Nouvelle couverture HRW 5km de certains endroits des caraïbes. Covers area around Dominican republic and Puerto Rico. This high-resolution model updates twice per day and offers forecast for 48 hours with 1 hour step. It is free for all users

Carte de la nouvelle zone couverte


Windguru pour Windows Phone 7. Disponible GRATUITEMENT sur le Windows Phone Marketplace! Application développée par Justin Drerup (fanetic.com).
windows mobile app


Notifications par email! Vous ne voulez pas rater une super météo sur votre spot? Configurez les notifications et windguru vous enverra un message électronique à chaque fois que les prévisions correspondent à vos souhaits. (Les notifications du modèle WRF ne sont disponibles que les utilisateurs PRO)


WRF 3 km resolution! forecasts for Czech republic. Such a high resolution requires a lot of computing so the domain can't cover a large area, forecasts are for next 48 hours and update 4 times per day. (seulement pour les utilisateurs PRO)

Carte de la nouvelle zone couverte


WRF 9 km domain for Europe extended. We have moved the domain slightly towards north and extended northwards and eastwards so that it now covers whole British Isles, Denmark, south of Sweeden, bigger part of Baltic sea and Latvia..

Carte de la nouvelle zone couverte


Windguru pour Windows Mobile 6.5. Application développée par Justin Drerup (fanetic.com). GRATUIT.
windows mobile app


La force des rafales a été ajoutée aux modèles GFS.


Windguru est disponible en Letton! Les traducteurs sont Reinis Pļaviņš, Zane Kreslina & Igor Krumin


WRF 12 km resolution model forecasts for Argentina. (Also covers Uruguay, most of Chile, part of Paraguay and the very south of Brazil). This high-resolution model updates twice per day and offers forecast for 78 hours with 1 hour step. Please note this is still a preview only, the final version should update 4 times per day and the coverage might be a little different. (seulement pour les utilisateurs PRO)

Carte de la nouvelle zone couverte


Added sea surface temperatures. Data come from NOAA Real-Time Global Sea Surface Temperature analysis (RTG_SST_HR dataset), the source is satellite data and also buoy and ship observations.

SST example


Forecast maps from the HRW 4 km model for United States. (seulement pour les utilisateurs PRO)


HRW 4 km resolution model forecasts for United States! These high-resolution model forecasts come from NOAA/NWS (US weather service) and they are powered by WRF model similiar to HRW forecasts for Hawaii. NOAA names this as HRW (High Resolution Window) so we will use the same label. They are running 2 different domains, one covers east-central part of US and updates twice per day (we will label this as HRWe), and the other west-central part of US and updates once per day (HRWw). Both provide forecast for 48 hours with 1 hour step. It is free for all users

Carte de la nouvelle zone couverte:

HRWw (US west/central)
HRWe (US east/central)


After several complaints about the upgrade to wave forecasts on 27th march we are reverting back to the previous lower resolution NWW3 dataset. Later we can add the higher resolution data again but only as optional for users who want to test it.


The wave forecasts are now powered by NWW3 dataset with 50 km resolution. Untill now we used lower resolution data (1 x 1.25 degree) which correspond to something over 100 km. This upgrade should make the wave forecasts a little better. If you have some custom spots with wave forecast enabled, please check them in your settings, especially if you entered alternative coordinates for waves.


Windguru on Android. The app can be downloaded and installed from Android Market. It's FREE


Wind chill is now available as optional parameter in the forecast tables (registered users can enable it in settings).


GFS, NAM & HRW cartes de prévisions (seulement pour les utilisateurs PRO). The maps cover several areas around world, showing wind speed, temperature, precipitation and cloud cover.

gfs wind gfs precip gfs temp


HRW 5 km resolution model forecasts for Hawaii! This high-resolution model updates twice per day and offers forecast for 48 hours with 1 hour step. It is free for all users

Carte de la nouvelle zone couverte


Now you can select spots from a google map. This new feature should help you especially when you are searching for a forecast in a specific area but you do not know what you should be looking for in the long spot menu. You can display the map by clicking the "show map" checkbox near the spot menu (see the picture below). La carte montrera toujours les spots visibles dans le menu de choix de spot.

Par exemple: si vous choisissez Italie, tous les spots d'Italie apparaîtront dans le menu et sur la carte. Si vous voulez afficher tous les spots en Europe choisissez "TOUT" dans le menu pays. Vous pouvez même afficher TOUS les spots disponibles en choisissant TOUT comme continent puis TOUT comme pays, mais attention cela chargera beaucoup de spots et sera lent... I would suggest to use the map with recommended browsers. Internet Explorer is NOT recommended because it is very slow compared to others.

If there are more spots too close to each other they are grouped in the map, click the group icon to zoom in and show more detail.

spots on google map


Stoked World guide We have added over 1000 new spots to the official list. This was possible thanks to our cooperation with Stoked Publications who just released their new WORLD KITE AND WINDSURFING GUIDE. The first comprehensive spot guide to the kite and windsurfing regions of the world. Introducing almost 100 regions in 9 continental chapters and featuring over 1200 of the world's best spots. Illustrated with 700 photos and detailed maps of every region. Plus: in depth explanations of wind, wave and weather conditions throughout the year. The Guide also offers authentic travel information with essential tips on what to expect in each region and what is essential for a successful trip. Last but not least the book contains contact details of local shops, shapers, schools and gear rental as well as accommodation, restaurants, rental cars and other insider tips. Highly recommended!

All the spots mentioned in the guide are now covered by Windguru forecasts.


WRF 9 km resolution model forecasts for Egypt! The new WRF domain covers Northern Red Sea with popular spots in Egypt, and also Israel, Lebannon and south of Cyprus.

Carte de la nouvelle zone couverte:


WRF 9 km resolution model forecasts for Canary islands! The new 9 km domain also covers Madeira and part of Morocco's Atlantic coast

Carte de la nouvelle zone couverte:

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