An Official
Website of the
Sailing Federation
Olympic Games
27 July - 12 August 2012
The Official International Sailing Federation Olympic Games Website
London 2012

Info Requests

No Nation Date Text
168 n/a
10 Aug; 12;
Question: If the semi-final is not completed does the stage get eliminated or terminated?
10 Aug; 12;
Answer: The semi-finals have started, therefore they can not be eliminated but will be terminated according to Official Communication Item 13, published 28/7/12
167 n/a
7 Aug; 12;
Question: For WMR in the quarterfinals, will the teams exchange boats after the odd numbered races?
7 Aug; 12;
Answer: No.
166 n/a
5 Aug; 12;
Question: I request that all change of equipment forms be published as soon as possible.
5 Aug; 12;
Answer: Consistent with previous practice this information will not be published. All equipment changes are logged with the EIC and copies are held by the Jury for their information.
165 n/a
5 Aug; 12;
Question: Can we go with a coachboat to the medal race of a class we are not associated with? Please consider that nations with multiple classes/Medal Races will be at an advantage to gather more information in the long run.
5 Aug; 12;
Answer: No, see CBR 1.10. There are opportunities to view the racing on the Nothe course from the shore at the Bincleaves/Nothe area.
164 n/a
30 Jul; 12;
Question: Can Race Committee inform in some way to the coach boats in the box: When racing finished so that Coach Boats can leave the box (either by radio or flag on nearby committee boat)
1 Aug; 12;
Answer: The ISAF Race Management Policies indicate that the orange and blue flags on the finish boat will be removed when the last boat has finished.
163 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Regarding CBR 6.4 and as clarification of Q 126: in Q126, is the term "racing" to be interpreted as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing? If so, may coach boats leave the Coach Boat Zone.
a) in Womens Match Racing, when no boats in a flight are still "racing" (i.e, between flights)?
b) in fleet racing, when no boats in any Event on that Course Area are "racing"?
1 Aug; 12;
Answer: The restriction referred to does not apply in the following circumstances:
1) when no boats in a flight are racing, and a subsequent flight has not been started.
2) when no boats in any Event on that course area are racing.
162 FRA
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Is the leeward boat on a downwind leg, subject to rule 17, allowed to luff to maintain or minimise the distance to the windward boat when the windward boat has luffed 20 degrees, even if the course sailed is higher than normally sailed downwind under present conditions?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: No. The proper course of the leeward boat is the course the boat would sail to finish as soon as possible in the absence of the other boat. The action of the other boat is not relevant when the umpire decides what they consider being the leeward boats proper course.
161 FRA
30 Jul; 12;
Question: Is the boat on a downwind leg, subject to rule 17, allowed to luff 5-10 degrees toi maintain her speed, or after loosing speed to regain speed?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes, as long as the change of course is consistent with the course the boat would sail to finish as soon as possible in the absence of the other boat.
160 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: We have two devices listed below which we want to use as displaying devices. One is a tablet computer and the other is a mobile phone without SIM card and all the functions disabled except for displaying wind and depth. Can I use them and where can I have them checked if I want to use them on my coach boat?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: Mobile phones are not permitted aboard coach boats, see RFI 78. On computers, all functions shall be completely disabled unless the function is permitted by CBR 8.1
159 GBR
30 Jul; 12;
Question: Will the ITOs reconsider the guidelines given to Star Race Officer not to use a spreader mark after the Windward Mark (course LA)?

Despite the smaller than often fleet, the star racing will still be very close together at the first mark and not having a spreader leg increases the chance of collisions, damage and injury.

Also boats are less likely to infringe SI 9.4 (responding to a display of national letters) if they are displayed at Mark 1 if there is a spreader leg after Mark 1, compared to rounding Mark 1 and sailing directly away from the displayed letters as fast as possible.

At ISAF events over the last four years the Stars have generally sailed windward, spreader, leeward leg courses. To sail all races on a course different to that on which they havev trained, competed and qualified for the London 2012 Olympic Sailing Competition fundamentally changes the competition from that which the sailors believed they were entering.

We hope the guidelines to the race officer will reflect the courses on which the sailors qualified and expected to sail.
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: The Race Management Teams do not anticipate using an offset mark. This is consistent with the information provided to Team Leaders during the Test Event. The qualification events used offset marks due to the substantially larger fleet sizes.
158 FRA
30 Jul; 12;
Question: Is it possible for the umpires to inform competitors prior to a match whether conditions make it possible to surf?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: No.
157 FRA
30 Jul; 12;
Question: Is ooching allowed during the pre-start?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: No. Rule 42 applies from the preparatory signal so ooching is not permitted during the pre-start.
156 FRA
30 Jul; 12;
Question: When the boat after a pump is surfing, is the boat allowed to pump again to gain enough speed to catch the next wave?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: No. A boat is permitted to pump once per wave or gust in order to initiate planing or surfing.
155 FRA
30 Jul; 12;
Question: If the answer to Q154 is yes, is the boat in front without waves allowed to pump?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: No. A boat is only permitted to pump when surfing or planing is possible.
154 FRA
30 Jul; 12;
Question: In some conditions, the boat behind can surf on the quarter wave of the boat in front, but the boat in front dont have any waves to surf on. Is the boat behind allowed to pump to initiate surfing or planing on the other boat"s quarter wave?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes.
153 FRA
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Could you clarify what is surfing conditions and what is not?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: Surfing conditions are those in which the waves are of sufficient size that a boat can rapidly accelerate down the leeward side of the wave.
152 n/a
30 Jul; 12;
Question: At what time will the dummies (cameras) be removed by the organising authority? We want to be able to launch at any given time and especially on July 30th.
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: Athletes, through the Team Leader Meeting on 30 July 2012, were informed that they may remove their own dummy cameras and deposit them in the Laser/Laser Radial equipment suppliers cabin. They should request assistance from OBS in the Dinghy Park if required.
151 n/a
30 Jul; 12;
Question: Are we allowed to tape the edges of the plastic bag that holds the RFID chip fixing to the mast?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes.
150 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: SI 41.1.7 is not protestable by a boat.
In races 1 & 2 for the Star class, POL raced without her dummy camera, we also believe that BRA sailed all or part of race 2 without a camera or a dummy.
1) What is the procedure for dealing with such situations when the Organising Authority are aware of the situation prior to starting the race?
2) What avenues are available to a boat in this situation?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: 1) The Organising Authority will replace the equipment if possible on the water.
2) Advise the Race Committee on the water as soon as possible.
149 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: In clarification to Q51 & 93 regarding training within the Competition Are, will there be times when a Course Area will be closed to Olympic Traffic when no events are racing on them such that athletes and coaches cannot train on them?

If "yes" to the above, can we be informed in advance which course areas will be closed to Olympic Traffic and when?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: The Organising Authority anticipate advising teams at the Team Leaders meeting which course areas, if any, are open for training. A notice will also be published.
148 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Regarding CBR 6.3, does it mean that coach boats for an Event shall retire to the Coach Boat Zone after "the first warning signal of the day for their Event" or after "the warning signal for any event on that Course Area that day"?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: CBR 6.3 requires coach boats to retire to the coach boat zone after the first warning signal for the event in which their athlete is competing or any event scheduled to compete on the Course Area during the same period.
147 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Regarding CBR 6.1, for the Coach Boat Zone for the windward - leeward course, if there are two black marks as diagrammed in Attachment 1, does "the non-course side of the Coach Boat Marks" mean the non-course side of the line drawn between the black marks and extending beyond them?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes
146 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Could wearing a special designed piece of clothing under heavy wind conditions, with for example extra layers of fleece, wool or other materials that absorbs water, outside other wind/waterproof layers be a breach of rule 43.1 (a) even if the total clothing is found to be within the limits of rule 43.1 (b) and class rules
29 Jul; 12;
Answer: It would be a breach if the puropse is to increase weight
145 GER
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Due to some trouble with the camera dummies (tiller and mainsheet are blocked sometimes during and after the manoever which might become dangerous). We would like to fix a ring on top of the camera and lead the elastics of the vang and the cummingham around this ring.
This does not change any functionality of the boat- just allows us to sail the boat in a normal way.
29 Jul; 12;
Answer: The Organising Authority (OA) is considering this question. However for Monday 30th July the OA will not require onboard cameras or dummies to be fitted on the 49er boats.
144 GBR
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Request for a modification to the Coach Boat Regulations 1.7

After the last race of the day it is common practice in Laser"s and Radials to remove the mast, roll the sail around the mast, put the mast in the coach boat and then tow the Laser and Radial in.

Also sailing instruction 3.4 will cause bottlenecks around the Nothe and Portland Harbour competition boundaries as boats, and Lasers and Radials on tow preserving their sails and heads "tack" along the boundary. Lasers and Radials without sails rigged can safely be towed head to wind taking less room of the narrow corridor.

Could CBR 1.7 be modified to allow Laser and Radial masts to protrude over the bow of the Coach Boat for returning to the Marina?
29 Jul; 12;
Answer: The OA has considered the request but will not be modifying CBR 1.7 to allow this
143 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: For the purpose of RRS 43 clothing, are the provided bibs included in the total weight?
29 Jul; 12;
Answer: No, a bib provided by the organising authority is not competition clothing for the purposes of Rule 43.
141 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Is it permitted to sand/scratch the RS:X boom?
29 Jul; 12;
Answer: No, please refer to RFI 83.
140 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: In the Elliot 6m the camera is located in front of the mast. Can we use tape from the mast to the top of the camera to stop the job sheet getting cought on the camera?
29 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes, providing that only tape is used to the extent necessary for this specific purpose.
138 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Is it possible to use a not measured sail in the practice race (eg spinnaker) for the 470 class?
29 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes, but all equipment should comply with Competition Rules.
137 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Is he (the 470m coach mentioned in Q136) allowed to use the coach boat of the 470 W coach becasue his own boat (470 M) does not suit to tow an RS:X (mast) but the 470W coach is ok?
29 Jul; 12;
Answer: No. The registered driver of a coach boat is responsible for the control of the boat at all times. See CBR 5.1
136 n/a
28 Jul; 12;
Question: We have one German coach who coaches RS:X men and women. Is it allowed that another German coach (470m) helps the RS:X coach so that he escorts and/or tows the already finished RS:X athlete in becasue the RS:X coach is dealing with the racing RS:X athlete?
30 Jul; 12;
Answer: No, coaches are registered to events. See CBR 1.2, 1.8 and 1.10.

*******REVISED ANSWER*******

Yes, No rule of the competition limits a registerd coach from supporting athletes in more than one event.
135 n/a
29 Jul; 12;
Question: Are we allowed to tie the mainsheet block that is on the car, to the car, to prevent mainsheet from getting stuck around the block?
29 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes, provided you use equipment allowed in SI E3.1 (c)
134 RUS
28 Jul; 12;
Question: Can a team get redress for failure of supplied equipment if it fails becasue of a manufacturing defect (SI14.5) if it happens during a race.
29 Jul; 12;
Answer: No. Refer to SI 34.4.4
133 n/a
28 Jul; 12;
Question: Do the SP and DP as published apply to the WMR event?
29 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes.
132 n/a
27 Jul; 12;
Question: Sailing Instruction 4.2 states that the boundary of the competition areas racks as an obstruction. At some parts of the boundary it is obvious what is unsafe to go right up to or cross the boundary, for example at the breakwater or approaching the shore.
At other parts of the boundary, for example, where the boundary is marked by white buoysin deep water, it is unclear as to whether it is "unsafe" to cross the boundary.
Does a boat approaching one of these latter parts of the boundary, sailing close hauled or above, break RRS 20.3 if she hails for room to tack and avoid another boat on the same tack?
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: Given the rules of this competition, the course boundaries define the limit of safe and secure pilotage. A boat will not break RRS 20.3 when properly hailing a boat for room to tack under RRS 20.1 at a boundary.
131 ESP
27 Jul; 12;
Question: Can we use lube to lube the centreboard lips?
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes according to Class Rule C.7.2 (d)
130 ESP
27 Jul; 12;
Question: Can we change the battens in the sail with the spares supplied in the sailbag?
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes, in accordance with Equipment Inspection Regulation 7.3
129 n/a
27 Jul; 12;
Question: Please can you charge the rules to allow markings to be set into RS:X booms so athletes can locate their harness lines appropriately. The process for creating a marking is to put a "rope burn" into the boom and then use a marker to color it. Using a marker alone rubs off immediately.
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: No, please refer to Equipment Inspection Regulation 7.6
128 n/a
27 Jul; 12;
Question: What are the "agree guidelines" referenced in rule 2.6 of the Athlete Media Guide?
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: OBS helicopters will not fly lower than 500 feet over the field of play
127 n/a
27 Jul; 12;
Question: What is the penalty, if any, for breaking rule 3.2.3 of the Athlete Media Guide?
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: The penalty would be a discretionary penalty
126 n/a
27 Jul; 12;
Question: Coach Boat Regs, 6.4: Can a coach boat leave the coaching box when his/her class is no longer racing, but another class on the same course is? The phrase in question is "Between seqences of racing..."
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: No, the phrase "between sequences of racing" means when no events are racing in the course area
125 n/a
27 Jul; 12;
Question: Once our radios have been checked and approved by Offcom, do we need to submit any other paperwork or anything else in writting?
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: No other paperwork is required.
124 n/a
27 Jul; 12;
Question: If during a race a Star boat breaks a mast, will the coach boat for that star be able to attend to them immediately i.e before the finish of the race? This is to prevent further damage to the boat from an organisation safety boat who would not have the correct tools or knowledge of a star. Would this permission be given via VHF by the safety officer of that course area?
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: CBR 6 requires the coach to remain in the Coach Boat Zone while racing is in progress. He/she may not enter the course area in this circumstance. The LOCOG safety boat personel are trained and equipped to assist Star boats with broken masts. These personel are prepared to take appropriate direction from the affected athletes.
123 n/a
27 Jul; 12;
Question: We do have a National Flag sticker (same as the class rulesexpect us to have) in our spare sail. Can this national flag sticker remain in the spare sail? This spare sail would be used / changed in case of damage of the original measured sail.
27 Jul; 12;
Answer: Sails shall be presented in accordance with Notice of Race 3.2.
122 n/a
26 Jul; 12;
Question: JPN RSX:M and W would like to ask permission to sand/roughen the boom. They are too slippy to grip. We would also like to ask permission to use mast protector. We want to avoid injury/also protect the equipment
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to the answer to Q83 and Q100
121 n/a
26 Jul; 12;
Question: How do we call course limitations on the Nothe Course outside the white buoys (along the beach)?
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: According to SI4.2 the white buoys limit the Competition Area and are ranked as an obstruction. A boat crossing this boundary may be protested. Also, refer to SI 4.4 and RFI Q132.
120 DEN
26 Jul; 12;
Question: Is the onboard camera part of the boat?
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes.
119 n/a
26 Jul; 12;
Question: We kindly ask you to clarify RFI 78: onboard wind measurement systems are using "damping" to display readable numbers. Please clarify up to which setting "damping" is considered to be "averaging" the wind data.
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to the answer to Q118 above
118 n/a
26 Jul; 12;
Question: We kindly ask you to clarify RFI 78: onboard wind measurement systems are using "damping" to display readable numbers. Please clarify up to which setting "damping" is considered to be "averaging" the wind data.
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: Damping, or the calculation of a running average, for the purpose providing useable wind or heading data will not be considered prohibited averaging so long as data older than 60 seconds is not incorporated into the damping or calculation
117 ITA
26 Jul; 12;
Question: I request to modify the Equipment Regulation 7.6 and 7.7 to allow roughening or sanding of the boom grip. The boom is difficult to grip and slippery. The RS:X class rules allow for the boom to be roughened to remedy the surface finish of the boom grip. The rules on the boom has been introduced because the boom is difficult to grip and has led to many injuries. If we allow the boom to remain in the same state they are supplied, many of the sailors, especially women, will suffer from strain injury. It is better for the safety of the athletes as it is known it is harder to maintain the control of the sail without enough grip.
26 Jul; 12;

116 n/a
26 Jul; 12;
Question: Application to modify the Equipment Regulation 7.6 and 7.7 to allow roughening or sanding of the boom. Currently the boom is difficult to grip and is slippery. This makes it particularly difficult for sailors with small hands. The RS:X class rules specifically allow for the boom grip. The RS:X rules on the boom were introduced due to the difficulty of being able to grip and has led to many injuries such as RSI (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome). If we allow the booms to remain in the state they are supplied, many of the sailors, particularly the women will suffer from a strain injury. It is of a safety concern as well as it is known for athletes to drop their sail when the load becomes unbearable, which can lead to injury to sailors, collisions or damage to gear.
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to the answer to Q115
115 n/a
26 Jul; 12;
Question: Please can you change the rules so that RSX sailors can sand and scuff their booms. This is allowed in class rules, standard practice and prevents injuries like carpel tunnel and strained forearms.
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: No, please see RFI 83
114 n/a
25 Jul; 12;
Question: Re: EIR 4.1 and 4.2: when notified on the water may an RSX competitor be towed back to shore by the coach boat and may he/she be drinking water or eating food?
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to the answer to Q110.
113 n/a
25 Jul; 12;
Question: On some days RSX men and women race on different areas. If arrangements for spares are made, will these then be made for both course areas?
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: The RS:X men and women either race on the same course or at different times. Therefore there will always be provision for spare equipment.
112 n/a
25 Jul; 12;
Question: In the case of broken battens or T-joints when the supplied spare equipment has been used, may the coach obtain another spare batten or T-joint from any boat that has their spares offshore?
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to the answer to Q111.
111 n/a
25 Jul; 12;
Question: Could the EIC inform RSX competitors how spare equipment offshore can be obtained in case of a breakage of equipment?
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please obtain replacement equipment through the Equipment Inspector on that course in accordance with Equipment Inspection Regulations 3.4
110 n/a
25 Jul; 12;
Question: EIR 4.2. If the boat has been selected for the post race inspection is it allowed to tow the boat (especially RSX) to the Harbour
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: In accordance with EIR 4.2 and only if permitted by that Equipment Inspector.
109 n/a
25 Jul; 12;
Question: AMG 3.4.1. If there will be race near spectator area conducted how do top three sailors pass the spectator area?
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: Opposite this spectator area is the pink and blue pyramid buoy (max 200 meters from the shoreline) pass between this and the shore with the spectators on.
108 n/a
25 Jul; 12;
Question: Is there video control in the RSX tent? Athletes are worried about the technical stand of the equipment and they want o be sure that nobody touches their equipment
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: No, there is not any CCTV in the RSX tent. Going forward from today the venue is open from 0800 - 2000h, outside of these times the venue is secure.
107 n/a
25 Jul; 12;
Question: Can competitors use heart rate monitoring devices while sailing (standard systems sunato)
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: Only if permitted by, and in accordance with the class rules.
106 n/a
25 Jul; 12;
Question: CAR 2.4: Could you clarify the south west end of the boundary of the Nothe Course (white marks/swimming area mark) coastline
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: The yellow buoys mark the swimming area at the south-west end of the Nothe course.
105 n/a
24 Jul; 12;
Question: May we use tape on the mast spigot of the RS:X masts for a better fit?
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: In accordance with EIR 7.6 sailors or teams may not tape the masts, but the EIC has given approval for the Neil Pryde representatives to undertake this work on behalf of the Organising Authority.
104 n/a
24 Jul; 12;
Question: Equipment Inpection Regulations allow two sets of Finn and Star to be inspected before racing. If a mainsail is to be replaced on the water (due to damage) would it be changed to the spare one that was not inspected yet or to the one that came through the inpection process only?
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: The replacement and use of a sail that has not been subject to event equipment inspection shall be in accordance with EIR 3.4 and 3.5.
103 n/a
24 Jul; 12;
Question: To change the boom will be a time consuming issue. Can we prepare outhaul systems and harness lines to the spare booms which will be mounted beforehand to decrease time of replacement process on the water?
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: The spare booms will be prepared with ourhaul systems, harness lines will not be fitted.
102 n/a
24 Jul; 12;
Question: In case of equipment loss or damage will there be any boat carrying spare equipment on the RSX course area?
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes, all equipment replacement shall be through the Equipment Inspector on the course.
101 n/a
24 Jul; 12;
Question: Coach Boat Regulations 1.10 states that one coach boat per NOC in a particular course area for each event where it has a competitor is allowed. If there are two events scheduled in a particular course area, starting in different time 1200 and 1400 what is the time or any other circumstances for having two coach boats on that course area complying with CBR 1.10
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: In this circumstance two coach boats may be in the course area when it is secured and open to Olympic traffic. Please see the CBR and CAR for other restrictions and also refer to Q51 above.
100 n/a
22 Jul; 12;
Question: RSX equipment has been supplied without plastic mast protectors. It is a new fact that was not distributed before in any official documents. as it affects reaching we kindly request that: 1) to supply plastic mast protectors by the manufacturer before 27/07/2012. 2) if the above cannot be realised, to change necessary ?? documents allowing competitors to use their own plastic mast protectors.
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: The mast protector part should be available from teh Neil Pryde office from the 28 July 2012.
99 n/a
24 Jul; 12;
Question: Can you define what information may be transmitted by VHF by coaches while on the water e.g. can a coach radio back to the shore that a) an athlete has an injury and b) a team is involved in a protest?
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: Under the rules of the sailing competition, no information may be transmitted via VHF except

1) to comply with CBR 7.2 when the RC displays flaf V, and
2) over VHF Channel 60 when safety requires communication with Race Control (only). Call sign: Bridge

This replaces the answer to Q87
98 n/a
23 Jul; 12;
Question: Please can the RSX sailors sand and scuff their booms. This is standard practice and allows sailors to hold their boom. This reduces injuries for athletes.
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to the answer for Q83 above.
97 RUS
23 Jul; 12;
Question: Will there be a seperate meeting with RC for WMR daily?
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: There will not be daily meetings but there will be one team leaders meetings at 1000h on Saturday 28 July.
96 n/a
23 Jul; 12;
Question: Is it permitted to tow a laser or Radial? If yes, by what point on the mast or hulls should we fix the tow rope (becasue of GPS block on the front of the mast)
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes, attach the towline above the camera and below the RFI unit on the mast.
95 n/a
26 Jul; 12;
Question: A return bus from the Opening Ceremony is at 2300h but the parade starts at 2200h. Are you sure that the scheduled time to go back is 2300h...what about the sailors who are scheduled to parade at the end of the list of countries? Could you postpone the bus til 2400h? We ask becasue 2 teams have measurement in the morning of 28 July.
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: The time of the return bus from London cannot be changed.
94 n/a
22 Jul; 12;
Question: The amount of time the coach boats are in the water without cleaning is too long. It will do damage to the boats, use extra fuel from extra drag and look horrible on tv. Please let us pull the coach boat out at least one time.
28 Jul; 12;
Answer: By 1000h on 30 July we will publish a schedule for cleaning coach boats. Please can coaches report to the Sport Information Desk (once the schedule is published) to book a slot.
93 n/a
22 Jul; 12;
Question: our RS:X sailors ask, if they can go training on water on 28th and 29th of July. They start competition on 30th July with parctice race. Please advise if it is possible and restrictions to be taken.
26 Jul; 12;
Answer: Refer to the Competition Area Regulations and Sailing Instructions. The RS:X sailors are permitted to train on 28 & 29 July so long as they comply with all the relevant restrictions in the CAR, Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions.
92 n/a
20 Jul; 12;
Question: Does a Team Leader, Physio or other member of a teams accredited support staff have to register to go afloat in a coach boat?
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: No they do not need to register.
91 n/a
20 Jul; 12;
Question: For womenâ
27 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes, see SI E3.1 (c) and E3.2 (a)
90 n/a
19 Jul; 12;
Question: Could the Organising Authority please post the weights and mast rakes of the supplied lasers to assure competitors of the similarity of the equipment and fairness of competition?
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: ISAF have conducted inspections of the Laser equipment and are confident that all equipment conforms to the agreed manufacturing tolerances and quality control standards. The requested information is confidential to Laser Performance and ISAF and cannot be made publicly available.
89 n/a
19 Jul; 12;
Question: Are we allowed to sand the RSX Boom?
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to the answer for Q83 above
88 n/a
19 Jul; 12;
Question: We would like to use a cellphone as a screen to show max wind speed, average wind speed, wind direction, max current speed, average current speed and current direction. Although it is a cellphone, its cellphone function is disabled(even if you put a SIM card in it it will not work) and it has no other softwares on it. How can we get it checked whether it can be used in the Games?
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: Cell phones are prohibited in the Coach Boat Regulations.Any function that is capable of displaying max or average windspeed, direction or current must be rendered inoperable. Please also refer to the answer to Q78 above.
87 n/a
18 Jul; 12;
Question: Is radio communication allowed between coaches and people on shore, on public channels, provided there is no communication involving technical sailing, weather, etc?
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes, as long as the commmunication is made on a marine VHF channel assigned for voice communication. Please also refer to Coach Boat Regulations 8.5
86 n/a
18 Jul; 12;
Question: Do we have to submit a rooming list for Anti doping?
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes please, the more detailed information you can give in ADAMS (athletes whereabouts) the better. This will enable the Doping Control Officer to locate athletes easily.
85 n/a
18 Jul; 12;
Question: Can we reschedule IRL 49er measurement on 29th July (1030h)? This is to enable oursailors to attend the Opening Ceremony and return to Weymouth at a reasonable hour. Any time after 1300h would be appreciated.
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: Changes to a teamâ
84 n/a
18 Jul; 12;
Question: Is it possible to write with a marker pen on the supplied RSX boards?
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: The Equipment Inspection Regulations do not refer to the use of marker pen on boards. All marks shall be in accordance with IOC Rule 50 and Notice of Race 2.2
83 n/a
18 Jul; 12;
Question: RSX Equipment: Can we sand the supplied boom? Can we use our own mast protection, as ity is not inckluded in the supplied equipment.
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to Equipment Inspection Regulation 7.6 and 7.9. For mast protection please refer to the list of athlete supplied equipment in Equipment Inspection Regulation 7.4
82 n/a
10 Jul; 12;
Question: And can we leave all our equipment from RS:X and LASER in the trailer of the RIB inside the club parking?
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: If you are refering to the supplied equipment , please refer to Sailing Instruction 43. If you are refering to the sailors own equipment then please refer to Notice of Race 14.1.4
81 n/a
10 Jul; 12;
Question: This is a follow-question to question No. 21G regarding TVPs. You state in your reply where a TVP holder can gain "access". My question is if you can elaborate what a TVP holder can do once in those areas, are there any restrictions in what he/she can do or how?
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please see the Coach Boat Regulations section 1 general
80 n/a
10 Jul; 12;
Question: Is it possible to train with our equipment (sails and masts) from the lasers and RSX after receiveing the boats and boards?
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to 14 Supplied Equipment and 8 schedule from the NoR to understand equipment issue and any additional equipment allowed.
79 n/a
10 Jul; 12;
Question: Is it possible to bring two boats into the venue for an event?
20 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to section 15.7 of the Notice of Race
78 n/a
10 Jul; 12;
Question: JPN has submitted some technical details on a confidential basis, and asks the following question: Does the system used on JPN coach boats comply with the Coach Boat Regulations? If not, what must be changed? In response the OA is publishing the following answer for all teams:
17 Jul; 12;
Answer: Coach Boat Regulations 3.1, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5 apply to this question. The Coach Boat Regulations relating to permitted electronic equipment on board are â
77 n/a
4 Jul; 12;
Question: Will the athletes practice laser and Coach Boat have to be stripped of all advertising upon entry to the village on the 18th July
17 Jul; 12;
Answer: All boats, trailers and equipment must compy with IOC Rule 50 before they enter the Weymouth and Portland Sailing. Please note that practice Lasers, Radials and RSX"s will not be allowed into the Weymoputh and Portland Sailing Venue as they are supplied equipment
76 n/a
4 Jul; 12;
Question: It is my understanding that each Laser sailing athlete will be supplied with a new laser boat in which to compete in at the Games. Upon completion the athlete will be invited to purchase the boat at a price determined by the organiser. I wanted to get confimation that this will in fact be happening and also what is the procedure that has to be followed before hand to ensure this runs smoothly
17 Jul; 12;
Answer: Lasers will not be available for athletes to purchase from the organising authority after the Games as the boats are not owned by LOCOG. Any questions regarding the purchase of these boats should be directed to Performance Sailcraft who are supplying the boats.
75 n/a
3 Jul; 12;
Question: During the soft opening period (July 9 - 14), can take a car into the venue to take some heavy boxs from the container?
17 Jul; 12;
Answer: The nearest you will be able to get a vehicle to the container park is Gate 6. You may temporarily stop here to load your vehicle.
74 n/a
3 Jul; 12;
Question: Do we pre register the coach boats before their security checking to enter the venue?
17 Jul; 12;
Answer: No, However coach boats must be registered at the Sport information Desk prior to the first time they go afloat to coach.
73 n/a
3 Jul; 12;
Question: Can we apply for TVP from July 17?
17 Jul; 12;
Answer: Training Venue Passes will apply from 16 July to 12 August. If you wish to apply for a TVP for 16 July you can do so by emailing the details to by 1500 GMT on 15 July 2012.
72 n/a
29 Jun; 12;
Question: Are there any lockers provided where we can strore wetsuits, tools etc overnight so we do not needto carry these tthrough security on a daily basis
17 Jul; 12;
Answer: Lockers will be available (one per NOC) for storage of small items. To access a key, teams will need to leave a credit card deposit at the Sport Ionformation Desk
71 n/a
10 Jul; 12;
Question: Who is the supplier of the Laser Standard and Laser Radial sails, Hyde or North?
14 Jul; 12;
Answer: The supplier of the Laser Standard and Radial Sail is North Sails
70 n/a
25 Jun; 12;
Question: The IOC late athlete replacement policy states that replacements by exception may be possible between 9 July and the Technical Meeting for Sailing. When is the Technical Meeting for Sailing?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: The Technical Meeting for Sailing will be at 12 noon on 26 July.
69 n/a
22 Jun; 12;
Question: The three letter NOC code shall be clearly displayed on both sides of the boat - can it be on both sides of the engine?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes the NOC code can be displayed on the engine.
68 n/a
22 Jun; 12;
Question: After the end of racing of one event and before August 13th, can we take equipment not in containers (motor boats, sailing boats or other equipment) out of the venue by land or sea?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Teams will be able to remove coach boats from the water as events finish, they will not have to wait until the end of competition. Teams should make a "request to depart" at the Sport Information Desk (at least 12 hours prior to your departure). You will be given a time slot (which will be after 8pm). There will be no facility for storing boats that have been removed from the water so teams would be encouraged to depart immediately after the boat has been removed.
67 n/a
21 Jun; 12;
Question: In accordance with EIR 6.3 and as permitted by Laser Class Rule 17(a), is it permitted to change the Organising Authority supplied toe strap for one supplied by the Athlete, provided it conforms with the Class Rules? If the answer is YES, will written approval from the EIC be required in order to comply with EIR 6.6?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to the revised answer to Q35 above
66 n/a
19 Jun; 12;
Question: Is it acceptable of a 470 arrives in venue in the team container?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes, this is acceptable. As long as it is only the competition boat and not any training boats.
65 n/a
19 Jun; 01;
Question: Can you publish a list of re-allocated unused IF quota places which was confirmed on 18 June?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: The final list of nations entered in the London 2012 Sailing Competition can be found on the ISAF website[12579].pdf
64 n/a
12 Jun; 12;
Question: Provisional course assignment 470 Women â
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: The provisional schedule for 470 Women on 5 August is that they will sail their first race on Weymouth Bay West after the 49er races, then move to the Nothe course for a second race, which will take place after the Finn medal race.
63 n/a
12 Jun; 12;
Question: During the soft opening (July 9 - 14) can we take some items from the containers to the athlete village rooms allocated
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes you can but any bags would be subject to screening when you bring them into the Olympic Sailing Village.
62 n/a
12 Jun; 12;
Question: Can we bring in athlete packed lunches from outside the competition venue to the container park/coach boats?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes you can - sealed bottles of all beverages, food items and liquids, aerosols and gels up to a maximum of 5 litres per person
61 n/a
12 Jun; 12;
Question: Can we load some mineral waters, athlete supplement food, drink in the container which is bringing in between 2 - 4 July Should we remove all the advertising from these foods as well? Can you tell us the name of the mineral water supplier for the Olympic Games.
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes you can load water and athlete supplement food into your container. All these items must comply with IOC rule 50.
60 n/a
12 Jun; 12;
Question: Can we bring in some clothes bags, equipment from the athlete village to the empty container yard for shipping back to Japan
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Yes you can but any bags would be subject to screening when you bring then into the Weymouth and Portland Sailing Venue. Please liaise with Tony Doyle regarding the loading of empty containers.
59 n/a
12 Jun; 12;
Question: Can Laser, Radial and RSX bring in their training sails, masts and foils to the venue and use them up to the measurement
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to Notice of Race 14.1.4
58 n/a
14 Jun; 12;
Question: On behalf of the argentine Federation we need to know how many TVP"s for yachting we can have per day in Weymouth.
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: You will be able to apply for one Training Venue Pass (TVP) per day per NOC which will gain the holder access to the Weymouth and Portland Sailing Venue. Please contact your NOC for information on TVPs as communicated in an email to Team Leaders on 23 April 2012.
57 n/a
7 Jun; 12;
Question: On Women"s Match Race practice days will there be an official boat waiting on the water if necessary and will this boat be available for placement of bags/gear as well as maybe coach while we are racing? If there is a boat where will it be located?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: There will not be an official boat for kit/gear storage on practice days.
56 n/a
7 Jun; 12;
Question: Official practice for Women"s Match Race is scheduled to be 26 & 28 July. Are teams allowed to race all day as fit best or only during specific time slots?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Boats will be available for a 3 hour practice per team during each of these days. Time slots will be posted on the Official Noticeboard at the Weymouth and Portland Sailing Venue on 16 July. Teams will collect and return their boats to the pontoons. Practice Races will be run on 28 July from 2pm for 2 hours
55 n/a
6 Jun; 12;
Question: If Laser spars are bent during the regatta what is the procedure to have them replaced?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to section 6.5 of Equipment Inspection Regulations.
54 n/a
6 Jun; 12;
Question: Which kind of centre board friction pad is supplied in the laser, the white one or the newer blue type one?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: The friction rubber is a white PU moulding that has a secondary Blue outer moulding. It is the latest design. Product Code 91538.
53 n/a
6 Jun; 12;
Question: Can you remove parts of, or the whole mainsheet cleat in the laser?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to section 6.6 of Equipment Inspection Regulation 6.6.
52 n/a
6 Jun; 12;
Question: Which padded toestrap is supplied with the laser? Can you replace the supplied one with your own?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to the revised answer to Q35 above
51 n/a
6 Jun; 12;
Question: During the Olympic Regatta, i.e. after 27 July, may sailors train on the Olympic waters using Olympic equipment when they are not racing, if so what are the restrictions?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: When the Competition Areas are secured and open to Olympic traffic, non racing athletes and their coaches may train on the Olympic waters using Olympic equipment, providing they avoid areas where racing is scheduled and keep at least 150 metres away from any boat racing. The Competition Areas will be secured by security personnel and opened to Olympic traffic each morning normally from around 1000h. When all racing is finished and or if racing is abandoned for the day, the Competition Areas will be closed to Olympic traffic and released back to the public.
50 n/a
6 Jun; 12;
Question: Are Blue trimlines on the mainsail (470) allowed?
9 Jul; 12;
Answer: Please refer to section 3.2 of the Notice of Race 3.2.
49 n/a
5 Jun; 12;
Question: Are there any general transport restrictions during the Olympic games, or transport plans that the NZL team need to adhere to?
25 Jun; 12;
Answer: There will be various road closures and restrictions around Weymouth and Portland during the Olympic Games. Details of these can be obtained form Dorset Council
48 n/a
5 Jun; 12;
Question: How close can cars & bikes park to venue, who do not have official parking passes?
25 Jun; 12;
Answer: Local streets will have parking restrictions to allow free flow to Weymouth and Portland Sailing Venue and Olympic Sailing Village, however both venue and village have athlete and team official bike parking.
47 n/a
5 Jun; 12;
Question: Will the Rodwell trail be open for cycling and walking during the Olympics? â
25 Jun; 12;
Answer: The Rodwell Trail is a public cycleway/footpath if you wish to confirm whether the trail will be open for the period of the Olympic Games please contact The Friends of Rodwell Trail on 00 44 1305 838297
46 n/a
3 Jun; 12;
Question: We are planning to hire a car/van do we have to have it registered to get in or around the village?
25 Jun; 12;
Answer: Teams will need a VAPP to park in the parking area dedicated to team vehicles. VAPPs are obtained via your NOC.
45 n/a
3 Jun; 12;
Question: Are we allowed to bring in our own equipment(laser) and train with them instead of the given equipment after the venue opens ?
25 Jun; 12;
Answer: Please refer to 14 Supplied Equipment and 8 schedule from the NoR to understand equipment issue and any additional equipment allowed.
44 n/a
3 Jun; 12;
Question: The venue opens up on July 16th and we get our equipment on the 17th. Are we allowed to stay in the village starting on from the 16th of July? Or do we have to stay somewhere else?
25 Jun; 12;
Answer: The Olympic Sailing Village opens on 16th July 2012 at 0900h. Athletes and Team Officials will only be able to access the Village and venue once their NOC has completed their Delegate Registration Meeting (DRM). So if your DRM has been completed then you may stay in the Olympic Sailing Village on the 16 July.
43 n/a
29 May; 12;
Question: Will be guest pass to Olympic village generally . We know that NO day passes. Or TPA give possibility to visit ol. village too ? (even TPA will issue and receive at ol.village"s point).
25 Jun; 12;
Answer: Only Guest Passes will allow access to the Olympic Villages.
42 n/a
29 May; 12;
Question: we have limited number of accreditations for coaches (that is a problem of NOC), 7 events and 4 coach boats only. Doctor , due to this info will be at Weymouth ,but without accreditation (TPA -may be for her some times). Will be a medicine centre at Olympic Village at Sailing Olympic village ? And how the Doctor of the team may get access to medicine centre in case sailors need assistance ?
25 Jun; 12;
Answer: Yes, there is a Polyclinic in the Olympic Sailing Village. Each NOC has a Guest Pass quota for unaccredited people to be able to access the Olympic Villages they have athletes and team officials staying at. Please refer to your NOC.
41 n/a
29 May; 12;
Question: May we have a sparring sailors, who will stay not at the venue, but at the nearest clubs, and sailing from there, can training together with Olympian sailor prior July, 28 or not ? please, tell me this, because Our Federation are planning have a sparring from 16th July till 27 July, and looking where they can keep a own boars during training period.
25 Jun; 12;
Answer: Training partners may train on the water with Olympic Sailors in the period 16 - 27 July however they will not be allowed access to the Weymouth & Portland Sailing Venue (from Land or Sea). Boats belonging to training partners will need to be stored at alternative places as they will not be allowed to store them at the Weymouth & Portland Sailing Venue. A list of alternative storage locations was circulated to Team Leaders in May.
40 n/a
24 May; 12;
Question: Is there a specific guideline that competitors need to adhere to, or any Personal Floatation Device is sufficient?
21 Jun; 12;
Answer: Specification is detailed in 2.4 of the Equipment Inspection regulations
39 n/a
21 May; 12;
Question: Do the Go Pro cameras being used at the Olympics have audio?
21 Jun; 12;
Answer: The fixed cameras on the boats being used during the Olympic Games will detect audio. There are no cameras on the marks however there are audio devices.
38 n/a
18 May; 12;
Question: You know what benefits give´s the tickets for family, with this tickets can you see the athletes in the club ?? you know how can the athletes get the tickets for spectators area?? That must be doing by the NOC or in the Village in London??
21 Jun; 12;
Answer: Tickets obtained through the Athlete Friends and Family scheme do not gain spectators access to the village, they are only for the Nothe spectator area. Same Sport Athlete tickets will be available for the Sailing athletes to spectate will be available at the Olympic Sailing Village.
37 n/a
17 Jul; 12;
Question: Our sailors train before the Olympic Games with their own equipment (Laser, Laser Radial and RS:X) in Weymouth. At the RFI it says that these equipments are not allowed on the venue. During the period of the Games it would be great if they could be stored on the trailers. During this period we would not "touch" the equipment but it would be great to could leave it on a safe place. Would this be possible? If not, is there another place where we can store this boats?
21 Jun; 12;
Answer: Sailors own Laser/Radial/RSX"s can not be stored on trailers in the trailer park as this is within the Weymouth and Portland Sailing Venue. We have produced a list of possible storage facilities close to Weymouth and Portland Sailing Venue which was sent to Team Leaders in May.
36 n/a
15 May; 12;
Question: Can we bring in trailers from the trailer park into the venue before the end of the regatta to get a coach boat out of the water. This is needed for early finished classes. If yes, the following 2 questions follow: After getting the boat out and packing the transport can we get it out of venue (and bring it back to Holland) before the end of the regatta? After getting the boat out and packing the transport can we store the transport back into the trailer park? if no, can we get the trailer out of the trailer park and take it out of the venue to get the coach boat out somewhere else before the end of the regatta?
21 Jun; 12;
Answer: Teams will be able to remove coach boats from the water as events finish, they will not have to wait until the end of competition. Teams should make a "request to depart" at the Sport Information Desk (at least 12 hours prior to your departure). You will be given a time slot (which will be after 8pm). There will be no facility for storing boats that have been removed from the water so teams would be encouraged to depart immediately after the boat has been removed.
35 n/a
16 May; 12;
Question: Will it be possible to change the hiking strap of the Laser class in the Olympic regatta. If change of the hiking strap is not possible, what kind of hiking strap will be used during the Olympic regatta?
21 Jun; 12;
Answer: As per the final Equipment Inspection Regulations the toe strap (hiking strap) is supplied and you are only permitted to change the cord/elastic. The actual strap being used at the Olympic Games is the LASER XD strap - product code 1608HK.
Revised Answer (5 July 2012):
EIR 6.3 does permit the Athlete to change the Organising Authority supplied toe strap in accordance with Laser Class Rule 17(a). For this item written approval from the EIC is required to comply with EIR 6.6, this can be obtained at the time of Equipment Inspection. For information the strap being supplied at the Olympic Games is the LASER XD strap - product code 1608HK
34 n/a
11 May; 12;
Question: What plans are in place for monitoring the weather forecasts for Weymouth and Portland during the games
21 Jun; 12;
Answer: The Met Office will be providing a Meteorological Forecast for teams which will be issued at the daily team leaders meeting. This will also be published on the Official Noticeboard.
33 n/a
30 Apr; 12;
Question: Can we deliver our container on the 17 July?
21 Jun; 12;
Answer: No, containers can only arrive at the Weymouth and Portland Sailing Venue between 2 -5 July.
32 n/a
16 Apr; 12;
Question: Will there be a set time for the price giving after each Medal race or will this be asap after racing? If there is a set time, do you already know the time
14 May; 12;
Answer: Medal Ceremonies will be at 1800h with the exception of the Women"s Match Racing, the time of which is still to be confirmed. Where there are two medal races in a day, the ceremonies will directly follow each other.
31 n/a
12 Apr; 12;
Question: We understand that there is going to be a lock down at the Weymouth Marina from July 1st and 15th. Our question is if the racing area in the water will also be in lock down, or if our athletes will be able to have training sessions during that period launching from a different location
14 May; 12;
Answer: There are no restrictions on the water prior to 28 July although access will need to be from an alternate location to the Weymouth & Portland Sailing Academy. Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy is locked down to teams from 30 June and Portland Marina is locked down to teams on 13 July (keelboat access only)
30 n/a
12 Apr; 12;
Question: Can we bring our own Laser, Radial and RSX into the venue on 16 July 2012?
14 May; 12;
Answer: You may only bring Olympic equipment into the Venue. Therefore no Laser, Radial or RSX hulls/boards will be allowed on venue
29 n/a
12 Apr; 12;
Question: Our sailor would like to ask if she is allowed to bring her RIB to the venue by water
14 May; 12;
Answer: Yes, If it fits with the following criteria: It will be an accredited rib for coaching purposes during the Games. The arrival time is booked so that an appropriate search can be carried out without causing long delays. The driver of the rib has the necessary accreditation to bring it to the Venue
28 n/a
10 Apr; 12;
Question: Can you please advise if the attached stickers are suitable for using on the side of the hulls of our RIBS for the Olympic (& Paralympic) Games, as per the coach boat regulations? They will meet the minimum size requirements outlined in the regulations. The attached is what our NOC would like us to use, as it is consistent with the stickers etc used by other sports.
14 May; 12;
Answer: Only the standard NOC three letter code will be permitted on stickers on Coach Boats. No other logo/design will be permitted.
27 n/a
20 Mar; 12;
Question: When can empty containers be delivered to the Venue for the packing of equipment at the end of racing? Will these empty containers be in the container park or elsewhere in the Venue?
14 May; 12;
Answer: Empty containers can be brought into the Venue towards the end of the Olympic competition period by appointment only. Please contact Tony Doyle to make the necessary arrangements. These containers must be empty upon arrival.
26 n/a
20 Mar; 12;
Question: Once Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy closes to Teams on 30th June, is it possible to store equipment (in or out of containers) in the car park out the front of the Venue, until they can be entered into the Venue?
14 May; 12;
Answer: It is not possible for any equipment that is not safely stored inside a container to be left in the area that will become the Weymouth and Portland Sailing Venue. This includes all the land surrounding the Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy and the Portland Marina. The reason for this is because LOCOG, Portland Marina and the Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy cannot accept responsibility for the safety or security of your Olympic equipment. Teams who have a contract with Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy may leave equipment (only if it is safely stored inside a container) between June 30 and July 2 when we will bump in the container. Additional containers are by arrangement with Tony Doyle. Further Equipment Arrival Guidance will be published shortly.
25 n/a
20 Mar; 12;
Question: What is the earliest date that equipment not in containers (e.g. motor boats, competitor boats) can enter the Venue, by land or by sea? Can it be done during the period 9th to 13th July when we can have two accredited officials in the Venue?
12 Apr; 12;
Answer: The earliest date equipment not in containers may enter the venue is Monday 16 July 2012.
24 n/a
20 Mar; 12;
Question: Is it possible to train from the Venue between the 16th and 27th July in our own E6 boats?
12 Apr; 12;
Answer: Unfortunately you are not allowed to bring in Elliots to train on prior to the first official practice day
23 n/a
9 Mar; 12;
Question: We would also like to know what the possibilities are with a trailer. We have a closed trailer from our 470 team where all team gear is in. We always have this trailer on site when we are at races. We would really like to have that trailer as close as possible to the site. What is possible?
12 Apr; 12;
Answer: All trailers, including those adapted for use for storage purposes, will be parked in the trailer park and will not be accessible to Teams once they have had their contents unloaded upon arrival at the Venue. Teams are reminded that trailers should be unloaded and will be moved to the trailer park as soon as possible upon arrival to avoid congestion on the Venue.
22 n/a
2 Mar; 12;
Question: Will the Olympics be the same as the pre Olympics last year, whereby teams will have 2 container spaces each? If this is correct, can we: 1. Utilise 1 40â
12 Apr; 12;
Answer: You are allowed the two container spaces as long as you enter the correct amount of events. Your question regarding the tent structure is covered in "The London 2012 Olympic Sailing Competition Equipment Arrival Guidance" and states that: â
21 n/a
1 Mar; 12;
Question: We need 2 or 3 containers to take boats back to Japan after the sailing event.  Can I arrange those containers to come to the venue on  August 10?  I can not book those containers and bring in before July 5
12 Apr; 12;
Answer: Please resolve this directly with Tony Doyle, Container Park Manager. Email:
20 n/a
1 Mar; 12;
Question: We also have to leave the basic container logo, numbers, etc, on the door side.  but they are small enough and only in one place, is this a problem?
12 Apr; 12;
Answer: All logos on containers will need to be covered. However it is acceptable for the numbers to remain visible.
19 n/a
1 Mar; 12;
Question: Are there any restriction on the numbers of National flags/Country code stickers we can have on the outside of the container?
12 Apr; 12;
Answer: There are no restrictions on the number of flags/Country code stickers on containers as long as it complies with rule 50 of the IOC Charter.
18 n/a
29 Feb; 12;
Question: Can we take in either 1 or 2 Elliot 6/s into the Olympic Sailing venue to train for the period 16/7 to 25/7, before the first practice day with Olympic supplied boats on 26/7?
12 Apr; 12;
Answer: Unfortunately you are not allowed to bring in Elliots to train on prior to the first official practice day
17 n/a
22 Feb; 12;
Question: Can we leave our boats and RIBS at the venue after Skandia Sail for Gold 2012?
12 Apr; 12;
Answer: We do not own the venue and so cannot authorise this activity. LOCOG can allow containers onto the site from July 2 but any boats cannot be used until the venue opens on July 16th. Unless boats/equipment are securely fastened in a container they may not be left on site during this period.
16 n/a
15 Feb; 12;
Question: In the notice of race the 27th and 28th of July are scheduled for the 49er measuring. Will you try to avoid a conflict between the measurement and the Opening Ceremony in London? Please be aware that athletes need to be in the London Olympic Village at 6 pm which means they need to leave Weymouth at around 01.00 pm.
12 Apr; 12;
Answer: ISAF are currently considering the measurement schedule in relation to the opening ceremony in order to allow athletes to complete Measurement and attend the Opening Ceremony. ISAF will not publish the full schedule until after the last qualification event has taken place.
15 n/a
2 Feb; 12;
Question: Are the Coach Boat Regulations and Equipment Inspection Regulations ready yet?
10 Feb; 12;
Answer: The Draft Coach Boat Regulations and Equipment Inspection Regulations will be published by the end of February 2012. This updates the answer to No 10.
14 n/a
20 Jan; 12;
Question: We would like to know dimensions, weight and position on each boat *(class) of the on-board cameras.
6 Feb; 12;
Answer: Dimensions and positions of the on-board cameras will be detailed in the Equipment Inspection Regulations when published.
13 n/a
26 Dec; 11;
Question: It was not possible to use a radio during the Test Event, but at the same time all RIBs have to have a radio (fixed on a boat). How is it possible to use a private channel being on the water?
6 Feb; 12;
Answer: 1. RIBS will have to have a radio on board for emergency use (to be confirmed in the Coach Boat Regulations when published). 2. For additional private radio channel approval (for use in training and on shore) then please contact your NOC for the approval process.
12 n/a
22 Dec; 11;
Question: In our meeting with LOCOG Reps in Perth we were told to send details on the number of containers we will have in Weymouth. Can you please clarify specifically what information you will need and by when?
6 Feb; 12;
Answer: The specific information we require is: 1) Number of containers? 2) What size are they? 3) Do they require power? 4) Will you require hired containers? 5) Will your container need to stay on for the Paralympics? This provisional information is required by 29th Feb 2012 with final confirmation after the last Olympic Qualifying Regatta in May 2012.
11 n/a
14 Nov; 11;
Question: Are we allowed to bring 2 x 20ft containers to the Olympic Marina for the 2012 Games? Earlier we informed you that we would be bringing 1 x 40ft container.
9 Dec; 11;
Answer: No. Teams participating in 1 - 5 events are allowed one container. Teams participating in 6 - 10 events are allowed two containers. A container is either 20ft or 40 ft. You cannot substitute one 40ft container for two 20ft containers.
10 n/a
11 Nov; 11;
Question: Can you advise as to when the Coaches Regulations will be published?
9 Dec; 11;
Answer: It is our intention to publish Draft Coach Boat Regulations & Draft Equipment Inspection Regulations at the end of January 2012.
9 n/a
2 Nov; 11;
Question: Could you please indicate Measurement schedule for 2012 Olympics. The main reason being is if we need to build in lead times and/or contingencies if we have issues with measurement.
9 Dec; 11;
Answer: The equipment inspection dates (by event) will be published with the Notice of Race. It is unlikely that the equipment inspection schedule (stating specific dates and times) will be available before June 2012.
8 n/a
31 Oct; 11;
Question: Can we please have a copy of the Games Competition Schedule?
7 Nov; 11;
Answer: The daily competition schedule will be included in the Notice of Race that will be published by the end of November. The provisional allocation of races to courses will be published by the end of March.
7 n/a
28 Oct; 11;
Question: Can you supply a Nothe Course schedule?
7 Nov; 11;
Answer: The daily competition schedule will be included in the Notice of Race that will be published by the end of November. The provisional allocation of races to courses will be published by the end of March.
6 n/a
18 Oct; 11;
Question: For the Olympics, the equipment for RSX, Laser, Radial and Elliot will be supplied. Can you give us the date when equipment will be handed out?
7 Nov; 11;
Answer: Supplied equipment will be given out from 17th Jul2012. Exact dates will be defined in the Notice of Race when published.
5 n/a
22 Jun; 11;
Question: Can you use weather gear/instruments for the Weymouth & Portland International Regatta 2011 and 2012 Olympic Games?
7 Nov; 11;
Answer: This will be defined in the Coach Boat Regulations when they are published.
4 n/a
22 Jun; 11;
Question: It is YNZ understanding that all coaches can use VHFâ
7 Nov; 11;
Answer: This will be defined in the Coach Boat Regulations when they are published.
3 n/a
27 Mar; 11;
Question: Will the country flags we are using on our mainsails at present provided by grapefruit graphics from the UK be used next year at the Olympics?
7 Nov; 11;
Answer: The Organising Committee will provide flags for all boats. Assume 49ers should arrive with clean sails. This will be defined in the Equipment Inspection Regulations when published.
2 n/a
4 Oct; 11;
Question: During the lockdown period in July 2012, will there be restricted areas on the water in the inner harbour and the outer harbour? We have some options for accessing the water during this period, but either of these will require sailing through the inner and outer harbour to the breakwall to get to the outside courses. And we want to make sure we will be able to do this before we commit to the venues.
7 Nov; 11;
Answer: There will only be restrictions on access to the course areas during the competition period 28 July - 12 August inclusive. It is likely that boats sailing from the Venue after the official opening on 16 July will be restricted to the Olympic sailing area (including all 5 course areas) to support the security arrangements during the training period. Prior to 28 July, it is anticipated that coach or tune up partners operating outside the venue would also have access to course areas. LOCOG do not expect any teams to be able to use the facilities of the WPNSA from 1 July - 15 July inclusive for either storage or launching of boats. As formal guidelines are developed they will be published on the ISAF website. General Weymouth guidelines will be published on the Portland Harbour Authority website.
1 n/a
29 Sep; 11;
Question: Can we take boats out of the venue for serious repairs?
7 Nov; 11;
Answer: This will be defined in the Equipment Inspection Regulations when they are published.
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